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The best X to stay safe on X is to stop using X. Seriously, how many "final straws" are necessary before we all realize the place isn't worth visiting anymore? The spicy memes no longer justify the many, many flaws and risks.


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the majority of the attendees voicing support did not have children in the district’s schools, and most were not residents of the area, according to the Times.

As they're fighting culture wars at other people's expenses, on the behalf of their political side, which will not care nor protect them as they think. In which word is it acceptable that a complete stranger has a say in an institution in which they won't ever take part in?

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People who use biology as an excuse to hate on people have no grasp on how biology even works. You should know that gender disphoria, gender transitions and other genders as well come in fact with small noticeable differences, such as the way the brain is wired and even the many mechanisms inside your body. Unfortunately, such differences are not noticeable right off the bat. But they exist. Also FFS, she could have just enjoyed her harry potter money, maybe she could go silent after the first tweet but come on! There'se no reason to go any further, no reason. She now dwells with the likes of her conservative friends - She's no victim. There's more money there than many of us could see in a lifetime. She actually has too much -

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We are reaching the phase where ai is de facto a magic spell to be cast on reality, and ai startup are hyping this up. That and taking pics of stranger's genitals is a dick move.

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It was supposed to be a troll post from 4chan, but they actually used it for that afterwards, so yes, we are looking at the evolution of dog whistles and the blurred lines of hate speech on the internet.

Completely different cases, questionable comparison;

  • social media are the biggest cultural industry at the moment, albeit a silent and unnoticed one. Cultural industries like this are means of propaganda, information and socilalization, all of which is impactful and heavily personal and personalised for everyone's opinion.

  • thus the role of such an impactul business is huge and can move opinions and whole movements, the choices that people takes are driven by their media consumption and communities they take part in.

  • In other words, policy, algorhitms, GUI are all factors that drive the users to engage in speific ways with harmful content.

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Just you wait, we have trans and cis molecules and chemical compunds.

I noticed since at least a couple of years a pervasive and ever more widespread campaign against representation and lgbtq rights, and the early phase passed through apparently meaningless but popular thing like pop culture and gaming, including the social media sphere at large.

But this time, they're aiming for a much larger political action, and their tools aren't the ones of entertainment media but those of traditional values. They appeal to things they know for being popular and still largely followed, like religions and whatever moves around it.

The trend is clearly there, before our very eyes, and yet we still don't take action. I don't know if I have such a strong identity, you know, and for this exact reason I don't want to see this much people suffer. On top of a political crisis this is an empathy one too, IMHO.

Large parts of the Israeli public want a deal, fearing that hostages are held in poor conditions and time is running out to bring them home alive.

Are they even thinking at their own people themselves? It seems to me they want the total destruction of gaza, including the hostages cought in these massive operations.

As for the last question, yes the murring and the tail thingy aren't forbidden, to be clear.

Belgium-based NCAP says that purely digital controls are a potential safety issue. "What we now see is we have more and more ... crashes where people are having collisions because they're being distracted," said Matthew Avery, NCAP's director of strategic development. That matters because fatal car accidents are on the rise in the EU. More than 20,000 people died on the roads in 2022, a 4 percent increase over 2021. The bloc wants to halve the number of road deaths by 2030, with the goal of zero fatalities by 2050. Moreover, if the displays don't have tactile feedback, drivers can be distracted by having to poke at the screen — unsure if the controls are registering. "The problem with touchscreens is that there is inherently a lag in them, and more importantly, there is no haptic feedback," car interiors become increasingly high-tech, the different systems are starting to diverge. Gone are the days of getting into a car and immediately knowing where all the controls are; nowadays drivers have to adjust to each new car. the illumination from the screen diminishes the ability to see down dark road[s] because pupils normally adjust when [cars] have more light inside and [the] instrument panel and touchscreen causes an additional amount of light in the car, therefore diminishing nighttime vision," Carmakers like Tesla which rely heavily on new tech will have to decide if NCAP's five-star rating is worth reversing its interior design

Side note: touch screen are a gimmick not a new technology. the scale you have at the mall has a touch screen and has had one since the 90's. These touch screens are used in specific locations and settings to manage complex ui, with a lower maintenance cost and the chance to keep a device running for longer with a simple os update. Most touchscreen are, believe it or not, still resistive, as they have a strong feedback and they work across most temperature ranges. Most touchscreens are added to static tools like lab tools or workstations like lifts, scales, and so on. At no point they added resistive touchscreen in cars when the tech was new. Wanna know why? Touchscreens suck. Than the Iphone came and brought us here. Now we think that touchscreens are futuristic and fancy. Not, they aren't. Star wars and even Star trek had all physical control with full sets of buttons for the management of the ship. If a starship that you always liked had physical buttons why shouldn't your car have that design?

