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Joined 1 years ago

What animal do you think should be hunted to extinction?

Pretty sure that's Hank Hill

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My favorite was Cardi B being short for Cardigan Backyardigan

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My dog is actually pretty racist, she doesn't like white people lol

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Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up

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The Uno twitter account said that they don't but they're a bunch of damn dirty liars

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Yeah, that's about the right energy. See also: that weird dude who wears a fedora and a duster who's way too obsessed with katanas.

I'm out of the loop, what's with all the weird Peter Griffin content lately?

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Remakes: Yes Remasters: No

I don't like when they remake a game I loved but they add a bunch to it like new gameplay mechanics, or make changes to stories or characters. That being said not all remakes are bad, probably most are just fine, but really not my cup of tea.

I greatly prefer a straight remaster. Just update the graphics, remaster the sound, maybe add a little more details to the game world, and I'm a happy dude.

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Adios, turd nuggets

The ending solo from Free Bird

I don't know either, but I'm sure somebody will gladly ruin my day by telling me

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I love that miniseries so much, I rewatch it like every few months. Watching all the total denial in the face of terrible facts and consequences is endlessly fascinating to me.

You're not the boss of me, now

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Thanks! Just read and it's a downer, that game did look pretty cool but the save system they're talking about would be a deal breaker for me too, I don't have tons of uninterrupted gaming time.

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Dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge!

It's the Trash Man!

That would make a really good short story, I'd definitely read it

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You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

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By Grabthar's Hammer... What a savings.

My brother in Christ, let people enjoy things :)

I prefer d) "Taylor Swift throws me off Hell In A Cell and i plummet 16 ft through an announcer's table"

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Brb gonna go ask my wife if I can date the strippers.

Yeah pretty much this. Not much point to me following the political discourse and all that, all it'll do is just make me angry and depressed.

My favorite was Trogdor. Legend has it he's still burninating the countryside to this very day

Not so fast, buddy. We're gonna need an Environmental Impact Study before we can even think about permits.

I bet alternate me is one stylish dude

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

I'm in this comment and I don't like it

Thanks for telling me! Not nearly as bad as I thought it might be

It's stickers all the way down

That movie is so slept on, it's honestly one of my favorites. The book is really good too, I love the dialogue.

I'm in about the same boat, friend. 2020-2022 were pretty hard, but this year has honestly been one of the most brutal of my life, here's to 2024 being the turnaround we all need!

It only let me read the first paragraph, which is a bummer because it looked like it was gonna be interesting.

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You're 10,000 candles in the wind!

I'd watch that anime

IDK I only get about 4 hours of sleep most nights, I don't think getting up earlier is gonna go too great for me...

Ooh, I'll have to check that out! The trailers made it look really weird and off-putting so I never really had any interest in watching it at the time.