Raven FellBlade

@Raven FellBlade@sh.itjust.works
0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Pioneer of the brave new frontier.

Oh, it's worse than that: these are the same people screaming and yelling about "indoctrination" for acknowledging that not everyone is heterosexual or cis-gendered.

Yeah, actually. This has completely derailed what has historically been a powerful platform for progressive and leftist movements going into a US election cycle. Same with Twitter. Meanwhile, the MAGA propaganda machine at Meta chugs along unfettered.

I can't see any other motivation. There is certainly no economic incentive to run either business as they have been, but running the companies into the ground as a means to control or destroy opposition communication platforms definitely makes sense.

Just deleted my Instagram account. I really want go delete Facebook and remove all things Meta from my life.

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They're dismantling everything that stands in their way now because the writing is on the wall for them in the long term politically and ideologically. They are losing, they only maintain power through gerrymandering and even that can't last forever.

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The First Lesson of Vivek: Where matters of state are concerned, one should always take the most reprehensible approach possible. It is paramount for all decisions to make as little sense and be as broadly harmful as possible, lest you be seen as weak. Everything one does must serve the bottom line of Owning the Libs, as the Nerevarine shall own Dagoth Ur.

Good. I despise Trump, and look forward to seeing him and all of his crooked cronies behind bars. However, nobody has any right to threaten or attempt to harm anyone. This imbecile deserves the full weight of the law just like all of these morons threatening the judges and prosecutors overseeing Trump's now numerous indictments.

Same. Only reason my account hasn't been deleted is so I can continue to purge anything that magically returns, which seems to be a lot so far. I delete comments, everything shows deleted, two days later see a response to a comment that shouldn't exist anymore.

I earnestly believed that quicksand was going to be a far more prevalent danger in my life than it has.

Zero... point... zero.

Yeah. 0.11% of shootings perpetrated by Trans people is so astonishing. Meanwhile, the 54% carried put by white Christian males we can just ignore, right?

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I think they're suggesting that Conservatives would want Obama thrown into an oubliette for life over just one of the crimes Trump has been indicted for, but believe Trump should get to walk. The hypocrisy is insane.

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C:\DOOM\DOOM.EXE Edit: Fixed wrong slashes because crappy Android keyboard was missing it. Swapped keyboard.

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I used Linux Mint for several years on a dual-boot laptop. I rarely found myself booting Windows. While there was a learning curve, Mint was fairly accessible out of the box and was generally a delight to use. Until it wasn't. At some point, the drivers for my video card updated, and just flat broke everything. And I can't really use a computer on which I can't see the desktop. I waited. And waited. A fix for the driver may have eventually come, but after awhile, booting into Windows just became my default, until eventually I just wiped the Linux partition to recover the storage space.

It was fun while it lasted, and I may choose one day to give it another go for the fourth time. This wasn't the first time I've had something like this happen. First time was with Fedora, and the second was Ubuntu. Each time, I had the same "it worked until it didn't" experience, and each time it stopped working was usually some kind of broken driver making my hardware incompatible.

I used Linux Mint for several years on a dual-boot laptop. I rarely found myself booting Windows. While there was a learning curve, Mint was fairly accessible out of the box and was generally a delight to use. Until it wasn't. At some point, the drivers for my video card updated, and just flat broke everything. And I can't really use a computer on which I can't see the desktop. I waited. And waited. A fix for the driver may have eventually come, but after awhile, booting into Windows just became my default, until eventually I just wiped the Linux partition to recover the storage space.

It was fun while it lasted, and I may choose one day to give it another go for the fourth time. This wasn't the first time I've had something like this happen. First time was with Fedora, and the second was Ubuntu. Each time, I had the same "it worked until it didn't" experience, and each time it stopped working was usually some kind of broken driver making my hardware incompatible.

Honestly, I feel like a lot of that was backlash to the insane number of Russians using cheats and hacks in Counter Strike, Ghost Recon, and Call of Duty. I played a lot around 2000-2010, and more often than not, if a match was ridiculously tilted, it was a Russian or Chinese player using wallhacks.

Blazing Saddles.

