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Joined 11 months ago

Holy fuck, kids are cringe. I hate this blue bubble elitism so much. Glad it's not a really a thing in Europe.

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Exactly! If it were a generation ship however... That would've sucked.

I'm LGBTQ...AND republican. Although that means something vastly different where I live, haha (I live in a kingdom).

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No Man's Sky has had no loading screens during gameplay, and space to planet transitions on full planets, since what... 2016?

The Creation Engine is just too damn old.

Edit @Dark Arc: You're right. Creation Engine is just too damn shitty, I guess. I called it "old" because the gameplay feels so antiquated.

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Can the EU please do something here? This is BS.

Is this even legal in the EU?

In the early 2000s, tools like Napster and Limewire allowed people to download music and video files for free – depriving artists of their income. The emergence of streaming services like Netflix, Apple Music and Spotify make it easy to access unlimited content – and ensure that artists are paid for their creations.

Seriously... This told me all I needed to know about how objective this article was going to be. Stopped reading right there.

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This has to be fake, because birds aren't real.

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I clicked the last story and it made truly me sick to my stomach. I had to skip through the details halfway. I'm angry and sad, and I am once again confirmed in my belief that I will never, ever want to live in the US. There are so many of these stories, and for so long now, and yet nothing has changed. The country is morally bankrupt.

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In-universe lore. Of any franchise or story really. I love good world-building. Even if it's just some funny details or references.

You can imagine the first time, as a kid, watching a marvel movie and recognising Stan Lee, I was very excited. Little did I know this was a running gag.

Unity has competition. That's why people could leave.

YouTube will (unfortunately) not fail, because there is no viable competition. I was subscribed to Nebula for a while, but obviously that doesn't have nearly the amount of content YT has.

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Sftu loser! He's got great asteriskses, the best in fact! Nobodies got asteriskses like him, in the world!

^(/s, but not really necessary I hope)

Wanna bet he secretly has a bunch of Epic Games stock?

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No, but men can't be victims of such things anyway, didn't you know? ^/s

Reading this makes me so fucking angry. It baffles me how often bullies get away with shit, and even more how their own parents completely lack any form of empathy towards their kid's victim and will simply refuse to believe their "little angel" is a fucking gremlin. But the bully gets hit back just once, and suddenly the victim gets demonised. Blegh. I hate it so much.

I hope your kid is doing better now.

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In other news: large amount of Russians fall from stairs and windows this week.

As much as I'd love for people to do this, there's probably a ton of software safeguards to prevent this. Even if you'd get around it, those greedy fuckers will undoubtedly void your warranty. And somehow that's legal too.

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There's other ways to do that too. Kids here (Netherlands) get fluoride treatments from a young age (after their adult teeth have come through, I think) up to 18. It's not particularly enjoyable but like you said, it benefits you for the rest of your life.

Free/affordable healthcare means checkups at the dentist about every 6 months. After the checkup you get these two small jaw shaped containers (for upper and lower sides) filled with a fluoride paste and you just sit there for a few minutes drooling into a metal bowl. There's even flavours but they're all gross, haha. Apparently that's on purpose so you don't swallow too much.

Anyway, this whole fluoride in the water thing appears to be a very US based discussion, so I've got no horse in this race. I just wish the US had better, more affordable healthcare to begin with.

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Too bad the Belastingdienst (Dutch Taxservice) is a massive shitshow on pretty much anything else. Their hardware is so damn old new tax laws can't be passed, because it would break the systems. Of course this is more the fault of shitty upper management and poor political will to do anything about it.

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That some goddamn ✨ P R O G R E S S ✨ right there buddy!

I still have a PC copy of 2007(?) Sega Rally I can no longer play because the DRM software is no longer supported in Windows.

No shit.

WhatsApp used to be a yearly paid app. Even though they rarely actually "collected".

I wish it still was and Meta never got their grubby hands on it.

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The when what now?

Yes, because the US is a shining beacon of morality and peace.

Seeing "Gay Olympics" made me go "wut?", so of course I clicked the link, and it immediately made sense.

It's all about those short term profits baby! 😎

Holy shit

Seems similar to the Dutch "gezellig".

For the early 2000's this is pretty tight.

Looks like they know very well what they are doing. This seems illegal, but we all know they get away with it.

Like the upper management and C-suite give a fuck about any of their employees.

I wish her, and you as well, the best.

I did that and I'm really happy I did. I bought a TV sized monitor and hooked up a Google TV. It's great and I'm hoping I'll be able to use the TV at least 10 years this way instead of it slowing down like crazy after 2 to 3 years. All I need to replace is the dongle.

Jedi Survivor is a great example of developers truly having passion for a game and it's lore, but publisher deadlines completely ruin it's potential. I enjoyed it immensely once I got it running acceptably (40-50 fps on a 1080ti). There's a lot to do and a lot of cool details.

They tried that (not intentionally) but the response was basically "bro we can't, you'll just have to wait until we update it. Should be done in about 5 years".

I feel like I'm the only one who actually likes the centre position of the Start menu, haha. I do use Stardock's Start11 to have the layout of W10, because the W11 menu is trash imo. But having a very wide/large screen, it's way nicer to have the menu in the center.

I don't get why they removed the option to place the bar anywhere you want tho... That's always a step back. Even if I don't use it personally, I can see why this would be a massive pain for others.

Redundant muffin is a great insult, thanks for adding it to my vocabulary.


Wanna bet politicians will speedrun that shit, so just in time for us to die while suffering the effects! :D