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um engenheiros devops completamente ablublue das ideia

"Nothing but US politics" that's a lie because genocide is also blocked. How can you discuss US Politics without discussing US sponsorship of genocides???

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Around 10 years ago I was trying to write something like it for a company. It is a lot of time, so probably now there is a lot of AI involved, but 10 years ago the path was to build a heatmap of the binary and try to find matches

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I love to see this pic because it reminds me that billionaires are not, even a little, smarts.

not today, nsa ,👁👄👁

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they don't work, they are the real bums doing nothing all day, living with the profits of OUR (the working class) hard work.

They don't work and are the reason why the workers don't have a good life.

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I'm afraid that UK could steal this post to show in one of their museums

I know a professional assassin when I see one

Isn't cybertruck already a dumpster?

You should search about Salvador Allende if you think you can beat fascism by "peaceful means"

Gnome if you come from MacOS, KDE if you come from Windows. But, for a beginner, I think that highly customized to be Windows-like Zorin OS or Linux Mint with Cinnamon would be better choices.

tbh, I'm always "getting" ready to create a social network to share Playlists based on ActivityPub because sometimes I want Playlists from my friend but they all use Spotify and I use Tidal. Your post inspired me to start it, because now I know there is others with the same need. Anyone who wants to join me, please send me a DM :)

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Reminded me of this amazing statue in Treptower Park, Berlin, which has a graveyard with fighters from the Red Army dead in the battles against the fascist beasts of nazism. I love it and it is pretty beautiful, and the detail of the sword in the swastika is amazing

Escultura no parque Treptower Park, em Berlim, que representa um soldado soviético do exército vermelho carregando uma criança e pisando em uma suástica enquanto crava nesta uma espada.

Escultura no parque Treptower Park, em Berlim, que representa um soldado soviético do exército vermelho carregando uma criança e pisando em uma suástica enquanto crava nesta uma espada.

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hahahahahahaj I don't know if it is funny because it is absurd or if it is funny because there are some folks out there that really think like that hahahahah

wtf is wrong with USA????? why is this even a question?! fck

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The funny fact is that a "tarif sign" is a thing in Brazil, at least in Sao Paulo. It is called "Impostômetro", which doesn't translate but means something like ("tax meter"). It is located in the entrance of the state "Business association" and it is constantly updated with the sum amount that people from São Paulo paid in taxes for the current year.A sign in Sao Paulo which shows how much citizens from the state paid in taxes that year.

Well, in my country there is no payment for donating blood and people do that very often.

I didn't know about it, and looks really interesting (I'll start to use it). But looks like it is more a player with social network features, while my focus is to share and import your playlists across different services. i.e., you have a great Playlist but use it in Spotify. Then, you share it in this system I want to create and I can import this Playlist in Tidal. But, definitely, Funkwhale is a great source to get some "getting started" of code, so thanks for sharing it :D

Hahaha, bro, I think you may have just discovered the next step in quantum theory.

it depends on the kid's skin color

Claro, uma instância ou uma aplicação específica pode aceitar autenticação através de outros servidores desde que haja uma maneira de implementar fornecida pela outra aplicação, mas aí vai da implementação. O ActivityPub estabelece as diretrizes para redes se comunicarem entre si sobre as atividades dos seus atores sobre objetos, mas como alguém estabelece vínculo autorizativo para criar atividades por um ator fica a critério da implementação. Em termos gerais, a federação não versa sobre os processos para se efetuar uma atividade, mas apenas sobre a atividade em si e como distribui-la

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Não. O ator, que é a sua abstração no fediverso, pertence ao servidor. Inclusive o identificador dele é único justamente porque o nome do servidor é parte compositora do id, de forma que quando você tenta autenticar em outra instância, pra ela o seu login dá usuário não encontrado

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Probably they will use to kill more innocent Palestinians, like they did with Lavender

It is closed, but there are some paints and texts as tribute to those who fought in the war. I don't remember very well (memory broken by ADHD), but is something like that. I'm planning to pay another visit there soon and if I remember I'll take some pictures as well

How do you not know? He literally wrote a book about not to be a communist called The MaNOfest of the ComunNOst Party.

ordinary branch from an ordinary USA tree

how isn't a bad thing having a price in blood? why did everything become a product there? It means that people are so selfish that only money is capable of making them do something. Blood donation should be a voluntary act, not having a price in it o.O

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Especially because at school we learn that it is important to donate, blood and organ, because it helps other people and maybe can save lives, not because we can take profit out of it.

So that's the problem with the USA. Why does the country allow companies to make profit with people's blood? That's ridiculous. This is the type of thing that happens when you allow everything to become a product, even stuff from your body. It is like insulin, that people die for not having money to buy, and it is not that expensive, but someone has to get some profit from others'chances to survive. This is selfish at it's maximum.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for that. I've tried to enter university once but the noise and pressure in teenage times plus mediocre education plus laziness from my side didn't allow it, but the curiosity was still here but I never knew (or, at least, I thought I didn't knew) how to do it. Don't want to do it professionally, at least not now, don't have time, but I would like to understand things more. In the end, what I had in my mind and thought was wrong is something like what u said, so I have no excuses and nothing else to do besides starts doing.

The OP and you didn't know, but you've made the life of someone better just by giving hope that this someone know how to do.

Thanks ❤️

I feel sad for you, bro, for how selfish you are. Try to get some money from doing something that could save lives.

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Check the answers. It is, indeed, "a lot" sometimes and it happens just to allow companies to have huge profits. To do so, they allow people to have a small profit and it means let some people die if they don't have enough money to make riches richer. The USA is a country working upside down, bro.

Yeah, it is, but users avoid systems with high fragmentation. I'm not against create 1 billion package managers, but IMO distros should ship a default one (I'm in favor of something cross-distro, like Flatpaks) and if I want something different I just install it

WHY? GOD WHY?!?!?!? Why another new package manager?????

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Release a product that is not usable by disabled people Releases another product that costs more money but is the only way for disabled people to use the first product

Make profit