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Joined 11 months ago

Meanwhile his mate sitting across from him was gpu mining

"Facebook is fine" Ima stop you right there, lol

it's a joke... play single player, connecting to online services* "okay whatever... 3 minutes in every single time.. error failed to connect to online services and proceeds to kick you to title screen.... what a fucking joke

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Nice pick up, my boss said I could have a dual xeon server tower with 96 gb of ram and 20 Tb hdd space for a slab... nice little upgrade to my home server haha

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It's not, it's a heater

This sounds like fun, 2 tickets please

On another note two thirds of people don't actually know what ai is capable of

Sent this to a mate... we were at the shops and he picks up this tiny glass coke bottle for a drink and I'm all like, but this one is cheaper and you get more, what's the deal?? To which he replied "microplastics" and I was like "bitch! I helped you smoke a quarter through a garden hose last night, stfu with you microplastics bs.." true story

Just play minecraft bro

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Probably a ship wreck

Who cares, less ads in the world, this is good news

Clonk rage was a game that I wished got a new one, it was basically lemmings x worms x teraria where you would gather resources and avoid danger while trying to kill all your opponents clonks... so many memories of playing it multiplayer... it got open sourced a while ago, (open clonk) if your interested


I play modded skyrim (700+ mods) with my steam deck, runs great

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Ahem, I use arch BTW

I use old Intel nucs or just mini PC's in general put debian or whatever you want on them paired with an Amazon wireless keyboard and trackpad, I think I searched wireless pc remote on Amazon, and blamo you have a media centre pc... if you use plex they have a desktop app or a media center version of it you you can boot into on boot which is great because I don't need to launch it everytime. Plus when I press any button on the keyboard it wakes up the TV and pc seamlessly... honestly it's fantastic, I have a smart TV that cost way too much because I exclusively just use the pc connected to it

This was unexpected and fantastic, what a game

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Is this a leaked script.. this is so good I read it in all thier respective voices


Sorry man, I was in a bad mood (quitting smoking) , just hanging shit on a random on the internet... I love video games because you can play however you want to play, as long as you're having fun bro... I hope you have an awesome day mate

4k..... 10 inch screen....weird flex but okay

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Tbh, I don't really notice it, it hasn't got a dedicated gpu and it lives mostly idle, I use it as cloud storage and a media server aswell as other server apps such as teamspeak and I'll set up a game server every once in a while.. I love having it

I put 200+ hours in on my steam deck.. originally I was looking g for a fallout shelter type game, but more depth, I had no idea what I was in for

Search wireless pc remote on Amazon, they have a trackpad scroll wheel and media controls and theyre about the size of a smartphone in landscape with full qwerty keyboard, they're fantastic, I bought one for every TV in the house... connected to old mini pc's

Lol limewire

To long didn't read...

It's more than playable imo, tiny screen, sitting on the couch... the switch can't even achieve a solid 30 fps on exclusive titles... I've played games with worse framerates on the deck

I run arch BTW, 7 years throwing it down stairs, running commands that I had no idea what they did, learned linux from scratch deleting chunks of my hdd compiling and installing random software, never once had it break bad enough to reinstall . I bet you love ltt too haha... maby you should stick to a beginner os like Windows, I've heard Apple is even easier... or why don't you just pay someone smarter than you to host and troubleshoot your os while they market your info and habits to the highest bidder... oh wait

"Should be mandatory everywhere" ima stop you right there, I couldn't give a single flying fuck about politics so having to vote results in me showing up not caring because I don't want a fine and I'll vote for a random candidate which will result in just picking a name out of a hat if an entire country did it

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