4 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It'll happen if Lemmy gets big enough. I only worry about search engines getting tangled in the natural duplication of Lemmy posts.

Like, if a web crawler sees a Beehaw post, and then seees's mirrored page of that same post, could it just show up as two different results? Could it work against the SEO in that it gets marked as "duplicate" or "spam" content in some way?

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I always sort of read those jokes as illustrative as GLaDOS being a bad person fielding weak material more than like, an earnest expression of the game writer's values. Like, the game itself doesn't present the remarks themselves as funny so much as GLaDOS being rude, snippy, and actively incorrect given that Chell is mega-fit.

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Yeah no shit those metrics will skew towards Gen Z being more victimized if you’re lumping cyberbullying into the mix!

They're high in each of those categories individually, not (just) if you add the categories together and compare the totals. Millennials are slightly higher in Romance scams and identify theft though.

BUT these numbers are also self-disclosed. I'm not sure how you'd correct for this in a survey, but I could easily believe that these two generations are simply more likely to realize they've been victimized, and have a higher exposure to the internet (and thus to scams).

I'd be more interested in something like a sit-down test, to be honest. It'd be easier to account for time spent online and self-awareness of victimization, and more likely to isolate "internet street smarts", as far as I can tell.

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On the other hand... Super Duper Key.

Their website doesn't seem to specify which GSM bands it has (simply "More Bands and Band-Combinations for better reception"). I want to know how much of a given provider's spectrum I'd be missing out on trying to sneak one of these to the states.

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Both Gmail and Outlook have dipped into having 2+ sidebar menus, with one of them permanent. And for both, it's to shoehorn in features/flows that aren't the thing I'm there for (e-mail).

First time encountering one! I'm almost impressed how you can write about something as technical as Linux in the writing style and cadence of shady medical supplement ads for the elderly, including bolded accusatory questions and poorly-supported italic statements placed mid-sentence.

You heard it that way because that's because that's the end of 1 Corinthians 13:11:

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

C.S. Lewis is playing off of a Bible quote and that became its own thing.

Ooh yeah. I wasn't going to jump through that weird whitelist process to get that twitter blueblocker on Firefox for Android, but not I don't have to!

The Pokemon go plus+ (yes it's two pluses) is a little device, sorta like a flattened PokeBall, rather than a service.

The instance I wanted to join was Lemmy. That's pretty much it.

Ooh, nice. I hope this means Boost for Lemmy's release isn't that far behind!

A good number of those subreddits became breeding grounds for not-so-subtle racist dogwhistling, so I don't really miss them.

A lot of the others sort of ran through the actually good, viable content before expanding to being less good (/r/YoutubeHaiku basically dropping the 'unscripted' requirement and becoming essentially, short-form skits and streamer clips). I tend to follow people with content I like directly on TikTok and Youtube these days. Aggregators of content tend to go either generic or toxic, I find.

Too bad (for them) the newer version of Tweetdeck was ✨worse✨ than the old one.

I've had an impressively easy time finding particular messages as long as I had a decent idea of what servers it might have been in and at least one of the following:

  • Who said it
  • To whom it was said
  • At least a word that was likely said

Which has been way better than most other things I've bothered to search through like Reddit, Beehaw, or Mastodon (especially when it was limited entirely to hashtags). Lord help me if I want to find a particular post or comment on TikTok or Youtube.

If you're a little clever with interpolation, you don't need to run at 1000s of frames per second! You'd just calculate how much time after the last frame it would take to cross the line at the last known speed and position.

Been on Reddit since 2010. I'm hoping that Lemmy and other Fediverse apps sort of grow out of the meta-talk and comparisons to their centralized counterparts.

Otherwise, the communities themselves seem pleasant (or swiftly defederated from by the good ones). We don't quite the critical mass to get active niche communities, or hyper-specialized ones yet, which I kind of miss. Stuff like "here's a subreddit for each of these very specific habits that cats can have", or "talk about a particular species of parrot", y'know?

People have mentioned most of the good ones (Scrivener, Resolve, Steam, Discord), but I must grudgingly nod to OneNote.

There are competitors in the note-taking space, yes, but none of them get handwriting down like OneNote has for 15+ years, now.

Well, I guess it's better than trying to paywall stuff that was previously available.

Also don't think X calls would be worth using free, let alone for a fee, so we'll see how that goes.

Content rate needs to go up, I agree, but the biggest source of content in comparable social media came from something I'd like to avoid: power users.

See, that's much closer to "(It was) my pleasure", which is a valid English response (though these days it puts people in the mind of "Chick-fil-A employee") than it is "You're welcome".

Now witness the firepower of this fully armed and capitalist hardware.

Fire at will, commander.

