
0 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

This was completely inevitable, I've seen one or two videos of 'pranks' and felt its only a matter of time before someone gets assaulted or shot, now the little shit has more viewers

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This dude can't talk about laziness he's got more chins than a Chinese phone book.

Trump losing his shit makes me so happy. I loath that man and his supporters

It feels like we've been devolving as a species for the last 20 years or so, I'm pretty tired of living in interesting times.

I haven't read the article but I assume it's an invasion af privacy under the guise of "protecting the children" as usual

What kind of lowlife piece of shit do you need to be to post some shit like that? Some people will stoop to the most depraved levels just to fuck with strangers, it's horrifying

Are these american nazis aware their grandads killed nazis? I've always found it bizarre they fell down that rabbit hole.

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In soviet Russia drone mows you - down

America produces the most rage inducing politicians, I don't live there and I'm so tired of the circus, it must be awful to be a reasonable American and have to deal with this shit, I can't believe how much the world has changed for the worse in 20 years.

How very ss of the repugnicunts

Having lived through both presidencies I'd say people thought Bush jr was as dumb a president you could get until trump came along and said hold my beer and made an absoloute farce out of politics

Make sure you leave a bad review on the play/app store too, there's so many negative reviews 'absolute trash' appears as a review topic

Why do they all seem to rock the amish look?

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Starfield might have been interesting 15 years ago

I would say black dynamite or tucker and Dale vs evil

Just looking at this pic it looks like a lace or something going in that exposed wheel looks lethal, I've never used one but it looks sketchy

He got where he is off the back of slavery in an emerald mine his father runs you twat

I was getting something similar a few months back and it's funny you mention a laptop because I started using one around the time my pain appeared, I think I was a bad knot in my muscle, I helped it go away by lying down on a tennis ball and massaging it out, hope ya find some relief dude.

It's a utopia!

Criticising Israel and calling out their apartheid state does not make somebody antisemitic.

I'm loving watching this piece of shit distressed like a fish out of water

Scumbag zionists using Hitler tactics.

You won't find an American president that doesn't support Israel, you were close with bernie.

Do you genuinely have trouble wrapping your head around this?

Fastest way to end stage cirrhosis

I like it so far, going back to reddit and seeing people cheering on genocide on world news is expected but still shitty, lemmy feels way less astroturfed but the trade off is less content.

No it's not at all, there's still a ton of work for the pilot and first officer despite autopilot

Plasma cutting is fun your gonna like that 1!

Skeet skeet motherfucka

Politics shouldn't be like a team just there to fuck with the other side this is so stupid it makes my head hurt.

This sounds like Adhd

Strategically losing billions, bold plan cotton

It was a Mer-man

Addiction is a disease treatable with drugs like other illnesses, I'm a former alcoholic and while I never used nal in recovery I've heard lots of people praising it, You don't sound like ya have much experience with addiction issues. Drugs like nal take away some of the pleasure of drinking while still allowing a compulsive drinker to drink, it's a major lifeline for somebody struggling and imo I way better than an abstinence based approach with higher power like AA

Behold the master race, its comforting knowing every time he sees his reflection all he sees is this hideous mess. it's like looking at a desk in detention, fascist scum

What's good for the goose is good for the gander

Hello fbi

Today I'm scrolling and cleaning up my feed, banned chap traphouse and a few toxic commenters enjoying my first month on lemmy

I'm sure you'd be cool with another country just giving another country half of yours.

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Half of the Palestinian population is children but don't let that stop you thirsting for the blood of kids whose land you stole, I hope the middle east erases facist state Israel off the map

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