2 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think the worst part of it all is the trust that is irrevocably broken now.
This is obviously a moronic scummy decision driven by greed, but it also goes directly against past decisions. As per this reddit post, Unity actually had a TOS in action that protected Developers against retroactive changes like this. Specifically, it stated that you could choose to continue using old versions of the engine and comply to the old TOS if an update to the TOS that you disagree with ever happened. This specific part of the TOS was deleted last year.

If they actually try to enforce this new crap on already released games (that accepted an older version of the TOS) then it would seem blatantly illegal (I'm not a lawyer though).

Even if they revert everything by tomorrow, the whole fiasco still shows where Unity's current interests are, and make the company a liability to deal with for any game developer.

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You know what, that's fair.

I saw a lot of discussion in the comments about their workers pay, but honestly, they make a great product. Wouldn't wanna be counting pennies in someone elses pockets. I donated a one time 25 bucks, I hope they will continue to ask for donations whenever they are in dire need of server running money.

"If you are using an iFrame to display a site that isn't yours, even for legitimate purposes, you have no control over that content—it can change at any time," Simmons warns. "One day instead of looking into an iFrame, you might be looking at an entirely different kind of portal."

Holy shit this guy is amazing.

I get it though. People trying to monetize your work which was purposely hosted for free without ads would drive me mad too.

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Which humans are you blaming exactly?

I don't think it's fair to blame the users. They toggle bluetooth off and think it's off. How are they supposed to know "Bluetooth Off" means "Only some amount of Bluetooth is off"?
And I don't think designing a convincing phishing device is that much of a leap in logic. Bluetooth is off, so maybe the notification is legit from apple and needs authority for a connection?

If you blame the designers who left a backdoor in the bluetooth, then yea that's fair.

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I don't know, that comparison kinda humanizes a corporation that is very much looking to go public and make itself valuable to shareholders. I don't like to think of these websites as "friends".

Yes, reddit's a tragic shitshow, but there is absolutely no guarantee the same won't happen on any fediverse instance either. We should always look out to jump ship if we start to notice like a website is sacrificing user wishes for personal gain.

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"Hey, we already have 30 million users in just 3 days! Look everyone how relevant we are!!"

Sure buddy.

Here's a fun suggestion, how about you unlock the desired players by playing the game? Could even put it into an immersive context, you beat brazil and subsequently unlock their players for your team.

What's so fun about buying a chance to get your player? Is it possibly the shiny colors and the happy soundeffects that are specifically designed to make your brain addicted?

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Today is Wednesday, the 8th of November. This is GameSpot, bringing you your daily GTA6 News. There has been no news to report today. This has been your daily GTA6 News.

Wouldn't be surprised if mod tools never come at all.
If there's one thing I learned, it's that gaming companies will promise you anything to get on your good side. Take statements like these with the biggest grain of salt.

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I don't like the way this question is framed. It implies that IQ is a meaningful indicator of intelligence as well as that intelligence can be generalized and measured accurately. In truth, it can't.

While there exists a certain correlation between measured IQ and academic success, these things can always explained via different factors as well, for instance the amount care that your parents put into how well you do academicallg early on in life, shaping your values, beliefs and personality. Someone whose parents put effort into making sure they did well at school will probably also care more for taking such an IQ test seriously as well as have academic success. Do note, that there is only little correlation between IQ and later levels of income in their line of work.

To go back to the actual question, you cope with it by realizing that intelligence is a diverse and complex concept, where different people do well on different things. While you might certainly have a domain where you are objectively "better" at than someone else (measured in some way), this does not mean you are objectively better at every domain. By realizing these personal strengths and personal weaknesses we can overcome them by working in a field where we are best at and learn from others at fields they are better at in order to become a better person all around.

Humble yourself and never forget that your own personal experience shouldn't be the gold standard for everyone else. They have their own values and beliefs backed up by their own experience.

They can control your watch time better if you make less decisions. Just be a good little brainless consumer and scroll through endless amounts of bullshit instead of specifically finding one video, then doing something else.

It started with autoplay, wormed it's way into search feature, and now it's all over home and subscriptions.

counterpoint: DDOS'ing has been around for a while and is something every mid-sized or bigger online service has to deal with eventually.
If you release an always online product in order to sell your shitty microtransactions and take away control from the player, then you should at least make sure the always online product can stay online and incorporate some DDOS protection.

Yea, they are useless when being changed at will, but what if the TOS specifically said "You can disregard future TOS versions and still abide by this old one under certain circumstances" ?
You would still be complying with the Terms of Service, by not honoring the new Terms of Service.

Obviously, this is still a terrible situation regardless, but I am thinking about if the old TOS won't give already released games a way out of this BS, or even better, may keep a usable Unity version alive for the future. Long term obviously, as many people as possible should ditch unity entirely, but for right now, it looks like a lot of developers will have big trouble starting in just 3 months.

"Legal" doesn't immediately mean "moral". Everything is legal as long as there isn't a law specifically banning it, and those laws often only get created as a result of someone abusing their legal right to something.

Google collects also way more data than you pointed out, in every avenue possible. Ever solved a captcha? You likely helped Google train their image recognition AI. Got an android smartphone (a brand that previously had committed itself to being open-source and linux based)? Have fun with pre-installed unremovable Google Spyware. You're forced to create a GMail account to interact with the whole App ecosystem of the market.
Google can remotely (without your consent) download and delete apps on your smartphone, read your personal data (including stuff you have saved on your SD card) and accesses your camera, pictures and GPS-Data regularly.

