1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please PM me buttplug pictures.

I think the biggest problem I have is that the magazines exist but have little to no activity.

I and a few other posted in /m/motorcycles but I don't think there's been any activity since.

10 more...

Yeah this happened to me with the thread about "we are defederating from and effective immediately."

I was like holy shit I didn't realize kbin (my home instance) was planning that, I have a lot of stuff I like from those two instances.

Then I realized the post was from beehaw in regards to their decision to defederate.

Maybe it's just the way kbin displays stuff, but it's not always clear to me what "we" means. It could mean the entire fediverse, an individual instance, a community, a magazine, etc.

2 more...

I know they can seize other things than money but I always make a point to carry very little cash whenever I travel.

I was able to donate to Ernest who runs kbin. I can't find the link at the moment but it is floating around here somewhere.

I like these ideas.

I like porn so I browsed the front page of Holy shit it's like 50% hentai and other anime porn. I tried blocking the cartoon porn communities so I could browse all without losing my boner but there are so many of them and they keep making new ones!

2 more...

The way he acts makes me I wish I didn't need Starlink. I don't like giving him my business.

Lol I'm gonna share your comment with my wife. She thinks I'm a pervert but now I have proof that it could be worse!

It sounds like this dude didn't even have a gun on him. He obeyed all of the officer's commands and still got shot.

Half this country is concerned that the people crossing our border aren't the "best and brightest" but what about our law enforcement? It's certainly not the "best and brightest" who become officers.

I've been trying to block all the Hentai, cartoon, and AI porn communities on LemmyNSFW but other than that it's pretty great! If you turn on the auto-expand images setting it makes for easy left-hand browsing.

4 more...

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember searching for communities from kbin doesn't work if you use the exclamation point.

This is wrong and I will defend my opinion to the death!

Hey I'm new too! We're all figuring this out together, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Here's a screen grab of The World's Strongest Man Eddie Hall wearing rainbow suspenders in a video I saw yesterday.

I don't want to block the entire instance. I still want all the real porn, just not the cartoon/AI stuff.

My wife accidentally activated this on her Pixel. The phone was in a mount on her motorcycle handlebars and some bumpy terrain moved the phone in a way that the power button was pushed 5 times by the mount.

The soundtrack was amazing too. I ripped it to MP3 from the CD years ago when CDs and MP3s were still a thing. I listen to the soundtrack regularly to this day.

Maybe there are issues with the data being synced back and forth not happening as expected and what I'm observing is unintended behavior.

1 more...

Nice! I've just been browsing all and sorting by new hoping to stumble across activity but this should be helpful.

Where does kbin land on this list? When I signed up for kbin it appeared it was the most popular or at least close to the top. I'm surprised to see it's not on this list.

In the case of the Oxford comma it's more to distinguish between items in a list that are combined by the "and" or items in a list that are separate items. It's not used to indicate a pause in this scenario.

I wasn't able to, so instead I just added the additional pictures to comment replies on my original post. Not perfect but better than nothing.

I want to hear a story about how mankind threw the undertaker 30 feet onto an announcer's table.

Raise your hand if you also finished the last episode of the new season of Black Mirror!

Interesting, that community doesn't show anything when I browse to it from kbin.

What I'm doing is clicking the magazines button at the top of the kbin page and searching for motorcycles. I see which is where I've posted and commented. At the end of the search list I see the community, but it shows no activity and only 1 subscriber. When I click on it, I get a message saying "The magazine from the federated server may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance."

When I click the link to browse more, it takes me to the actual page where there is a bit of content and I can see that there are roughly 250 subscribers.

Maybe I'm not understanding how federation works, because I was under the impression that I was supposed to be able to interact with communities from (or other federated instances) from within I must be missing something and I consider myself somewhat technical so I imagine this is extra confusing for someone non-technical.

4 more... is what I've been using ever since dyndns started charging big prices for what used to be free.

I don't fully understand it either, but I'm on kbin right now and I can see this entire thread. It's very cool!

I'm not the person you're replying to but I don't like Biden's push for gun control or his inability to do anything about Healthcare. I want universal health care and an AR-15 and I'm tired of having to choose one or the other. He also hasn't made any effort to legalize weed, though I think the pardons he handed out to non-violent marijuana offenders was a great move. I like the idea of student debt relief but it doesn't solve the root issue of rising tuition costs and exorbitant student loans. I like his stances on most issues except for firearms, but he seems to be ineffective at getting things done.

Even with a subscription cost for the API, users still won't be getting any NSFW posts. That includes porn obviously but there was also tons of non-porn NSFW content in subs like /r/drugs, /r/sex, etc.

I'm also confused because some of those communities that are on other instances such as actually have activity even though they don't display anything in kbin. For instance the motorcycles community has activity but none of that is displayed when searching for motorcycles via kbin.

I downloaded Ubuntu 5.04 and have mostly stuck with Ubuntu for almost 20 years. I've tried other distros over the years but I've always come back to Ubuntu.

I'll admit I kinda want to fuck her... Not in a romantic laying by the fireplace way, but maybe in a Wendy's bathroom.

I posted this above as well, but it's very relevant to your comment.

100% agree! I think this is a good visual that helps explain why it's important.

I think cilantro tastes a little soapy but I still put it on my food.

TIL that a standard Martini is made with gin. I always thought vodka was the default so whenever I've ordered a Martini I've specified gin because I fucking love gin.

Biden has two "band-aid" fixes that I'm aware of.

The first as you mentioned is the student debt relief which doesn't address the root cause of the problem that colleges can charge exorbitant fees to 17 year olds who have no concept of financial responsibility.

The other band-aid is the pardoning of non-violent marijuana offenders. I'm all for these people getting their lives back but it's 2023 and marijuana is still fucking illegal in the United States even though most of its citizens and most of its states have decided that it shouldn't be illegal.

I don't get Biden. He talks a big game but he can't seem to make any meaningful changes because he's too busy losing the gun control war.

I'm looking forward to giving hardcore a try. I played classic quite a bit up to Wotlk. I didn't have any interest in hardcore until it became an official thing (it used to be an add on that you installed that kept track of all the players who attempted the hardcore challenge).

I don't think I will do too well. I expect a lot of swearing.

Beer before liquor, you'll never be sicker.

Liquor before beer, you're in the clear.

Yeah came here to say the same thing. The interactions between the different spell schools is incredible and they can also interact with the environment.