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Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted the "SHAM trial" on X. "You don't see this level of corruption in a banana republic", she wrote, directing people to a Trump fundraiser.

I don't know I've seen such a direct example of, " I'm saying this so that you will give us money", as this in a while.

Why are people so happy to be part of a scam? What do they expect their money will do? Is it a metric republicans use to compare to each other? 🤷

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Hi Elon! How is Twitter Co. today? Having a yummy lunch with your coworkers soon?

Just another company thats created two price levels:

  1. Pay full price and dont use the app
  2. Use the app and always ALWAYS get a discount, but we will partner with amazon and google to gather and sell your data to make up the costs of the discounts.

I know 2 is preferable to some but I'm against it purely because of how deceptive it is, so I'm stuck with option 1.

I dont think thats what happened to the OP here, but just wanted to add why the cheaper option isnt always better.

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Some workplaces are so poorly run they dont even fire people clearly collecting paychecks.

Ive literally seen management prevent someone from being fired for telling off a customer and swearing at them, because "we need them!".

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What's wrong with voyager? Its already ad-free.

Seems so strange to choose to inject adds over top of lemmy by choice.

Plenty of people are making that bet. Work from home is important to a lot of people and its not something you can take away without employees seeing it as a pay cut.

So if my pay is being cut, and you are taking an extra 2 hours of my day in commute again, then I guess that becomes my reward for hard work?

To be fair the dynamics do change from business to business. My current one is a good example of making poor decisions with workforce and not expecting the blowback.

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Thats how I got out of it without having to pay the hundreds of dollars in cancelation fees. I was fuming at the time too, and that was maybe close to 5 years ago now.

Is it your opinion that free things can't be criticized? I dont understand the position, especially these days when free often comes with conditions. Not sure if true free exists.

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How's that any different that salary workers in the US that are exempt from OT protections and are required to work extra hours for free or else be subject to discipline, up to and including losing their job?

A lot of modern western countries do the same stuff and just hide it better or target groups that won't speak out.

They made money off upselling people who thought it would be free. Or another way was to wait to tell them about the charges until you've spent a couple hours on the application. ...or the way they would sell you last years tax information back to you to save you a few hours filling out forms.

United states of monetization.

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I'm saying unemployment isn't actually a risk. You just keep saying it is. Plenty of people ride dying companies into the dirt and move on, its not a crazy scenario to imagine.

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America already permits forced unpaid overtime, especially on corporate positions. We just hide it better I guess?

Oh and we also permit slave labor, provided the "slave" is also a criminal of some kind.

I'm sure there's other examples but that's all I have at the moment.

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I just learned about it from this post. Your perspective isnt the only one, not sure why shut down the conversation.

Dont have to play it? You didnt have to reply to their post either.

Some people are actually torn between the two, their close family and community lives are so intermingled with both that they actually are both seen as reasonable choices and are waiting to hear more about them to make a decision.

I don't see anything wrong with people waiting to see the candidates speak unassisted for nearly 2 hours in a rapid fire debate setting where they had to:

  1. Lay out their vision for the future
  2. Defend past decisions since both were/are president
  3. Handle the juvenile bickering that is bound to happen

Its one of the most honest and open displays of exactly who these candidates are, and even though I was already likely to vote Biden, I do feel better after hearing his IDEAS and THOUGHTS despite how he said them.

I'm not so sure we should lump in the pizza driver with all the other delivery drivers. Generally being a pizza delivery person is a decent first job and they usually work in the store too, and receive an hourly wage.

Not to say you shouldnt tip them, just not out of guilt.

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But right now the situation is people who want to own homes being forced to rent, not people who want to rent being forced to buy a home.

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To your point about causing Republicans not to vote at all, I did see a post recently positing that this election might be different than in the past where voter suppression benefited the Republicans.

I dont have the source on that at the moment but I thought it was an interesting idea.

Honestly, for me, young me had no fucking clue how bad tech could be for the world just physically. The massive power draw, the massive water consumption, I'm sure there are nestle level employee and child abuse situations to boot.

Noone ever talked about the cost of fucking anything. Just blinders all the way until it crashes and we tally the victims and how much money was lost or it cost to fix it.

The one thing the Crypto bros did was show everyone how absurd this all really could be, and all for less than nothing.

Is it really so crazy that if you practice gambling you might end up good at gambling? I dont see any difference between playing the stock market and playing cards for money.

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I'm surprised to see all the replies about the McDonalds app and how its actually a great deal.

Most companies are doing this now, and giving free food regularly as an incentive to keep using it.

Why would these companies spend money to keep us using the app, and keep it installed?

The truth is, they make far more off selling your data then they spend giving away food periodically. Look at the permissions the app needs under the guise of "making it easy to tell when you are near a McDonalds so we can start cooking your food!".

Lemmy is supposed to be better about privacy and such than this.

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That's understandable but its still inaccurate to say that those with Nvidia cards will have trouble with Linux. I understand people have biases but that's not a helpful one.

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If you dont know the shifter well you can definitely put it in the wrong gear though.

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Lutris handles it very well, simply has an add button in the top corner with a few options:

  1. Install with windows executable: games that need an installer first

  2. Preinstalled game: if you have a game or drive that doesnt need to be installed, you can just tell it where the .exe is and what runner to use.

  3. Search lutris: great for software or things that are free to download from the browser. Basically preconfigured install packages. For example I installed PlayStation plus via their installer.

