5 Card Draw

@5 Card Draw@lemmy.fmhy.ml
1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just want to drop this here because of how ridiculous these entertainment cartels can be:


Piracy aides in creating sales.

Up to 3% more for movies in theaters: https://hbr.org/2020/10/the-digital-piracy-dilemma

Well said and yea if you find a "unbiased source" for news, you've only fallen for their bias.

Be critical even of what interests you, and read things you don't like as well.

18 more...

Heatwaves like these always happen in south European countries during July, nothing new>

Ah right. Guess that hottest temp ever recorded last week was nothing to be concerned about.

Just a climate troll doing your thing based on your comment history.

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Agree 100% and I've been seeing this "debate" in other instances and communities recently

Piracy is moral and ethical. Small businesses are not the targets. I would download a car, I would download a better life if I could

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I enjoy torrents, searching and deciding which is the best quality + storage combo is right for me is the fun part

I agree, let's go full Star Trek and call it the "Federation of United Communities of Earth."

Redhat: Yes, but also we are liars.

Access to culture itself if you think about it

I have a few since I'm a historian:

The revolutions of 1848 Europe, particularly Berlin or Paris. The atmosphere in that year was confusing, conflicting, and explosive. People wanted generally better lives, and put their own on the line to see it happen in numbers that shock us today.

The fall of the T'ang dynasty and the early Song dynasty. I'd love to see if the Naito Hypothesis holds up as a viewer of that time and space.

The Atlantic Revolutions between 1770s to 1800. So American, Haitian, French, etc. The birth of nationhood (in Europe), a new consciousness found its footing, and what it meant to have liberty, to be human, and to be unfree were changing.

And Japan in the 1930's. How fascism developed in the country. It's a question that's big in Japanese history, and not so clear today.

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More pirates vs pirates memes when it should be pirates vs executives

Yea it's totally not that every major news outlet is owned by and serves the interests of the rich.

I think the benefits of going high speed rail now would outweigh the negatives of upgrading at a later point.

What are some open source projects that I could use instead?

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Communist, everything else still worships money.

He's completely right, except that tech giants include reddit itself...

Personal data is ours alone. If someone wants to sell it then so be it, but we own it not anyone else.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, are the democrats not friendly with ANY big businesses? Is the extreme right wing of US conservatives not motivated by money (Donald Trump is often thought of as a successful venture capitalist, the amount of money funneled out during his presidency, etc...)?

Russia is one of the most inequal countries in the world in terms of wealth distribution, and for decades now oligarchs in Russia have gone hand in hand with the state in eroding any form of democracy and exploiting what freedom those citizens do have.

So, can you really say democracy can exist with money?

I've been using Soulseek for a few years now and it's been awesome with no issues

Ok yea I would watch that too

This isn't reddit. Stop trying to make it a centralized place.

What you call splintering communities is a feature of federation and helps everyone out.

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"Flagrantly Illegal"


I hear Ireland is the favorite this year

Stank memes?

Is this really news?

So if I get locked out of a car, I'm suddenly worthy of making headlines? There are bigger things to draw attention to than this.

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Should Lemmy have a verified user marker for members who are of importance to any given community?>

No, everyone is equal here and I want to keep it that way. I don't want this to be twitter.

Are there any other options to protect users against nefarious persons playing impostor?>

You mean besides the one where you just successfully figured out the person was legit through verifying them?

No, it should be up to the community mods to verify someone is legit not the app itself.

Copyright laws are a recent phenomenon and should have never been a thing imo. The only reason it's there is not to "protect creators," but to make sure upper classes extract as much wealth over the maximum amount of time possible.

Music piracy has showed that it's got too many holes in it to be effective, and now AI is showing us its redundancy as it uses data to give better results.

it stifles creativity to the point it makes us inhuman. Hell, Chinese writers used to praise others if they used a line or two from other writers.

Yea but with torrenting it's multiple peers you are connected to. Soulseek only connects you 1-1 so it's generally lots safer.

Let's make a movie about it and then pirate it

I loved it, the main story, crew quests, combat, customization were the highlights of the game for me.

Cutscenes are gorgeous and it's definitely worth it if you are a fan of the franchise.

It's because the moderation policies of those instances are very lenient. Beehaw wanted to curb that sort of crowd from potentially making a mess out of their own.

Although Beehaw is discussing with the other instances about reuniting potentially...

There isn't explicitly a profit motive on here (unlike almost every other big social media site).

So you can do away with the clickbait-y, karma or like farming...

We don't do that here.

I never thought to use soulseek for audiobooks, damn

I bet the bread and pies are so good coming from there

I think this touches on a bigger picture... It would only take Reddit handing over that data to change what it meant to have a piacy community on the internet. I'm not sure if people would be willing to trust again if that happened...

I'm glad we moved to Lemmy, and let's make it work 🏴‍☠️

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I think they're trying to compromise something un-compromising.

3rd party apps are out, mods were replaced by force, Reddit hid behind their users like they were a human shield saying "oh, but remember your users and community!"

Reddit has clearly opened the floodgates on what they're willing to do in order to keep the site under control, and every subreddit and user suffers because of it.

Lemmy is at least a way out of that oppression.

Well at least one of those pillars (World Bank) are directly incorporated into the United States' policy of neoliberal economic hegemony, and the rest of the world gets exacerbated inequality because of it. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/21/biden-climate-change-world-bank-malpass-00083538

And the IMF is at least not directly attached to that policy.

Is it really a free world if these institutions just serve the interests of those on top?

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At least here there is no algorithm I think?

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Almost every comment I've seen sees the future as hopeless and I'm going to largely chalk that up to the postmodernism/realism consciousness in our society at this time period.

I think the future will be a utopia, and there isn't a long term (I mean centuries or millenia long developments) reason to think otherwise. The idea of utopia has pushed civilization to confront power structures and create new ones, to rethink what was impossible, too difficult to accomplish, etc. The many rights, freedoms, and ideas that many around the world take for granted today began as people envisioning a utopia and trying to make it happen. These ideas can't be done away with as Alexis De Tocqueville saw.

Right now there are problems for sure, and I personally think liberty and egality are only a parody of utopia at this point, but that'll change over a long time.

Human civilization is only 6000 years old! We're still working with the brain of primitive humans, and we aren't even toddlers yet in the grand lifespan of Earth. I think people tend to forget that sometimes.

We'll get to a better place, and our consciousness is always changing to confront the problems we face today (biosphere collapse, resource hoarding, infighting, etc).

Democracy took centuries to develop coherently, and even then it failed MANY times at first. But look at it now.

I found my path after university. I worked in the library bc it was a great and easy gig since I liked books, but took a year after to figure out if it was right for me. Now I'm going on to be a librarian!

I think this is so interesting...

For a refreshing change, we have corporations coming to the users, not the other way around.

I'm deeply skeptical, but I'm glad communities and hubs have the power to block them outright.

This was such an awesome read!! Thank you for your insight into this!