2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I honestly am not sure why we had become so tolerant of advertisements in our face.

Perhaps we had reasoned it was just the way these companies make money, a necessary evil.

Its getting to the point though, where the more I see a company advertise and put out meaningless and ambiguous statements the less I trust that company.

Isn't there some old adage about don't trust what someone tells you about themselves, rather than the way they act?

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I've never heard of a "pull day" at the gym before, what's that mean?

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Omg lol this took me far too long to realize it was a joke!

I find it interesting that you oppose this bill because it would make your life harder, which you plan to pass onto your workers.

How much better of a life exactly do you deserve for being the "boss"?

Hey no one ever said having an alternate way to do something is a bad thing! Redundancy is good! Thank you for the tip!

I think it was nearly 3 years in our new house before we finally opened the last box and sorted it all so don't feel to bad!

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You can always just format it.

I agree, I think it's only going to work for me with memorizing it because one of the MMORPGs I used to play used the period key for chat options, so I'm piggybacking on that.

The shortcut choice sort of screams "there weren't many shortcuts left"

Honestly, an emoji button should probably make its way into the standard keyboard layout very soon with how prevalent it's use had become

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Thank you I didn't notice that yet! Immediately reminds me of how the start menu works with the built in search bar.

I shoulda known I was going to get a bunch of good tips back from posting this! πŸ˜†

I actually hadn't clicked the clipboard tab yet to see the extent of that tool, so thank you for pointing that out. That might actually be the most useful part of this tool so far

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It's been a long time since I've given Linux much of an opportunity, I think I will give Mint a try.

It sounds like you are talking about running it in a virtual desktop first, dual booting with my current Windows OS. Is that accurate?

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I've been there too, remember that even if you didn't have the medication to sleep through the weekend, YOU WOULD STILL SURVIVE.

Of course there can be a difference between a horrible experience and just a bad one, but sometimes the little phrases we can repeat to ourselves in our head can go a long way to providing peace and calmness.

I hope this doesn't read like it's easy to handle this stuff, it's not, but hopefully you will find the strength when you need it!

It's kinda funny to me, that the day you described sounds like an amazing day to me, mostly because my 3 year old and 10 year old boys are still turning every day into chaos lol

I'm taking notes for when they are out of the house though and it's just me and my wife finally!

I do this sometimes, all of my arguments have been countered, but I'm so sure I'm right. I'm probably just phrasing it wrong or thinking too slow, yeah thats it.

If I don't realize what I'm doing I'll go spend the next hour trying to solve the puzzle of "what I could have said to win the argument".

Hopefully they come back and think on it again when they are less defensive.

If it helps there are some interesting papers on the idea that motivation comes from seeing the results of your own actions, and not before.

So that means you are supposed to feel this lack of motivation, and once you start writing and the feedback loop kicks in, the motivation will come on its own.

Feel free to ignore me if that doesn't help but here's a link to some more information on the idea:

People are posting sources saying that most companies have been serum free for a few years now.


Lol are you me?! Small world when our entire families are playing the same games!

I really got the feeling when I read about this, that this is going to be a major turning point in this conflict, I just don't know what that outcome will be unfortunately. I hope it's things getting better rather than worse :/

Does the general public in England not care about foreigners in general? Obviously its profit driven. Cutting costs increases profit, but usually the backlash from something like this would make it not worth it.

Would the average person in England read this article and feel a lack of empathy for them?

Maybe I've just been misunderstanding the draw of baseball all these years, because that 2-6th inning nap sounds amazing. Maybe I've just been doing this wrong all these years lol

Good idea, get that tool over to a better shortcut ASAP! Thanks for the tip! Is that similar to using AutoHotKey or is it more of a different approach to remapping keys or shortcuts?

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Sounds like maybe when they released the feature initially? Although I'm more thinking of the normal style of rollout where they trial a region first.

That screenshot made me smile immediately, I love stuff that adds character like that.

Thank you for the advice, I'm planning on digging into this a bit tonight once the kids are sleeping, and I might just take you up on that offer if I think of any questions!

Exactly! That's actually what forced me into finding out about this way of going about it. I think searching for solutions might be some sort of a hobby of mine lol

Lol it's right next to the original shortcut too, maybe in case we fat finger it!

I actually learned this one working at an IT help desk. It's the main way to fix the "I can't find this window" problem when people throw an application screen entirely off monitor or it's just poking out by 1 pixel and they can't find it.

Hit that shortcut and it snaps to one of the screens and you can go from there!

Ha! I gotta admit I had no idea what Denko Emojis were until I did a quick search. It does seem exceptionally odd that there is a whole section dedicated to these, right? lol

I had a coworker who used to send a wide range of these all the time though, I wonder if this was his trick all along.

Nice! I don't use speech to text often but it is one of those things you will miss when you do need it. Thank you!


Other poster is right, those aren't the only applications around that do those things. If you know its wrong why do it?

I'd be interested in following along as well, I can't afford any renovations at the moment but anything I can learn about in advance is a great help!

Nice I didn't know that one either! I definitely didn't just test it while typing out this reply....

Lol that's great! Did you ever complain about how long it takes to travel anywhere? πŸ˜‚

Oh nice so you are saying essentially you can submit screenshots directly from the clipboard?

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Awesome thank you for this tip, I love that new little screenshot widget but the shortcut is so clunky. Moving it to print screen would be a big upgrade for me.

Thank you for the tip(s)! That's two new bookmarked searches for me to go over when I have some free time: EndeavorOS (possible MHA reference?) And alsamixer :D

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Awesome! Writing this one down, I think this one will be useful for work as well so it's made that short list as well! ☺️

Oh I had no idea what that consisted of but now that you describe it, I think I'll start running through each improvement and see if it might be useful for my daily workflows. Thank you!

Base pay has to be the same. You get merit based raised after that. How will they know who's better and who's worse at first? They won't that's why base pay is equal for everyone.

Some employees have so much experience or other skills that they can immediately ask for a higher base pay but it's not the average experience.