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I have somewhat of a pet extension to projection theory... Many people who are anti-gay think that it is a choice as they themselves have made that choice. ie. They are repressed bisexual/gay.

Completely unsubstantiated with no evidence but I find it fun to think about as it would explain their complete misunderstanding of it not being a choice. "I made the tough choice and am living with it, why can't they?!"

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Right on cue, the descent into fascism begins ahead of the impending climate disasters.

It's so depressing to see France like this, I always held it up as a prominent antifa nation.

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So if all world leaders collectively agreed to put aside their differences, ditch capitalism and mobilise their entire populations to actively work to reduce emissions tomorrow we might stand a slim chance of preventing the worst case scenario...

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It's a made up definition which varies depending on whose fairytales you believe.

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You didn't add the date field to your query and couldn't work out why it didn't return the missing field for over 2 hours?

Perhaps SQL isn't for you as things get waaaaay more finicky than that.

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Modern civilisation is ending and likely cannot be stopped.

Suggestions on a postcard pls.

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So they've failed at pushing full return to office and now they're commissioning unscientific studies to try to make hybrid seem necessary?

These results really can't be applied to all jobs. Some jobs obviously require in-person but many white collar jobs can be done entirely remotely saving workers time, money and freeing up infrastructure for those that need/want to go in. Not to mention other benefits to mental health and reduction of emissions involved in commuting.

Elden Ring.

Waited all year until it was on sale as I thought it might not be my cup of tea, tried not to let my prejudice get the better of me but felt it was such a drag I had to put it down.

It was recommended to me as I like Zelda but it couldn't be further from the things I like about it: innovation, fluid gameplay, freedom, puzzles, multiple ways to tackle enemies.

I don't think it's the difficulty as I play lots of roguelike and bullet hell games. My main gripe is the clunkiness of the combat to the point it's unfair. Like you don't really stand a chance through reactions alone, you have to learn the patterns and hitboxes of enemies so that you know in advance when to react.

Also I kept hearing how good the graphics are but I think they're kinda average although the actual art style is quite nice.

Any suggestions on how I might enjoy it would be much appreciated as I haven't got very far.

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This is a blatantly pointless reply.

Having been predominantly a PC gamer for 30 years... PCs more hassle to update and maintain. When I finish work I want to sit on my sofa and play with as little inconvenience as possible.

Consoles fit nicely in a living room and are better for local multiplayer. This generation they were also cheaper than buying the equivalent PC hardware at launch.

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For most, I think It's due to the rumours that Microsoft could pull out of making Xbox hardware altogether, not because people don't want others enjoying Xbox games.

That would enable Sony to form a monopoly over the high-end console market, which is never good for consumers. Xbox users also have concerns surrounding how they would be able to access their 20+ years of games, friends, achievements, clips, etc. if that were to happen.

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*7 years earlier than the recently revised predictions YAY.

For some reason I find it absolutely hilarious that some idiots have downvoted this.

"Please keep your existential dread to yourself as we only really want to hear problems that can be fixed with a pithy Lemmy comment."

Sorry bro, not much consolation but I feel you.

Hard disagree. Most trailblazing console ever with one of the strongest lineups of first/second party games we've ever seen. Yes there were some shoddy third party ports but you didn't buy it for those.

People moan about the controller but forget it was the first time a joystick was used and the only real issue was the redundant left prong. Loved the feel of the Z button for shooting games coupled with the Rumble Pak.

No they don't and agnosticism isn't an upgrade, it's just sitting on the fence.

Most athiests are agnostic to some degree and vice versa.

The burden of proof lies with the person making the extraordinary claim.

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Woodwork dweller here, you seem to have forgotten:

Majora's Mask

Star Fox 64

Jet Force Gemini

Donkey Kong 64

Diddy Kong Racing

Excite Bike 64

Paper Mario

Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

Pokémon Stadium

Yoshi's Story

Pokémon Snap

Mario Party

Felt at the time that there was always a high quality "AAA" release on the horizon interspersed with some of the greatest games ever made. Many of the gameplay techniques these games pioneered during the transition from 2D to 3D are still used to this day.

Obviously a lot of them don't stand the test of time a quarter of a century on but we haven't had a system with the same consistent quality of games for a long time, if ever, IMO.

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One of the admittedly minor things I dislike about his tetchy interview answers is when he starts going "blah blah blah...that's why we've done things such as..." and then proceeds to list the one and only example of said thing.

PBS Space Time and Stand-up Maths are two of my favourites.


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We are just recovering from a similar situation here but the Overton window has shifted so far the supposed left-wing workers' party now look like centre-right conservatives.

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I have a theory... They are sophisticated auto-complete.

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+1 for the S23.

I've been a Nexus/Pixel fan since the beginning but performance/battery is much better now the Samsungs have the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in them.

Camera is decent (marginally worse than Pixel for stills but better for video) and OneUI is far much more customisable and less obtuse than it was in the past.

Cheers, probably just not for me then.

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This whole argument hinges on consciousness being easier to produce than to fake intelligence to humans.