Thanks! Yeah, it looks like it covers T-mobile minus the GHZ/ mmWave bands, which is good for me. A solid consider, especially if they (eventually) drag it over to the states like the Fairphone 5.

Multiple monitors, touch screens, tablet digitizers remain a letdown constantly. Not always fully broken, but falling just short enough that actually fixing it is a pain and just living without the feature (or Linux) is easier.


Not in the reading of it, which I did out of the momentum of Bard quest and Problem Sleuth, but in the way that it rippled through the online media landscape and affected discourse and things like Undertale, webcomics, and crowd funding.

Not in any "profound" way, but in a measurably gigantic one.

Yeah, between the image compression and resolution, a lot of things that should be 'gaps' in the letters are closing up. Like, the 's' in 'psuedorandom' or 'set' looks like a squished-up 'g'.

I can read individual words as I'm looking at them, but I've lost the ability to scan the line and parse words in my peripheral vision.

Snaps are a relatively recent way of packaging application installations in certain flavors of Linux. Steam is Valve's game distribution platform (amongst other things).

There's an unofficial Snap package to install Steam and it apparently doesn't work so good

Oooh yeah this was it. I had previously selected a few, but at some point trying to fix it, I clicked instead of ctrl+clicked and it deselected everything else.

Thanks a bunch!

There's an irony to comparing it to a Lovecraftian tale, considering how racist the guy was, and how his stories allegorically supported racism.

The language is rooted in the same logic as people. Your first year was between the ages of 0 and 1. The first year before you were born is between -1 and 0. There is no 0th year because 0 is a point in time and not a range in time.

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I guess I gotta start looking at self-hosted aggregator solutions. I hope one of them has per-podcast playback speed settings/autoskip capabilities. I use the heck out of those.

Niantic seems to have trouble telling if a franchise is a good fit for the tech they have and the gameplay it enables. Marvel, Transformers, HP, and Basketball don't lend themselves well to the grindy collection and exploration mechanics.

We'll see how well Monster Hunter holds up, gameplay wise. It at least has a repeatable thing that sorta makes sense thematically (like fighting several Rathalos to gather parts) as opposed to having 5 clones of LeBron James or getting... stickers of stuff that you might recognize.

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I've got an account on a small Mastodon instance that a friend owns (migrated to there from the big instance). That's pretty much it!! It's named after a silly design pun where I reshaped the onlyfans logo into a more mastodon-y oliphaunt.

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I got put into Youtube Premium when Google Play Music merged, so I think of it as equivalent to Spotify premium, but also: you can also upload your own music library, you get ads removed on Youtube videos, and offline play for both music and videos.

It's decently worth it if you reference Spotify Premium's cost (and also I've been at 9.99USD/mo this whole time and not been hit with any price increases at all for some reason?)

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The act of taking down notes helps me remember things (even if I never look at the actual notes, which I rarely do!)

Handwriting has this effect moreso than typing, but typing still helps. I think having to embody the notes in some form forces me to pay attention at all, and having to keep up means I need to summarize or pick the most salient points, which means I must engage with the material further.

I tend to use pen & paper or a tablet PC. If whatever I'm taking notes for is more of a liberal-arts-lecture feel, I'll type (more words needed!), but if there are diagrams or equations involved (STEM time!), I'll handwrite.

My home setup is a dual monitor, with the secondary to the side in portrait mode.

I prefer that to the time I tried an ultrawide, partly because it's a lot easier to configure secondary windows when gaming -- game is fullscreen/fullscreen borderless).

It's a thing, yeah. Disney acquired them in the mid-90s. Pretty reliably top 3 in viewership numbers, just above Fox and Fox News, who round out the top 5.

Yes, I do 20USD/mo, I think, because I've taken up what I've been calling "Secular Tithing" in the last few years, and Wikimedia and its ventures were useful learning and research tools for my undergrad and highschool. Less so during my master's, but that's just how that goes.

Despite being an ECE major, I didn't really bother doing anything with Linux until two things happened at the same time:

  1. I started having to work in several different build environments that were just easier to set up in Linux
  2. I started running Minecraft servers/doing server modding (starting back in the days of Hey0's server mod and carrying up through Bukkit).

I wouldn't call myself an evangelist at all. If you're doing something that I think will be specifically easier to do in Linux (mostly servers and specific kinds of software development), I'll point out how... but I find that a lot of people's advice on "use Linux and X FOSS tool" ends up being akin to giving someone bike shopping advice on which welding torch to use to construct their bicycle frame.

Without substantial growth after being cut off from the activity of the fediverse, Beehaw would not be large enough to stave off serious atrophy. The lemmy/kbin end of the fediverse is already very slow to begin with.

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