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Joined 1 years ago

Not crazy, just sad.

Middle of the day, sitting at our desks working. This middle aged guy who was usually happy as Larry gets up and leaves the office leaving his stuff behind. Not a word said. I just assumed he was getting a coffee or something.

End of the day rolls around, stuff still there. Same thing the next day. Still there the next week.

People start asking what happened to him, but the agency he was working through kept telling us he’s coming back soon.

Over a month later, someone packs up his stuff and puts it in the bin. The guy was never coming back, turns out he went left and ended his own life the day he walked out. Never made it home.

The agency apparently only found out he was dead a few weeks after the incident, then strung us along so they could find a replacement. We terminated their contract and offered the handful of other employees jobs.


Another job, we had a new guy start. Very conventionally attractive and he seemed normal enough.

A few weeks later one of the women complained to HR that someone was stalking her. She was getting ‘flattering’ letters, emails, notes etc and they often contained information and photos in/about/around her work. Flattering, but not something she was comfortable with

Few weeks later, we’re told new guy won’t be coming back due to inappropriate behaviour.

Woman had to get a restraining order against the guy. In a twist of irony, she said that if the guy had just talked to her, she would have gone on a date with him in a heartbeat.

  • I’m lazy
  • I can
  • makes me look my age
  • razor burn sucks
  • 3’o clock shadow sucks
  • who cares?

Met a guy at a house party that everyone seemed to like. Had some interesting stories, but he mostly came off as a self obsessed dickhead.

He later became pretty noteworthy in the industry he worked in.

10 years on from when I met him, turns out he’s at best a serial sexual assaulter, and a serial rapist at worst.

Took me a while to realise that it was talking about the non-police role-playing as police.

Not police role-playing sexual scenarios, like it’s some regular daily part of their job.

Meanwhile google:

we have hand picked a selection of 6 establishments in your area. They are:

  • one high end establishment that costs $80 for a main
  • a Chinese takeaway that is closed
  • a bhan mi place that doesn’t actually exist any more
  • a pizza chain
  • somewhere affordable, within walking distance, but not what you feel like.
  • an automotive bodywork shop

I hold my dog close around other people because:

  • I don’t know if the other person likes dogs or not, and keeping the dog close is the best I can do if they don’t.
  • my dog, while well trained, is a fucking dumbass and who knows what will pique his interest or trigger his animal instincts.
  • it reinforces to him that he needs to be close when out.

Intentionally infect yourself with lice.

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If people generally atent buying, there’s still People that need to buy (businesses, oems, etc)

They’re just doing the ol covid ratchet. Tightening the thumbscrews on the people who can’t opt out.

Doesn’t affect their bottom line much if nobody’s choosing to buy.

Meanwhile, most places in London pay at least the minimum wage (not lower for waitstaff, but not necessarily living wage) and tack on an optional 12-20% service charge, and don’t give it to staff.

You have to determine if the service charge goes to staff, awkwardly refuse the service charge, and (optionally) tip your waitstaff in cash (and if you do, ask they split it with back of house)

The times we’ve done it seems to make the staff happy. Still a shit thing to do.

I miss the Slack IRC gateway.

While suing everyone else that makes shovel handles that work with your shovel heads.

Is any chromium based browser an “underdog”?

Is it really much of a choice? The bits around the outside are slightly different, big fucking deal.

You’re still contributing to and supporting the google hegemony.

I bought Minecraft when it was first purchaseable. Only converted my account last month as my new-school-entrant kid has asked what it is.

And honestly, I wish I didn’t. The MS launcher is an absolute shit show in usability for adults, let alone kids. Next time it forces me to log back in I’m just pirating it.

I bought two copies, I’ll fucking run them how I please.

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Just a few more billion dollars .

We’re so close!

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Sony Bravia, not connected to any network, running in Pro Mode so it’s “just a TV”

Then a PC running plex and the arrs to substitute the streaming services.

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Google-Wave your Google-Pay-Meet device over the Google-Reader and we’ll Google-Optimize your purchase so you can get back to Google-Hangouting with your friends faster than you can say “watch Google Play Movies & TV on Android Auto for phone screens”

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Is this just the cost per raw Watt produced?

Is it a fair comparison vs conventional fuel-based power (coal/nuclear)?

Ie: if you wanted to build a plant capable of producing continuously, 24 hours a day, you would need some multiple of solar panels to produce an excess during daylight, and storage.

Not that drastic drops in solar costs aren’t bad, just what would the cost-per-watt be if you had to power an average city on just solar for a year?

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Imo, the term “buy” for all goods should pass some sort of litmus test. Eg:

does the product being sold have the same properties as a brick?

