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Joined 1 years ago

Loony Laura on her shenanigans again. It takes a special kind of crazy to get blacklisted by Trump when you're actively sucking his dick.

So your goal is to make them viable by giving them a pittance of a vote during an incredibly polarized election? How many local seats has your third party won? I wonder if they do anything or have any success outside of ~2 months directly before an election? Why didn't I see shit like this year round from you losers?

There are people affected by your lack of empathy and harm reduction. You stomp your feet and blame the system, and then make a net-zero or negative dent in it and call that integrity. You're no better than the brainwashed right who would vote for a literal felon.

Hey! I appreciate your support, trans rights are human rights!

In the future, could you please use transgender instead of transexual? The latter is a really dated term and ties a gender and societal issue to sexuality. While they may be closely associated, they're not the same thing and any little bit helps break that association.

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There's a ton of trolls in here who can't celebrate anything good while anything bad is happening. Yes, his response to the genocide in Israel was abysmal. I have no illusions that the right would have done any better, and in fact believe Trump would have thrown more fuel on it. I'm ecstatic that Biden is not running again so that maybe Kamala can finally fucking do something about it. But I think we can take five seconds to admit that he did a lot of good for our country in other ways and made the right call here in dropping out.

For those who won't budge:

There's literally no winning, huh? Any flaw or misstep is enough to complain about and use as a reason to abstain or be an accelerationist. Y'all will claim Biden and Dems are monsters for their flaws. All that does is hurt the sane side of our government and make the actual fascists who have done so much worse have a better chance at taking over.

Can y'all please please please not let perfect be the enemy of good for once in your miserable life? This thinking is what brought us Trump in the first place, and while I can agree we need to do better, start at the local level, because only caring when we're on another brinkmanship presidential race makes you look like short-sighted toddlers.

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What world do you live in that you see other people's genitals in the bathroom? I've never had this issue, none of my friends have, and I doubt you could provide any significant proof that is an issue. You just hate trans people. Say the quiet part out loud.

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We were supposed to glean that from "Sure he did..."? And does this change the fact that he commented on someone as if he knew them without actually knowing who they were?

EDIT: And just to clarify, I don't think you're a trumper or anything, just genuinely unsure how your comment implies that.

You, figuratively:

"What if she deserved to be shot in the head?"

You, literally:

"I didn't verbatim say that! So you're wrong! Checkmate!"

Go find some rope, holy shit.

Nazi punk, fuck off.

Your comment history is public.

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Astroturf harder buddy, there's boots to lick.

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That's all anyone can ask of you. It's appreciated!

It includes 13 year olds because puberty blockers are included. No one is giving estrogen to children. If a child experiences gender dysphoria, their parents can have them work with a psychiatrist and their doctor to make sure they delay puberty so the child can keep growing and decide if they want to transition when they approach adulthood.

Everything else you've said is bullshit. Your ignorance is not a free pass to make up facts and spread misinformation.

Research shows that a lot of gender dysphoria is the result of puberty and medicalizing treatment of it creates a pipeline to further transition including surgeries, while if not treated, the dysphoria often desists after puberty.

This right here, this is evil. If someone took you at your word here, they may choose to ignore or punish their child if they were experiencing gender dysphoria. I know you have no sources from any respected institution, and the medical community en masse rebuke this line of thinking.

Edit: Both of the books the original commenter added to try and support their claims are books that posit TERF views that sex is biological and gender either doesn't exist or is equally biological and cannot change. They dehumanize trans folks and their struggles. They are not medical studies or journals supporting their claims.

This level of delusion is usually reserved for people who huff aerosols.

By the way, rare meta-comment on myself. One of the things I have to do as a trans person is go look at people's comment history before trying to engage with them because so many transphobes use sealioning as a harassment tactic. I'm so tired y'all.

ITT: Developers who think their code is readable complaining about Python and YAML.

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Weird, cause I grew up with authority figures slamming back the f-slur, disparaging gays, and promoting straight movies, books, and media. Somehow I still turned out trans and pan. Weird. Weeeird. You'd think I'd have "learned" to be straight and cis with all of the grooming I got...

Op mentioned they do not want different medication for the trip though.

And, no, I don't really want to upend my regimen of 8 years and risk going on a new medication for the trip.

13 more...

Yeah! Are you too good for a 4 hour round trip with 50 pointless stops on an empty bus? Too good for that 1 hour wait time if you miss it? You should instead use said bus to go grocery shopping so you can carry that shit home instead of conveniencing yourself and being rightfully upset with the cost and bad product. /s

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Judging from your other thread, you know perfectly well most sane people's take on that rapist. Take the hint and fuck off to 4chan or something.

I loot Legion Denarii so I can load them into shotguns and give them back.

Satisfactory in a nutshell

I cannot wrap my mind around this level of privilege. In all honesty I really can't. I don't think there's a thing I could do to change your opinion and this nugget:

Not everyone is happy to open their wallets and bust out the walking shoes for just any generic liberal candidate.