Lutris uses runners to emulate systems, wine is the windows emulator, it also has retro game emulators and such. There's a runners section in the preferences in lutris.

The prefix is confusing at first, but the default selection usually works. The prefix is just the folder the emulator files are installed in. Each folder with a wine game gets a c drive and program files and all that, and I usually install the games themselves in the "c" drive. You can make a new one for each game or share them between games. Sorta like docker containers for games.

Super easy stuff, not everything works but is a place people post if it works on linux or not and what fixes might be needed.

If you DM I can send you some specific walkthroughs or videos so you can walk through it a step at a time.

If you can bring a drive with preinstalled games from your windows installation, that will give you a huge head start. Most will be add to lutris and play. Thats it!

P.S. anything you have in steam is even easier, steam loves linux

It sorta sounds like a copout but being vegan on a day to day basis means checking what is in every little thing you eat or drink, I mean literally checking labels and searching ingredients. And then you have to apply this thought process to every other area animals are used:

-Bath supplies -cleaning supplies -clothing/shoes -transportation ...and so on.

Best advice is to just pick whichever area you feel most knowledgeable or capable in, and become "vegan" in that category.

I'm not even entirely vegan, although its mainly because I'm still learning a lot about all the different ways animals come into our lives without realizing it.

P.s. almost forgot the parts vegans split on in some occasions, like with sugars or honey.

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The point is that you are asking the wrong question sort of. If we only accepted physical remnants of someone or their life to prove they exist, Jesus wouldn't be the only one we would have to throw out.

Not to say I know how to prove stuff historically, it does sort of seem like magic sometimes. If we found out today that carbon dating was off by a magnitude I would not be shocked, so that's all the faith I have in it due to my bad understanding of it.

Why is it so important that everyone vocalize exactly how reluctant they are to vote for Biden? Has his administration really done so poorly? I understand the frustration with Israel but that has more to do with us as a country historically as well as with how strong our ties with Israel are. I don't know how fast everyone expects us to break all those bonds, and they somehow expect there to be no backlash either?

Apparently patience is just gone in the internet age.

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Both my PCs have nvidia cards, a 3080ti and a 970, and not run just fine with games and Linux. I dont quite understand the hate for nvidia cards. AMD cards must poop glitter or something too.

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My assumption is that, since they were always going to be about collecting, processing, and selling data (usually what AI is used for commercially) that they might have what they think is between 500m and 1b in data to sell.

This might be enough to start a company from or just to assimilate the data into your own company.

The price tag has to be over estimated though by quite a lot. If we read a story about the company selling for a few million, I dont think it would seem outrageous.

Thats not accurate at all. Shivering isles is oblivion and one of the best parts of the game.

Boycotting is a collective action, it spreads like a virus, so you are wrong on its effectiveness.

You sound like someone who wants hand waive away the real costs of their actions by saying there's nothing you can do to change things.

I hope the people who read your post aren't demotivated to effect change because of it.

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They charge 99$ a month for FSD.

This is only logical if Neuralink is the only company doing this, but they are not.

Even the cofounder of Neuralink split off to make his own version of the company that puts safety first, and is working on a noninvasive (meaning doesn't damage the brain by design) version of the same technology.

Seriously, I run into people who "know me" all the time. Its called living in a single area all your life.

The dude could move to my neighborhood and noone would know who he is.

It sort of makes sense if you see it as trying to salvage Israel as a partner, although a lot of people, myself included, would rather just cut ties with Israel altogether.

Most people are aware of the distinction and just plain don't care.

This answers the question of why republican politicians are behaving the way they are, but not the republican voters.

Presumably none of these people would have any power were they not voted in, even with gerrymandering.

Can you give another answer focusing on the average republican voter as well?

I think its possible you meant b12? Its not found naturally in anything besides meat from my understanding but it is synthetically added in some common vegan staples like alternate milks

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You keep making posts that made sense or were accurate 5-15 years ago, thats why you keep getting downvoted.

Pretend you know nothing about linux, and go and try something like Mint, and youll likely have an experience that mirrors the people downvoting you.

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A Tesla drover might get the impression that the cars "opinion" is better than their own, which could cause them to hesitate before intervening or to allow the car to drive in a way they are uncomfortable with.

The misinformation about the car reaches the level of negligence because even smart people are being duped by this.

Honestly I think some people just dont believe someone could lie so publicly and loudly and often, that it must be something else besides a grift.

I agree with this, they made some pretty poor choices and then explained them away by saying they had no choice. The bread was unnecessary, and yes I have kids too. A very picky toddler in fact. You never have to spend a ton on food, they brow beat you because it works, not because they won't actually eat anything else.

Its still funny to me that kids are still tricking their parents into thinking they will starve to death if they don't get exactly the food they ask for.

This poster wanted pizza, and had expectations of it that weren't met, but she didn't have to do it, it wasn't forced. I think even your example via delivery with little ceasars would make more sense. Or just don't buy pizza if there's only expensive pizza near you. Pizza has always been a pricey dinner, only offset by the quantity of food just barely.

Around us, taco bell can be a great deal (and offers a vegan menu to an extent) as well but really this is more about not having enough time or know-how to reduce costs by cooking simple foods at home. A pack of taco tortillas, rice, beans, and vegetables to mix in is not expensive and makes a ton of food.