  • can the product be resold privately?
  • can the product be lent to another user temporarily?
  • would the product still perform its function when the manufacturer stops supporting it?
  • would the product still perform its function if the manufacturer ceased to exist.

if the product does not pass all these tests, the customer is not buying. Consider using terms such as ‘rent’ or ‘lease’ or ‘subscription’

Most foods. Store brands are (nearly) always lacking in something. Be it tiny sized canned beans, or jam whose only flavour is ‘sweet’. That shit is cheap for a reason.

Doesn’t apply to everything (depending on where you live), some things you can’t cut corners on without advertising it. 2% Milk is 2% milk.

But largely, low cost food has been made low cost via haircuts and shortcuts.

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Jokes on you. I’ve got a deviated septum. Breathing is always a chore!

You guys are getting cubicles? Living the dream.

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I suspect it’s a cost/capability/requirements thing.

The larger the corporation, the more likely they’re going to have SSO as a minimum requirement. The more inflexible your customers are, the more you can charge.

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Take what HR says with a grain of salt.

If they’re gaming H1B, They’re not gonna say “yeah we’re faking it to get cheap indentured immigrants to work for us”.

Alternate headline:

Companies accept money for a thing that will happen anyway, and will be unable to prove if they say no.

GenAi is unfortunately here, and the technocracy wants you to want it so they can farm you for more and more intimate data to leverage and enforce their technocracy. And the only way they’re going to do it is by keeping the press positive, and feed it more and more data in the hopes it fixes things.

No, running software on GPL licensed systems does not make the guest software GPL.

But, The AGPL is “infectious”, and one bit of AGPL can make your entire project subject to the AGPL. It’s a legal nightmare and many businesses outright ban the use of AGPL software.

Presumably, they’ve just blanket banned GPL to avoid any ambiguity.

Weta is researching and building (amongst other things) graphics processing technologies.

Being able to take cutting edge technologies from the film industry, optimising them and selling them as “click and go” solutions in Unity would be a huge win.

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I’m a survivor.

We’re a dying breed.

I love lisp. Well, scheme and less so clojure. I don’t know why. Is it macros? Is it the simplicity? Or is it just nostalgia from learning it during a time in my life.

But I just can’t find a place for it in my life.

It’s not job material, effectively nobody uses it. It doesn’t solve basic problems with ease like Python does.

And because of this, anything I do in it is nothing more than a toy. As soon as i put it down, I have no hope of picking it up or maintaining it in 6,12,24 months later.

A toy I spend 2 weeks in absolute joy, but as soon as life gets in the way it is dead.

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If you buy a Sony Bravia you can put them into “pro mode” which keeps all the signal processing, but lets you turn off android.

They were first to market with a decent GPGPU toolkit (CUDA) which built them a pretty sizeable userbase.

Then when competitors caught up, they made it as hard as possible to transition away from their ecosystem.

Like Apple, but worse.

I guess they learned from their Gaming heyday that not controlling the abstraction layer (eg OpenGL, DirectX, etc) means they can’t do lock in.

If they know we have savings. They’ll just increase prices again to take them.

They added it to baby formula too in 2008.

Melamine, what won’t kill?

Soup is not food.

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Problem then is, You Still gotta buy a truck to buy and haul your 2nd motorcycle, your 3rd motorcycle, your dirt bike, and your track bike.

Let’s not get carried away.

Threw a man’s belongings off a train because he was listening to music without headphones.

Worth it.

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No, just GPL licensed source.

MIT, BSD, Apache, and all the other OSI licenses are fair game.

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My brother behaves weird with Linux (fedora 39 silverblue).

When doing multiple copies of double sided printing, it’ll print [1|2] [1|1] [2|2] [1|1] [2|2] and then repeat until you realise you now have onen copy of what you want and 10 pages of one side, and 10 pages of the other side.

It’ll also randomly refuse jobs, and then print them 30 minutes later (lmao if you printed multiple copies, gave up and went for a walk)

My Panasonic I replaced it with was better, but you had to download binary blobs to make it work.

But, Linux has gotten more and more complicated in the last 20 years I really can’t be fucked working out if it’s the printer, cups, flatpacks, the app that’s printing, or all of the above.

Now I just email myself a PDF and print from my phone. Fucking stupid but it works.

If I were building it, I’d do the watermarking on the individual assets & textures.

Your asset pipeline would publish these to the solution, which would pack it up ready for distribution.

Except, each beta tester logs into the game and the publishing system gives them a personalised set of assets with a unique noise filter thrown over the top.

Mr leaky beta player publishes a video or screenshot of the gameplay, and then the studio can just reverse the noise algorithm to get their unique ID.

Absolutely terrible for large scale content delivery. But for a small closed beta, probably not an issue.

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I was expecting some sort of “Ai discovers new bug in 30 year old software”… cool I’m excited.

Then they were talking about how the bug was persistent, and I’m more intrigued “is the bug some weird emergent behaviour corrupting state somewhere?”

Nope, just another example of a shit in shit out data model.