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Joined 12 months ago

I thought the 3rd party app ban was bad but this is pure self destruction.

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He's the game director, it makes sense that things would go through him.

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The speed at which they are destroying Reddit is just impressive. Spez saw Musk taking a shit on Twitter on the daily and became inspired.

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He's not even there, ever since he bought Twitter he's been camping there coming up with new ways to bankrupt the platform.

I'd guess he never actually did anything in Space X except for publicity stunts.

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Game engines are basically like a set of tools, they don't fit every single case.

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Guys, this is literally just a tech demo made in Unreal, it's not news.

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I remember when Titanfall being 50gb sparked an outrage, it's a good thing SSDs are cheap now.

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Starfield had less than half the budget of Star Citizen and actually came out.

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I'm not sure why so many companies are obsessed with getting their employees back to the office, not needing to have everyone within a 1 hour radius of your offices opens a lot of doors when it comes to recruitment while not affecting performance.

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Ublock Origin settings -> filters -> purge cache -> update filters.

If that doesn't sort it out then google updated the script recently and you need to wait for the devs to patch it, it usually takes less than an hour.

A US senator saying something isn't exactly "world" news.

Games are made to make profit, Bethesda made it and have legal rights to distribution, without profit games would not be made at this scale.

I'm not really sure what you are trying to say to be honest.

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Ublock Origin is working well again, google keeps updating their script but it only takes a few hours to get a new fix.

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It's going to be a fucking mess.

A lot of people seem to want this game to do poorly, half the comments complaining about it also say that they haven't played it yet.

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I don't have much of a stake in this but isolation is probably not the way forward.

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How about we stop posting every clickbait article we find? This literally says nothing.

I just don't understand the need for so many courses, I played golf as a kid on the same one for 10 years, the local environment allowed it to maintain itself for the most part.

In my opinion it's not, the gameplay is still terrible and the writing nothing special.

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He's a weird case, Steam has always been good for pc gaming and Valve releases nothing but polished games without anything predatory.

He just seems to be interested in maintaining a successful business instead of squeezing more money out of people constantly.

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They also went out of business 10 years ago and the market has changed since then.

I've been honestly blown away with how newer games look since I upgraded my graphics card.

Remnant 2 is not even a AAA game but does such a good job with light and reflections that it looks better than anything released 5+ years ago.

Then you have games like Kena: Bridge of Spirits, which have a very nice art style but take advantage of current hardware to add particles everywhere.

I haven't seen Splatoon being recommended here, it's a ton of fun and has no microtransactions. You can but your kid a Switch for cheap nowadays.

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I mean, of course he wants that, he's the direction of the biggest fantasy-world simulator franchise out there.

Exactly, engines can be as good as they get and still be the wrong fit for a game.

Creation gets a lot of criticism but it's the whole reason why Bethesda games have that unique feel to them and are as moddable as they are.

But we are talking about design decisions here, it would be micromanagement if he was getting in the middle of how things are done, not the end result.

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The US is not sitting this one out, they've been sending support to the people causing this.

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I really do hope they get rid of Bobby.


If by persistence they mean a gigantic media campaign then yeah, sure.

No shit, they've alienated everyone interested in the first place.

I think discussion around it just became toxic, you can't really say anything about Starfield without a bunch of people hijacking the conversation to talk about how much they hate it.

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It sounds like you should play Skyrim.

Are the missions long at least or is it something like 6 hours total?

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Yes, that does sound ridiculous, good thing I didn't say it.

Totally, Starfield pretty much pissed off 3 different groups at once.

You have anti-woke people losing their minds over pronouns in the character creator.

Playstation fanboys since the game is not on PS5.

The usual Bethesda haters that have been saying Skyrim sucks for over 10 years now.

This was going to happen whether Starfield was a masterpiece or complete garbage.

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It really should, the Series S is already looking dead and we are only at the beginning of the console lifecycle.

It's kind of an unspoken rule at this point but it probably should stay unspoken.

I like it so far, planetary exploration and the ship are the biggest letdowns.

I get the feeling that it would be a much better game if they just focused on what they are known for being good at, interesting maps and immersive worlds.

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They have, since Skyrim.