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I have a nagging doubt; jpeg-xl has a very extensive feature set (text overlays, etc). meanwhile, tech/media consortia want a basic spec for AV1 + OPUS on chip and push that to all media capable devices. we can expect av1, avif and opus to be ubiquitous in a few years. So i think they will prioritise AVIF.

sweden and somalia

sharing is theft^(TM)^

(Old meme directly quotes the courts and govt ministers. Gen-z too young to remember napster and kazaa)

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Beware new laws! we already have industry and environmental regulation overlapping with general laws. Lack of enforcement is the problem

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No really. I mean it. sharing is actually theft. dispersing resources evenly is wasteful. it's inefficient. and sharing only with your ingroup creates cliques and class divides. ultimately it is sharing in all its forms which robs society of progress and long term prosperity. on the other hand, self interest drives innovation while trade leads to prosperity. self interest is the true driver of human progress.

buy only paper books from the publisher. and only new books. not used. as the good book says; "Neither a borrower, nor a lender be."

BTW, are we allowed to talk about the national capacity for 60M poopies per day vs the actual load of 90M ?

our birthrate drops. young adults emigrate. some old people die while others retire abroad. And yet, we're 30M poopies/day overcapacity. why? nobody nose! it's a mysteron!

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what do prisons achieve?

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Do i have to spell it out? it can only mean one thing. they aren't abroad and they aren't dead. Which means they must be underground, kept alive in a coma. their bodies used as orgone-energy batteries to power the quantum thingy. look, i don't have much time. you'll have to trust me... oh no, they can see us. run!

Ah, i see. build empty prisons as a deterrent to the rich. brilliant! simply brilliant!

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surely it's a boast... a gross valuation of absolutely everything that can be remotely linked to them. they dont personally control or consume billions.