1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Why go nuclear when renewable is so much cheaper, safer, future proof and less centralised?

Don't get me wrong. Nuclear is better than coal and gas but it will not safe our way of life.

Just like the electric car is here to preserve the car industry not the planet, nuclear energy is still here to preserve the big energy players, not our environment.

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Don't forget the Lemmy users they threatened over deleting their posts.

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Post is 30 mins old and already 3 downvotes? Bots must be angry because of the drone strikes on Moskau.

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We don't dehumanise them to make them feel bad or anything.

We do it to make the necessary act of killing them less hurtful to our mental health.

If russians want to leave Ukraine in peace they leave as humans. But if they choose to die for putin, we might as well call them orcs.

On another note: Orcs are an adequate comparison because they once were elves who were then tortured and enslaved. You know... Just like the russians.

It's been a legit military target since it was build.

It was russian air defence that hit their own city. At least that's what I heard and that's also what it looks like.

It's very unlikely that Ukraine suddenly starts targeting civilians.

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there you go

You have to scroll down to see the English translation.

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Even worse: They counted the occupied area of Ukraine as Russian land and argued that the grain from these fields is now officially russian grain.

They then told everyone who didn't ask, that the grain produced in 22/23 by Russia is so much more than every other country and Ukraine isn't really important anymore when it comes to feeding the world.

In total disregard of a global marked they then said that Ukraine's grain is only important for Europe and the would use it to feed our pigs anyway.

That's just the fascist kind of evil...

We can assume that all (Kremlin) numbers on the Russian economy are doctored to make people believe that Putin can fight this war for years and years to come.

AFAIK there is some solid open source intelligence out there, suggesting that russian economy is dire in some sectors. Prices for consumer goods are the easiest example here.

You are right in that war makes the economy go brrrrrt in some sectors but the money spend there is thrown out of the window. Every person who works to build new tanks is a person less to maintain bridges, roads and infrastructure in the oil and gas industry.

And when it comes to government spending in Russia, it means a lot of corruption will be happening and money flows to the top.

Every soldier on the frontline is a farmer or woodworker less back in mother Russia. Families lose their main income when the father dies, even though the mother spend their last savings on a bullet proof vest that was at some point imported from China.

You have to keep in mind that the Russian economy is comparable to Italy or the Netherlands. The impact of the war on EU countries isnt noticeable compared to that. At worst, it gives us problems that we can easily solve with money.

Another thing about Russia is their demographic. They will lose and already lost a lot of their most productive workforce. Additionally a lot of young and well trained men left Russia in the last two years. Even more try to stay in the university as long as possible to not get drafted.

Russia is so fucked man!

[Edit] lot of words

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Lately I see bot accounts and Kremlin trolls claiming that Ukrainian grain was goin to be exported to Europe or fed to animals aniways.

They claim that Africa or Asia won't suffer from russias attacks on food export and completely ignore that we are talking about global markets here. Europe will have to buy from other producers now and speculation will start.

Every leader in the word must be so pissed right now because higher prices of food directly impact their grip on power.

As soon as china finds a way to replace Putin with a candidate of their choice is time to say bye bye!

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Russia claimed one injured security guard.

Whoever conducted the strike did so during the night in order to minimise the colateral damage.

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Who is downvoting all posts lately?

Russian Bots

So far Ukraine used their artillery to shape the battlefield. Day by day the russians get reduced and have to thin out their defences.

Heroyam Slava

At least they have a choice. The people living under russian occupation suffering every day and it won't get better for them until they get liberated.

You should consider joining Isis.

How can a nation be inept to a point where senseless death is seen as a sign of strength?

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For now Ukraine is focused on shaping the battlefield, namely Cutting supply lines and disabling artillery and trucks.

They will push when the times has come.

If you want to delegitimize stated numbers you have come to the wrong community.

Especially given your user name...

If you are looking for confirmed losses of the russian clown parade that calles itself an army, you may check oryx or read this article.

Keep in mind, that those number are the minimum and may not include the Ukrainian victims of the russian genocide. Namely the men from ukraines currently occupied regions, that were forced to die for putin's gains.

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So many down votes today. Russian bot migration to Lemmy started.

Is there any confirmation of this? I've red some "articles" on the mash telegram and it looks like a state run clickbait site.

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We will know more in 5 - 10 hours.

I sadly don't see any evidence in the article.

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I noticed that when I respond to Putin's Bots and ask them if they are concerned to get drafted since their propaganda is failing they never answer.

If you respond to their straw men and whataboutism they argue with you for days and days.

What are you talking about?

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When that collapses, it will be really bad for Russia.

Let's hope russia learns from history this time and transforms into a democratic country.

P.s. I love how fruitful conversations on lemmy can be when compared to the average Reddit experience.

Anything to help you in your withdrawal op.

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TBF when you have less planes and don't use them as much, you won't have the same loss numbers.

I wonder how many they received since the full scale invasion started.

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For Ukrainians it's about watching people live.

Time will tell if they only say this in order to raise their stock value.

Couldn't find a good source. Several articles mentioned around 30.000 pre war.

Luck day for those two russians.

About the size of Putin's mom I'd say!

Why isn't there a technology that can find mines by looking for irregular heat signatures when the sun heats up the cold ground after sunrise?

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Thanks for the update