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Joined 12 months ago

Just corpo simps being corpo simps from what I can tell.

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The programmer socks have better arch support.

I just like dead fascists I can't help it.

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As long as its not a fucking religious text.

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My GF works with autistic individuals and for a majority of them they simply cannot lie, at least not big lies. He may not even see it as being that wrong (probably does know to some extent that it is wrong), especially with all the (correct) rhetoric that companies are scum bastards obscuring the truth. The kid is indeed unhireable for the time being but he could be helped to understand the morals, ethics and laws surrounding his interests to integrate him into the capitalistic world he finds himself in.

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You do realise that's not what the person above said. What the people actually worship in Bethlehem itself means Jack shit to the opinion of the wider world that Bethlehem, the birthplace of the saviour of the Wests biggest religion, was attacked by Israeli forces on the date celebrated as his birthday.

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Well you're better than me because I have definitely relished in the suffering of those who've caused suffering. World needs less of me tbh.

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Exactly its just another right wing nonce who wants to cosy up to Russia/Putin just like Orban.

Are you then not a leftist for supporting a far right wing extremely religious organisation that only exists to destroy Jewish presence in the region. Hamas are no liberators for Palestinians, they are simply using them as a tool. That is equally traitorous to leftism as supporting Israel. The people that matter are fucked either way, just in different ways.

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Completely agree but are we going to do the same for western sources which depending on the source do the exact same thing.

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It makes sense because if we take away the focus of Islam as a religion and just look at what they espouse, there is little difference between right wingers and extremist Islamic groups. Islamic groups just have that bit extra flavour.

David Myatt is an interesting link between the two.

Don't have headphone jack but need to use the USB C converter to use audio in my car.

Yeah thank fuck, was just making sure we didn't have the western version of tankies here lol. Fuck fox news and fuck Murdoch.

Its another local accent word from nearish Manchester iirc that got taken over when colonists went to America. Its be like if mostly Yorkshire people went over as colonists and Americans used keks/kegs instead of pants.

Honestly I think protestors/political parties could point this out and get a tonne of support because so many Normie's would kick up more of a fuss over this than brexit. Sigh.

Completely agree, its a waste of useful talents that has through one reason or another has not been influenced in the right direction.

Fucking Walt who doesn't know shit.

Do phone manufacturers have a design that conforms to this EU law right now? Or is it a decent enough time for a majority of manufacturers to design conforming devices?

Aye corporations can do no wrong, they've never tried to censor unions or the working class.

I always thought he was legit because he would post great "science" debunking videos and shat on dumb brexiteers. So when I watched the Anita ones I felt the same. Gonna need to watch the hbomber vidya.

Great read!

I feel like parts of the UK have always said ass instead of arse. Like how some places say pants instead of trousers.

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Most should work you just risk adding an extra place someone can attack your phone so give a good vetting to any custom additions.

They have my condolences.

Has this happened anywhere? My country has talked about banning disposables and only disposables. It makes too much money from vaping to ban it totally.

Good bot.

They kinda covered that in the 2nd paragraph.

Ukraine's military was pathetic around 2014, they were training militia with sticks and airsoft guns and the rest of the actual military arsenal was old soviet shite. I wouldn't consider them well equipped until a few months ago when most of the western military aid arrived.

How are they losing the war if they have already taken most of Bakhmut back and are pushing decently on most fronts of the war against a military power that dwarfs it in manpower and supposedly in tech.

Russia is already losing territory they took during this war and in some parts is about to lose territory it gained during the 2014 offensive that they definitely were not a part of wink wink.

Luckily all that is prosecutable by Ofcom here so it very rarely happens.

The Donny Soldier stood his ground and cried out the battlecry of Doncaster to the invading Hamas soldiers.

"Summer is here..."

Hamas aren't doing it for the Palestinian people, they aren't the Palestinian liberators. Just tools to be used by aggressive Islamic nations like Iran to attack a Jewish state. Doesn't mean Palestinians aren't going Hamas in order to do such a thing but they then just become pawns in a conflict between two very right wing, authoritarian, theocratic sides.

Why what do the GrapheneOS team harvest that I don't already consent to by installing the OS?