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What they didn't see in doing so was that the core content of the site was curated mostly by people who used either old reddit or third party apps. Modding would be unnecessarily annoying without them. The content is, in fact, way worse than it used be, more importantly bots are in the open and with no counter. You can track the amount if reposts. As for mods they can be as toxic as ever, posting on reddit is hard unless you follow small subs or generic ones that let you post whatever. The site itself is the opposite of user friendly: they wanted to be an alternative to all other social media ever...but instagram, tiktok, youtube, even that deranged thing known as x, let you post peacefully amd without too many restrictions. Reddit...forget about it.

Again, no such a thing as a neutral space or platform, case in point, reddit with its gated communities and the lack of control over what people does with the platform is in fact creating safe spaces for these kind of things. This may not be inentional, but it ultimately leads towards the radicalization of many people, it's a design choice followed by the internal policy of the admins who can decide to let these communities be on one of the mainstream websites. If you're unsure about what to think, delving deep into these subreddits has the effect of radicalising you, whereas in a normal space you wouldn't be able o do it as easily. Since this counts as engagement, reddit can suggest similar forums, leading via algorhitms to a path of radicalisation. This is why a site that claims to be neutra is't truly neutral.

This is an example of alt-right pipeline that reddit succesfully mastered:

The alt-right pipeline (also called the alt-right rabbit hole) is a proposed conceptual model regarding internet radicalization toward the alt-right movement. It describes a phenomenon in which consuming provocative right-wing political content, such as antifeminist or anti-SJW ideas, gradually increases exposure to the alt-right or similar far-right politics. It posits that this interaction takes place due to the interconnected nature of political commentators and online communities, allowing members of one audience or community to discover more extreme groups (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alt-right_pipeline)

And yet you keep comparing cultural and media consumption to a physical infrastructure, which is regulated as to prevent what you mentioned, an unsafe management of the terrain for instace. So taking your examples as you wanted, you may just prove that regulations can in fact exist and private companies or citizens are supposed to follow them. Since social media started to use personalisation and predictive algorhitms, they also behave as editors, handling and selecting the content that users see. Why woul they not be partly responsible based on your argument?

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My experience tells me that gpt is only good if a trained professional is behind the screen. If you fire a technician or a professional and fully replace it with GPT, it'll be on you to see how much it backfires

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A man by his name existed. But remember we're talking about middle east, some 2000 years ago.

But wait a second, there is also this:

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Madonna Among christians, the cult of dark skinned Mary statues existed long before conservative american christians were a thing. I have seen a couple of these statue and you can see them immediately. Important, notable, detailed and often precious. They sit in their niche, silent.

Another suggestion is that dark-skinned representations of pre-Christian deities were re-envisioned as the Madonna and child.[3]

I think the whiteness is often associated with purity, but in many cases that isn't the whiteness of the skin colour (see the aformentioned examples). Even in the mediterranean are as a whole skin tones can be varied, often confusing the american representation of what is black and white.

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Protecting life uh, protecting life my ass. A virus has better chances at respecting life than these things...

Or maybe just reading any text on your TV ever. Say you use an epub reader on your screen because you like reading rhat way. Do these corpo guys even think this will make ads any more effective and likable? The opposite! I've been avoid ads ever more and any time I see a new technology to bring ads in any context I leave a little middle finger behind.

But is Israel giving any reason to keep a peaceful behaviour in the region? They have more than a choice, and they chose the worst one yet.

So, do you think Hamas is going to disappear after leveling whole cities? Or thar they need a specific general to land succesful attacks? Neither of those. They need hatred and a general idea of an enemy. And they're giving them both.

Secondly, Hamas is a loosely organized movement with multiple faces, they can afford terrorist attacks without harming their reputation, but Israel is a democratic state, they can't do what Hamas did without harming their relationship with other countries on the long run. They cam burn bridges whereas Hamas never had such bridged in the first place.

They need to move better if they want to survive as a state and as a democratic entity. Think before you act. The trace of destruction that they're leaving behind may have been, in fact, forseen and understood by Hamas.

I've been limiting my AI use ever more because of that, and I found out that AI isn't as necessary as they want us to believe. In fact, the downsides may be more than that small productivity boost we're gaining, in terms of rights to clear and verifiable informations and in terms of manipulative tactics and uses made possible by that.

The trump effect. Instead of misremembering shit fron your childhood you completely delete from your mind the past crimes of a certain individual.

It's just an alert() function thrown at you. Whatever it says, it is not enforceable as it is not a contract. But It's annoying

Ironically I thought AI would be used by smaller teams or even single users like me to brainstorm or get new ideas, but it us being shamelesslu used by croporations who could afford to pay a full team of artists and still gain a lot of money, while indipendent artists and creators just refuse to use it up to that extent.

I may not like nuclear, but if we want to decarbonise we need some more of it. Maybe before phasing out older and unsafe plants, we can start to build a new one in its place? I don't know this is not my field

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I'm having cleverbot flashback here and let me tell you they're weird. If you remember it was cleverbot which would start the whole deal. The internet did things to that chatbot alright.

I think we can move past this while fighting actual antisemitism, which may be on the rise for all I know.