Suggests you or others with your opinions won't vote because... she's generic? Or didn't do enough yet? And claiming that Biden dropping out won't end the genocide, so let's not see it as positive?

What saint would you prefer we vote in? Can you explain how they are both morally spotlessly pure AND have a snowball's chance in hell? If you're convincing enough, maybe that second coming of Jesus will lead us to a utopia. /s

Some of us are not in the position of being able to use a foreign tragedy as our stopping block. Some of us have our rights and safety on the line.

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Oh no! Not my masculinity! /s

I doubt you'll read these. I'm pretty sure your "wonder" is meant to stay that way permenantly so you can continue to feign ignorance and ask inflammatory questions. Just say you hate trans people already. This coy shit is annoying.

I remember trying MTurk out back in the day to try and make money on the side. It's such a mind numbing activity. Doesn't surprise me that this is still the model for smart "automated" systems like this.

Then don't drag your cohort into hell because you're being a little pissbaby. If you find it this hard to participate, then don't. I encourage you and everyone like you to please vote and rebuke fascism, but turning around and burning it all to the ground just hurts people and fixes nothing.

I feel like Firefox has made some really great strides on the performance front. Especially considering how bloated chrome has gotten as a comparison. But... Yeah that's valid. I love Firefox like 99% of the time but sometimes I'm almost forced to swap to Chrome to get a site to work correctly or reliably.

Regarding the sports bans, trans individuals do not generally get a significant advantage against their cis peers. In the case of trans women, they are often are at a detriment in sports due to the lack of testosterone in their body that's naturally there even in cis women. We haven't seen clear cases of trans individuals standing out against their cis peers consistently and the argument that excluding such a small group works both ways. Unless trans folks are somehow world-class by default, excluding them from their gendered sport is moot and if anything cruel.

One place I see compromise (at least with trans women, I have no idea how men's sports handles trans men since they need to take Testosterone) is requiring a certain number of years of HRT. Those who just started HRT might have an advantage, but after a few years they are around the same level as or further behind their peers.

EDIT: I'm a tiny bit more conflicted now reading some other comments I've seen you make. I feel like you're coming from a genuinely good place though. I hope you continue to expose yourself to different ideas and keep learning and growing. ^_^

EDIT 2: :barks like a sealion: iykyk

EDIT 3: My only regret is that I only have one downvote to give.

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Here's a good resource:

You need to understand how often people ask questions that seem to come from a place of ignorance but genuine curiosity and then take that discussion to tell trans folks that they are wrong. It happens so much that it's the main way that transphobes try to infiltrate spaces meant for trans folks.

My honest response is to check that website out. If you are asking about this in trans spaces, bring zero opinions to the table and accept what is said back to you without debate. Debating trans folks' existence is something that is forced upon them in their own spaces by malicious people asking and framing questions just like you've described.

It's hard to take the "enlightened centrism" stance seriously when I see it used as an excuse. So many centrists tell trans folks that their identity is wrong and that they are mentally ill or chose this "lifestyle". As if they want to be trans. As if they like feeling scared and being told they're wrong about something as fundamental as their identity.

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Independence from what exactly? Hm? What things did they feel they were being oppressed over? Got a list?

I doubt you have it on hand, so I looked over the secession documents and speeches from Confederates etc. Here's an exhaustive list of things they wanted to keep that were being "taken from them":

  • Slavery

Not pressuring the Afghani government into releasing ~5,000 Taliban fighters as part of the pullout would have been a good start if I'm being honest. Donald "Art of the Deal" Trump himself basically sentenced that country to die when he agreed to those terms.

I agree that it's a sad state of affairs that the military and government caved so quickly. 20 years of help and they couldn't manage to stand up on their own, all things said and done. Not calling you wrong, but the way we left was a disaster, and honestly we should have reneged on the deal once Biden took office and found a better way to transition out of the country.

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The only one who can't control their bowels is diaper don.

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L take. I agree it's behind modern image manipulation software, but it does almost everything that Photoshop did in the early 2010's at least. It's considerably better than current-day paint.

Fair point. In that case, you cannot call anyone a boy or a girl until they hit puberty. You must treat them all as the same gender (or genderless). One bathroom for "children" who haven't hit puberty and thus clearly don't have a gender. Then we can have a bathroom each for "boy" and "girl".

Or... was that not your point? I wonder if I can guess your point?

I see you have access to what was said then. At least... I assume you do to try and split hairs defending a man who has admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor

:claps fins and barks like a sea lion:

You literally overlook how things like Viagra and estrogen are prescribed as gender affirming care and covered by Medicare to cis folks all the time!

:bark bark:

Why do cis folk get to have gender affirming care but not trans folks?

:slaps fins, barks again:

Your limp dick or low testosterone is god telling you not to breed, why should I subsidize your sex life?

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This is the biggest self-own, wow.

Honestly, I agree. But I don't think Python is anywhere near that bad.

"I know the 'cunts kicking puppies for four years over a century ago before getting shitheeled into the dirt' is an unpopular group, but can't we see their side of things? Clearly their flag means freedom from oppression!"

Go back to Twitter with your other white supremacist friends.

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