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Only by comparison to worse ones. Its absolutely misleading at best.

Well if their voice won't draw in buyers, than its a bad investment since you could just use some generic free version a bunch of non-voice actors were paid to make by the company they work for.

If money is to be made it won't be the VAs capturing it is all I'm saying. They might even have no room in the market at all.

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Because anyone within 5 meters of the pager also was hurt.

Just a caveat, seeking therapy for ADHD is improving mental fortitude. Nothing wrong with that, and some people might need chemical assistance. Hard to say, its such a young field.

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If you are going to make a long winded statement, its not crazy to preface it with something.

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Okay my company tells me today I need to start recording my emails verbally. They own that and sell it to game companies.

Am I a voice actor?

Its not prefacing it with a summary, its letting them know you have a point at the end they should wait for.

I actually prefer the type of conversation that goes back and forth and tangents, but there is a place for more long form cohesive ideas, and you should wait to hear it all before speaking.

It was an additional point, noone brought it up before I mentioned it.

I am saying a lot of focus goes on putting in work and not as much into what's being worked towards.

People should seek treatment if they think it will helpthemz, I wasnt saying otherwise. Therapy can be hit or miss though so saying that like its just a simple thing is a problem in its own.

There are many moving parts to this type of thing, and searching for a single monolithic solution is not helping. The more tools people have the better, and one of them is moderating expectation of quality of life to a reasonable level.

I think the part people leave out is that not everyone has the same goal. Most describe it as being "happy", but never consider whether thats even possible to be happy nearly all the time.

The flaw there as I see it is that humans seem to always return to some sort of baseline emotional state, but this state is not happiness. Happiness is the spikes up while sadness are the spikes down, but given enough time it always comes back to baseline.

Thats why you can find really extreme examples of happiness. Some of the time I spent in jail were truly happy times, which really confused me at the time. On the other side you might see people become depressed during or after achieving their goals.

In my opinion, having the wrong expectations for how you should feel and for how long, can turn small curable problems into consuming destructive problems.

It should be: time plus perspective heals all wounds.

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Thats a fair opinion, although I think its likely to cause the opposite reactions than you listed. But again, who really knows.

Also I'm sure most people in most places are good people, just like anywhere, Lebanon included.

National order isnt based on tit for tat. If someone commits a war crime against you it doesnt mean you get to do it too.

In my opinion the time of day they chose to blow them shows they wanted as much collateral damage as they could.

What's the advantage of making excuses for committing war crimes?

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I'll save you time. Licensed factory in Europe, making Chinese beepers, was compromised or owned by Israel. They then put explosives in the pagers and set them to explode when paged a certain code.

They knew hezbollah was the purchaser, and would disperse them amongst its members.

I think its stupid unless it stopped some imminent horrible attack. Otherwise, Israel has given themselves away, and only killed 8 people for it. Maybe they had trouble rigging them to steal their communications.

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Depends who would pay more for the technology. Game developers or invidividual voice actors.

Maybe if they had a big enough union, they could swing it. Although at that point just get ai voices banned to protect your field.

Also, just an aside, I wouldnt pay extra for an AI version of an actor I liked. Thats still not them acting.

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Statistics are an average, not to be applied to a single person as prophecy. Surely you can reason that out?

This is not normal for cyber ops. The only thing really that makes sense is if they needed to buy time so set off the pagers. Otherwise they just set their compromised communications devices on fire and told them they did it.

Now you are getting it! War is bad!

Because it changes nothing in the long run. So what exactly was so imminent that this had to happen?

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If everyone knows gerrymandering is bad, why is it still allowed to happen?

Sort of telling how you can teach people to associate good thoughts with awful things. Conditioning is a bitch.

I think the point is its a high turnover game, which is generally considered bad.

Also tons of people don't touch cod or battlefield anymore who used to.

As does america have non-combat elements too.

Well give it some thought, why be disappointed it didnt work out with people you weren't compatible with?

Give yourself some credit, you aren't being rejected in the way you think.

The worlds middleman.

Okay sure, thats likely the perspective he had. Its not the only one that exists though.

Most people just say don't look desperate.

I'd argue they focus too little on the first 8 and too much on the last 2. Both would be an error in analysis of course.

Also it runs the risk of people applying statistics to individual cases, or groups too small to be statistically relevant.

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If you are pretty hungry thats all doable for sure! For like an average size meal I'd do one crunchwrap or three tacos.

They let you add on pretty much whatever too so I just pick the cheapest tacos and burritos and make them supreme myself. I get a bean and rice burrito, fresco (replaces dairy and meat with pico de gallo), add fries/potatoes inside, add jalapeƱos, and lettuce. Comes up to like 3.50 or 4.00 for it.

All the other fast food places prices around me make taco bell look like a fantastic deal, I'll say that.

Its not really the eating meat part thats the bad bit, its that you have to murder an animal to get the meat. Notice there is no problem with lab meat or plant based meat.

I would hope everyone would aspire to exceed the standard of "does not murder things".

And yes I would argue that someone's morals that allows them to murder anything, is almost always worse than someone's morals that does not allow murdering.

Me and my wife do this and its pretty much the only person we talk to on there.

Its got some nice features to keep track of images and such. I was surprised she went for it really, usually 99% of the ideas I mention to her get turned down lol

Oh forgot to add, we also have android and iOS.

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Its likely because most of the arguments against vegan cat food are "of course its bad", which is a horrible reason to think anything.

I hope some people also noticed this and allowed them the opportunity to learn more about what is possible for a cats diet.

I think this is showing that about 70% of the people on here are incapable of reconsidering their positions on something.

To me thats upsetting, but then again is the low hanging fruit of the fediverse. Other servers would never have picked this fight to begin with.

Only fast food place with vegan food too.

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You don't have to give a personal reason. Just say "sick" and hang up.

Some couples see the money they earn as part of the whole, there is no my money and their money. It can make sense for some for sure, in my relationship its easier to just have our money, and it doesnt really matter where it comes from.

We also expect large purchases to be discussed first, outside of like presents and surprises of course.

Just being pragmatic, nothing to say you won't die 5 minutes from now, which makes putting it off irresponsible at best.

Its a joke. Literally.

The crunch wrap is for taco bell fans who got tired of their tacos, don't start there!

Get a soft shell, hard shell, and a crunch wrap and eat them in that order. You also have to get a mountain dew Baja blast as thats taco bells own flavor.

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One of my wife's friends started a group chat there for some reason. Maybe the facebook app attacked them? Who knows but its catching on!

I guess north america?

You can't force him to change his answer. Y'all think you could fact check trump better live.

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