Go with 12ft dot io. Works with this one alright. I don't think it worked with the Nyt tho.

It's a dark rock...for reasons I have lumps of coal embedded in the concrete of the basement


I have no idea how they got there. Probably the coal used when they wete pouring the concrete left there. Again, no idea

The ingredient is an adblock like Ublock, bur some browsers have native adblocker or privacy settings that are enought for that. Recipe Sites are notoriously terrible.

Landry later drafted a “Protecting Innocence” report on libraries and supported legislation to restrict minors’ access to certain library materials

Dude read the Bible and tell me if it'd allowed in this context. I say it wouldn't. As someone with a religious background - mildly so, as I am a lazy fuck - I know that book has depictions that could at least have an impact on a kid's mind. The book they'd be banning and the librarians they'd threaten with jail time (up to 2 years, according to one of the drafts) are probably offering much milder content than that.

Secondly: banned books have a charm that can't be compared. People like to read banned books, especiallu young readers. Minf your actions anyone, we are not in charge of other's literary choices.


Lunsford described the American Library Association as a “Marxist” organization out to fundamentally change U.S. society.

Do the even know what that term means, geese study some more please.

For a limited amount of time and according to the thermic treatement. Pasteurised milk and dairy should be refrigereated. Similarly, cheese must be set at ~4-8°C temperature range. Also in the EU cheese can be made with regular milk as long as it is processed accordinfly, with many exceptions (there's abound to be thousands of cheeses in the EU). Sterilised milk (121°C treatement) is labeled as UHT (ultra high temperature) can instead be conserved just fine, and can be used to make cheese if you add a starter microbe to the mix. Milk is frail, whenever it spoils, it smells like no other thing on earth. And it stinks the fridge worse than mercaptanes in a chemistry lab. You ever smelled mercaptanes? It's an experience

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What you readily described has, as a matter of fact, applications in medicine in thr field of epylexia ande depression treatements, currently in the form of complex electrical apparatus linked to specific areas of the brain. It is however quite an impactful surgical operation, and it requires a diagnosis for a hard to treat series of symptoms that cannot be dealt with otherwise. It is not exactly that kind of stimulation, more like a "turn on - off" certain neural pathways via electrostimulation, but it is a thing.

would neuarlink do that?

I don't think so as it is mostly a general purpose interface that has its main purpose in human - implant (machine) interaction. But there is a way to stimulate a specific nerve in such a way that you can turn into the personification of horniness itself, I haven't heard of that in a while tho.

I had to use firefox for a long time for it's the browser with the highest support across web pages and file formats, whereas chrome and edge will just stop working at times. Firefoxi is, as of 2024, one of the best choices.

Ahh the serial killer font handwriting, truly whimsical

Especially true for these overedited videos that have an intro, a random interruption in the middle asking you to sign in their patreon, a long explaination which goes around the issue without answering it. If I had to sign in every youtuber's patreon I'd be broke by now. I have stopped to use youtube as much as before, since video assays have to be about 40 - 1:30 hours long. Well when I had to discuss my dissertation I was given 15 minutes. Also whem I'm asked to present a powerpoint I have about 15 minutes to 20. Youtubers can take whatever they want to do it, apparently. But if you're talking for so long switch from an assay format to a documentary format please. That is the prooer way to handle it.

Also about this line:

Others, meanwhile, jumped to Murati's defense, arguing that if you've ever published anything to the internet, you should be perfectly fine with AI companies gobbling it up.

No I am not fine. When I wrote that stuff and those researches in old phpbb forums I did not do it with the knowledge of a future machine learning system eating it up without my consent. I never gave consent for that despite it being publicly available, because this would be a designation of use that wouldn't exist back than. Many other things are also publicly available, but some a re copyrighted, on the same basis: you can publish and share content upon conditions that are defined by the creator of the content. What's that, when I use zlibrary I am evil for pirating content but openai can do it just fine due to their huge wallets? Guess what, this will eventually creating a crisis of trust, a tragedy of the commons if you will when enough ai generated content will build the bulk of your future Internet search! Do we even want this?

It's not a bad format either, AI seem to enjoy the five paragraph assay format above all other even for casual conversations.

I can't get past the cookie notice and the phone - which is what I'm using now - is stuttering. Had to close the page.

slotted screws are all fun and games, but if they're ruined...you will never get them out. I coursed these screws. Eventually they got the dremel treatement.

Europe's city centers are friggin expensive, if you know what I'm talking about you know. The suburbs are usually fine, also some of the best paces ever are between the suburbs and the center. Locals in the old town will make you pay for the oxygen they have in

Honestly prior to the api protest I had somewhat good communications with mods, and by just following the only rule, which is behave, I got around some rule and had enough clarifications about them. The new mods that replaced them are a mess. Even the power mods of the past like that turtle person pale in comparison to what I've seen. They don't even know modding tools such as warnings, temporary bans. It's like touching a md account for the first time got them power hungry like never before.