Humans already anthropomorphise everything, so I'm leaning towards the latter being easier.

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Logic and reasoning preferably with scientific evidence.

Ah I see ChatGPT is being as accurate as ever making up a created_at field completely unprompted. They've already found the correct SQL:

SELECT task, status, id, date FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

Although I would question the sense in calling a date field "date".

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This graph suggests the latter.

Not to mention the rising tensions around the globe reminiscent of the 1930s.

Yeah, glad I didn't buy this. Thought it was hated on a bit too much though.

I enjoyed the combat more than most RPGs and some of the hand crafted environments were nice. Found the ship building quite fun too.

Pretty much same. Around 2012 it really became apparent that nothing was going to be done in time and I personally flipped from "Science/tech will save us!" to pessimist. At this point it's just realism.

The way the world handled Covid was the final nail in the coffin for me when the majority of humanity demonstrated that they can't/won't behave as a collective to save lives if it inconveniences them. It was the perfect test run for what is to come and most made it abundantly clear they can't cope with any kind of disruption to their capitalistic routine.

Now the data is beginning to show in the graphs the news is slowly seeping into mainstream circles. But at this it's way too late and nothing short of ditching the idea of growth and uniting/mobilising the entire world against the issue will solve it.

Luckily my partner is fully aware too so we're just making what we can of the time we have left. My friends and family on the other hand are busy having kids and whilst appear to listen, obviously don't grasp the gravity of the situation.

This article, along with others covering the topic, seem to foster an air of mystery about machine learning which I find quite offputting.

Known as generalization, this is one of the most fundamental ideas in machine learning—and its greatest puzzle. Models learn to do a task—spot faces, translate sentences, avoid pedestrians—by training with a specific set of examples. Yet they can generalize, learning to do that task with examples they have not seen before.

Sounds a lot like Category Theory to me which is all about abstracting rules as far as possible to form associations between concepts. This would explain other phenomena discussed in the article.

Like, why can they learn language? I think this is very mysterious.

Potentially because language structures can be encoded as categories. Any possible concept including the whole of mathematics can be encoded as relationships between objects in Category Theory. For more info see this excellent video.

He thinks there could be a hidden mathematical pattern in language that large language models somehow come to exploit: “Pure speculation but why not?”

Sound familiar?

models could seemingly fail to learn a task and then all of a sudden just get it, as if a lightbulb had switched on.

Maybe there is a threshold probability of a positied association being correct and after enough iterations, the model flipped it to "true".

I'd prefer articles to discuss the underlying workings, even if speculative like the above, rather than perpetuating the "It's magic, no one knows." narrative. Too many people (especially here on Lemmy it has to be said) pick that up and run with it rather than thinking critically about the topic and formulating their own hypotheses.

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Cries in UK where AI has already been used to ensure no such restrictions apply here.

I played this for a few hours a couple of years back as I had heard so many rave reviews about it.

I got to the first boss I but it didn't really click with me, did I not give it enough of a chance or something? Does gameplay/story improve as it goes on?

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This doesn't track, Rare were banging out so many good games and as others have mentioned the Star Wars games were also awesome.

I feel you are also still missing the point about trailblazing. There was more gameplay innovation than anything since.

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Your meme probably wasn't dank enough then.

Absolutely no way the training set could have included

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You're being downvoted because you provide no tangible evidence for your opinion that human consciousness can be reduced to a graph that can be modelled by a neural network.

Addidtionally, you don't seem to respond to any of the replies you receive in good faith and reach for anecdotal evidence wherever possible.

I also personally don't like the appeal to authority permeating your posts. Just because someone who wants to secure more funding for their research has put out a blog post, it doesn't make it true in any scientific sense.

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Think you're slightly missing the point. I agree that LLMs will get better and better to a point where interacting with one will be indistinguishable from interacting with a human. That does not make them sentient.

The debate is really whether all of our understanding and human experience of the world comes down to weighted values on a graph or if the human brain is hiding more complex, as-yet-undiscovered, phenomena than that.

Welp looks like we both know the arguments and fall on different sides of the debate then.

Much better than being confidently wrong like most LLMs...

This is a variation of the famous Ship of Theseus thought experiment.

I always gamed predominantly on PC but this generation I did the maths as PC parts had become over-inflated so decided to give console a try. I still think it was a decent decision for this generation...

Game Pass can be had waaaaaay cheaper than that and you can get it all back and more in rewards points.

I spent £450ish on the console at launch including controller and a game. Equivalent GPU was £500 or more at the time.

Spent £150ish on Game Pass sub from November 2020 to July 2026 which has allowed me to play countless games I never would have bought outright.

I've made over £700 back in vouchers with over 2 years left to accumulate more. Spent half of it on games, and controllers, headset, etc. all of which I can use on my PC. Plan on saving the remaining vouchers to put towards my next PC build.

This is without mentioning other console benefits like low maintenance, Quick Resume and the fact I can use one copy of a game to play with two players online.

eXpLaIN hOw im OuT oF pOcKeT.

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