Yeah, it is truly terrifying how they've managed to hold onto as much power in government as they have considering that statistically they should have been rendered a nearly irrelevant minority 30 years ago. And yet, here we are.

Your comment misses the very important point that nobody who experienced this issue had the clairvoyance to screenshot their cleared profile on Day A to prove that their comments were restored on Day B, C, or D. You're expecting someone to have explicitly predicted that exact circumstance and deliberately documented it before it ever happened to them. That's like complaining to your neighbor they they can't prove the scratch wasn't already in their car door after they watch you hit it with your own.

I was super excited for my Transformers Legacy Skyquake to arrive today.

It didn't arrive, which is a bummer.

But I get to look forward to getting it tomorrow, and I'm still really excited for it!

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Here's my example: I subscribed to Paramount Plus explicitly for Star Trek content. The week I subscribed, they pulled all of the non-Abrams films. So I got to watching other stuff. Eventually, they brought all of the films back. Cool, right?

So I finally get around to Prodigy, a show made for Paramount Plus. Two episodes in, and it vanishes. No announcements or warnings that that show was just going to disappear. It's gone. Because "it wasn't popular enough". A show that only existed on that one platform was pulled off of that platform with absolutely no other legal way to view it. Content that I specifically signed up for that platform to see, and now I can't... legally. Yo ho, yo ho, me hardies.

The N64 was the only Nintendo console I skipped. I just couldn’t afford two consoles and the PlayStation was obviously a better choice, but I still kinda wish I had gotten to experience Ocarina and Majora's Mask when they were brand new and not years later on the GameCube. I played at my friend's houses, but just hated that controller. The Wavebird made it a bit more palatable, but it was still just too "avante garde" for its own good. Feels like I needed yo shove a mop handle in the expansion port and use it as a trident.

Are you saying this is 1) your preferred outcome, or 2) a dire prediction based on the current fascist trajectory of many nations?

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"Goodbye Horses" intensifies


Same. Almost every autist I know who has any interest in politics is very strongly leftist. It's the sense of justice and disdain for obvious bullshit, I suspect. At least it is for me.

And, to further your point, anything can be harmful if taken to excess, no matter how seemingly harmless, or even necessary. An excess of water consumption can be deadly. Somewhere along the way, certain substances were just chosen as immoral because humans seem to feel a deep seated need to both judge others, and control others.

Awwww, it's trying to form coherent thoughts! Keep trying, little buddy! Some day you might find two neurons to rub together!

Pretty sure this is a bot.

Vulture or Type-10 for me. Especially at T-10 with moar spoiler.

Fuck Yeah, Video Games: The Life and Extra Lives of a Professional Nerd by Daniel Hardcastle.

Among others, yes. Don't forget Ruzzia.

Go! Go! Rettsu go!

Shinku no Mafura!

Raida Janpu! Raida Kikku!

Kamen Raida, Kamen Raida, Raida Raida!

I can hear it in my head. Love that show!

It's not the communication that is being critiqued, it's the unsual leap of contextual logic made to connect Twitter to Emacs. The Enties don't follow it, because they can't see how the unusual comparison paired with a strong recommendation for Emacs could be anything other than an "ad", and not just an enthusiastic personal endorsement for a thing you're passionate about.

Edit: I never knew Emacs had a built-in IRC client! What a rad bit of software.

I tried it and it didn't work. I'm not sure if that's because I only have the final updated version of Sync Pro. I was really disappointed.

When I first saw that episode, I could never have imagined just how many people would adopt this mentality for the entirety of their political discourse.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I was almost done with the game before I realized you leveled up in camps and inns. Game went from really hard to pushover easy in 5 minutes.

Get the permit for Shinrarta Dezhra and go to Jameson Memorial. Every ship, weapon, and module all in one convenient location.

I know. The keyboard I have on Android lacks a backslash. I did just find it on the Samsung keyboard, though, so


My local Orpheum is $9 for adult tickets and includes a drink and a regular popcorn. $11 gets you a ticket, large drink, and large popcorn. Drink refills are $1. Both theaters have recliners, couches, and Love seats at the back. They're awesome! Though you have to show up quite early if you want a comfy seat.