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Joined 1 years ago

I suspect that the fact that he had to call out that they are not seeing any significant revenue impact probably means that they actually are seeing an impact.

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In Germany it's typical to do so just to make the change easier, you might catch an angry glance by making them make small change.

Italy will list a coperto or servizio on the menu.

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This video detailing the event was more uncomfortable to watch than expected, if you really imagine what it must have been like.. Horrible way to go.

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... except for the annual aid they already get from the US?

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Don't forget that it's the employer paying the shitty wage that is the one screwing over the worker. This is exactly what those employers want, to be able to pay shitty wages and have the blame shifted to someone else.

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Again you're blaming the consumer but totally overlook the employer being cheap and paying shitty wages. You're playing right into their hand.

You'd be better off looking at porn than spending your energy trolling this thread.

I saw in Asia there is a Chinese EV, I think the brand is Wuling, for about ~13-15k with about 180 miles of range. Small car but perfect for local driving.

Dunno but probably worth it for the amount of transactions they process.

Has reddit actually been negatively impacted by their recent actions?

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It's your business but if you want to do business in the US, federal and a lot of state laws say you can’t discriminate against customers based on factors such as race, religion, sex or national origin.

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This ruling confirms that people who are LGBTQ+ can be discriminated against in ways that other people cannot.

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Do you think it's a waste of resources to even give him a trial? Death penalty trials are long and expensive and often cost more than lifelong incarceration. You might be okay with a low bar for having the government remove someone from society but I think the bar should be high, and the decision shouldn't be done lightly. However, keeping that bar high also takes more resources so the issue isn't as easy as you make it out to be.

It's not about going against a candidate that has better chances or trying to prevent a backfire. It's about following the rule of law and upholding the constitution. DJT is not eligible because he swore and oath and later engaged in insurrection, full stop.

This is the problem. These services have successfully pitted you against the customer. If you are not happy with the pay, your issue is with the employer, not the customer.

These services do pay drivers and it's not enough. Instead of paying more, they redirect you to the customer for the rest, and in some cases you just get screwed. But it's the service screwing you, not the customer.

In the US there are laws to protect certain groups against discrimination, so no, a business cannot legally just do business with whoever they please if they are discriminating against a protected group.

All this ruling shows is that LGBTQ+ folks are not a protected group and have less rights under the law than other groups (religious groups, for example).

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This is such a cynical take. NHS finds a simple change to save lives and you spun it bash on the idea of government.

Virginia passed a law adding sexual orientation and gender identity to its non-discrimination laws. This law was challenged and stuck down by citing a supreme court case (I think the one about a cake, but not sure) that said it infringed on the speech of the religious person.

As for how far it goes, good question. When the supreme court case ruled on that there was a lot of fear that it would lead to further discrimination around the country - it seems to be true so far.

The percentage is non-zero. But if you are really concerned about the percentage, you probably shouldn't rely on this method. It's a judgement call.

No idea. But it's worth considering that there are cases where you might not have the opportunity to power it down.

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One second officer, let me just power down my phone real quick.

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