I just read an article to prepare for writing this comment and feel actually sick now, I wanna jump ship and get an independent OS, screw the AppStore...

Thanks, I never used an Apple Product, so I didn't have the contextual infromation!
To me it sounded like a binary state (on/off), as I know it from most phones I've seen.

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It's a green text from 4chan.
Don't go there yourself, it's a bad place. Just wait for the funny fake stories to make their way over here, that way you filter out the worst offenders.

Troll post or shill, same account recently asked "why do people dislike google, they're only doing legal data saving for stuff you search" and then ignored every bit of legitimate croticism that was handed to them.

Makes no sense to interact with such an account.

This game is probably the reason I never got into TMNT. Super unforgiving lifr system which throws you back at the start of the game, and very wonky hitboxes

Which version of FF7 are you referring to? And also which version of Link?

Either way, probably depends on who the writers want to win lol.

The HD version on WiiU or the SD Version on GC/Wii? Are you gonna go for 100% or just a casual playthrough? :)

Personally TP has to be my favorite Zelda title, I replay it casually every 2 years or so.

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It IS kinda crazy. If you try to create "nothingness" (create an enclosed space and suck out all of the air to have as little as possible), the nothingness actually tries to become full of something again, because of pressure difference.

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Actually the old Moderna was having such a harsh reaction on younger people, Germany changed their recommendations to not allow anyone younger than 60 to get moderna.

I also had Moderna back then once and can only confirm, it knocked me completely out for a whole day with harsh fever like symptoms, really wasn't fun.

Haven't really been vaccinated for a year now, so can't talk about the new moderna.

Hab gelacht. Scham.

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No thank you, AITA is a toxic guilty pleasure, that I want to seek out actively if I'm in the mood for it, not see it on my feed regularly. It is the worst kind of form social media can take. If I see it anywhere on the fediverse, I'd immediately block it.

What payment options are there? This seems to be only credit card.

Have the same issue personally. I hope blocking those communities makes the frontpage better.

Good luck on the canoe mini game then!! Was often one of the hardest for me to get the 100% lol


I think the problem is more being stuck in a dark small and cramped space with 4 other people for 96 hours, where there is no on-board toilet and you just don't know if help will arrive in time or not.

Compared to that, I think an instant death due to implosion sounds preferrable.

Yo, that is so good to know!
Wish there was a link to some quick stylesheet guide that kbin supports when you write a comment. Haven't seen this feature before.

kbin has different problems. There is a "random" magazine that is just a collection of random posts, and it is featured on the sidebar with no option to turn it off. It sometimes randomly features porn.

Get well soon!

Agreed, this is basically nonsense.
How does it have >500 upvotes? O.o

Alternatively, upvote/boost your own posts by default when posting.

I've struggled with this question before myself. On the one hand, there is a notable impact in visibility on posts which I've self-upvoted versus posts which I did not self-upvote, so it does feel like an unfair advantage. On the other hand, I am also a community member in the community I post. I wouldn't post something, if I didn't think it contributes to the overall community. Plus, there's a bug in kbin going on, that new posts only show up in new but not in hot at all, until there is at least some sort of interaction (a comment, or an upvote, or a boost).

Personally, I'm not really big on threads.
kbin felt more like an anonymous social media tool, like reddit. I can act the way I do because I know it's anonymous and not attached to my real name or face.
If we're starting to federate with a platform that mainly acts like Instagram (where many people try to represent themselves to their friends & family), then kbin will lose that aspect in my opinion. I prefer online personas rather than "real" people on the platform.

Also, I don't trust facebook/meta.

Magicka is amazing for short burts of coop fun.
However, at some point you find that one spell that is just too busted and trivializes everything, until the DLCs decide to chuck a billion enemies at you.
From a technical standpoint, it's also a bit rough around the edges and likes to crash to desktop.

Definitely a decent investment if you can pick it up on sale.

Sounds like a lot of personal problems, wish you all the best with them!

Regarding the funding, do you think you can set up an alternative way of donating that accepts other payment options like PayPal? Personally I'm not using a credit card, which is the only payment option one can use on your buymeacoffee.

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Personally, I block anything related to news&politics on the fediverse (same on reddit).

Humans have a structural problem with any system that allows voting on the visibility of headlines. It encourages outrage, populism, attention grabbing headlines while discouraging more refined factual discussions. Kinda like tabloid journalism.
Reddit has the same problem and way worse, but with enough time it will happen here too.

Most users read the headline before giving their own opinion, not many take their time to read a majority of other comments and the least amount of users actually read the linked article (which is to be honest also often the fault of the quality of an article, i.e. being too long, boring and partially ai-generated).

This results in the most lukewarm most agreeable opinions being top comments, while they're also oftentimes being uninformed.

This is just what I gathered from my own personal experience with social media, I don't have any good sources to back up my claims.

Nah, Discord is already a way into the enshittifation process. Back when it first got popular, people ditched skype to migrate to discord en masse, because discord was lightweight and quick as fuck and had 0 ads.

Nothing about this software nowadays gives me the feeling of being quick.