1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He didn't notice it. He saw it online. Let's be real here.

Meta: you have to give us money to federate with us.

Every other instance owner: coolio, don't care. Fuckity bye

So, 6 dollars a month just to unlock the original icon?

There's no way you can be serious about that one. What else does reddit premium offer? No ads and an icon? How can anyone justify the price for that. At least with youtube premium you get a music service as well as no ads.

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I don't think I'm prepared to lose another space robot.

My only hobby is motorbikes. I am unsure of how to put a lot of detail onto that hobby.

However. Throttle goes vroooom

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Holy shit I never thought I'd get to use line before.

"Anyway, walk to your cars in pairs tonight. Rape's up 8 percent"

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I think being a troll should go like this, and I'll use the wiae Tom Scott's words here because he summed it up pretty well

"it turns out that while mocking the government is a reasonably good gag, mocking the government and then having the government not find it funny, that is a really good gag."

The moral here, don't just troll random people with lives to life. Troll the government and arsehole corporations.

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Isn't that ideal though? Surely the "above average joe's" would help, and contribute to shape the place into what it can be to reach it's full potential? It'll give the server hosters more time to fix everything up. Certainly a lot of the people already here are going to be a lot calmer in response to bugs and glitches. Whereas if everyone joined straight away, it'll just be like a massive urinal with huge amounts of stress on the servers.

A Kawasaki ninja 650. It might not sound like much. But, its given me something to look forward too. Before I was really lost. I thought life just isn't worth living. But now? I still feel like that. But, its given me such a sense of freedom, and, whilst I haven't actually met any other bikers yet. It just feels a lot nicer. Like, when I'm out and I see another, its just a simple not. But, I feel apart of something now.

I've been riding around 2 weeks now. But I still get giddy when I ride. I love it. More than anything I've had before. And I haven't felt like this since I was with my first gf.

This became quite long. Sorry.

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Leaving a comment, so that in 3 and a half years time when you develop a humiliation fetish, you can look back and think of me.

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Divorce her and take some of the money.

Now I'm free to do whatever I want, and I get a hefty amount of money.

I do not advocate for marrying and divorcing someone for lonely.

Unless that person is a proper bellend, like Musk, Zuckerberg, whoever the hecks in charge of google. Bezos

Seeing as we are both alt porn users, if I disable NSFW on my main, will it show me non porn NSFW? There's a community called uncle jokes and a lot of their posts are marked NSFW. And I don't wanna miss them.

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I think, and I may be wrong here, but that's for archiving things that could potentially be important. Like, for AITA, someone might asked, and another could look for answers on that situation.

To me, it just seems like archival purposes. Just think how many times you've searched for something, and the best result is reddit. Having all of that hosted here as well, can become a backup incase reddit, some how, fully buries itself. No point losing tons of helpful information.

Edit: I forgot. It doesn't do comments. So, I guess some subs would be a bit more pointless saving. I can see it being helpful for others where comments aren't really needed though, but that doesn't happen often.

I don't know. Samsung seems like a very good company.

And I'm not saying that as they have an army and access to my location.

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Just as a counterpoint. I don't know what americna nightlife is. But, in the UK, if there was a pizza/takeout place that inly opened after 12 until 5, it would be a great business idea. Chances are, there'll be a fuck ton of drunk people using it.

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Just opened the official reddit app. Saw one post. And, no joke the second post was "promoted"


Even better idea. Wait until about 6pm, open maybe 7 beers and drink them over a four hour time frame. At 10pm, start mixing some cocktails (you can do this beforehand and just store them in the fridge), make sure you have plenty, as over the next 2 hours, you'll need them.

Finally, at 12am, get yourself a nice spirit you enjoy, so maybe a good whisky, a good tequila, a good rum. Anything you like, and start mixing, 50ml alcohol, to about 250ml mixer is what I personally enjoy.

Once you hit 12, just get your things done. Whether it's moving data over. Or just anything that needs to be done. Unless it involves leaving your house. As that may get messy.

This is what I always do when I know I need to get something done. And it hasn't let me down yet.

Oh, and don't forget your favourite music.

Is the OG? I don't remember the setting. I remember a weirdly yellow look to it.

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Gonna go take any, if I even get them, future dates to a car wash and wash eh hell out of cars. Or bring them home and just clean.

This is what I'm thinking of doing. I've been using boost for ages now and never donate. But after all this, and how quick he(?) went for Lemmy, I'm all for giving him a bit

Here for keepass aw well. It might not havethee convenience of having it hosted somewhere eweily accessible. But 2smalls files are easy to store on my phone and nas.

Whilst that would be fantastic. I highly doubt google or apple are even going to entertain the idea, especially when you want to download one of their apps.

11 more...

What fucking wild times we live in. This whole Elon vs Zuck thing about copyright. And how I see more people want Zuck to win. And now, we've got Musk trying to go after YouTube.

It's a mess.

I in no way want Musk to win. I just think the whole series of events is wild

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If, for whatever reason, you actually want to do this. I'll be happy to post it and credit your Lemmy account. I emptied my account, no comments or posts. And I will happily leave the worst john oliver fanfic on there.

My main issue with flossing is that when I try, the floss always get stuck and it becomes super hard to get it out and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. I find using water flossing a lot easier for me, even if it isn't as effective

Don't worry. I just used an obsolete English word.

5 minute short online video, youtube/any fediverse alternative.

Open: massive fucking hurricane.

Scene 2: officials standing around talking about it. One guy gets an idea. Let's nuke it.

Scene 3: nuke viciously detonates dead centre of hurricane on ground.

Scene 4: hurricane turns orange. Narrator exclaims: "Well, that fucked it"


I knew it! And I hate that I knew it!

Huh. Honestly, fair enough. To be honest., I don't usually look into any companies at that much of a deeper lever. So I just assumed they'd be the same.

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I'm not sure on your mental health condition. But if there's one thing I've learnt from getting my big bike licence. Its done wonders for me.

And a little tip for you. Get really good gear. Even if you don't think you'll come off or if youre only going lut for half an hour. Anything can happen. And good gear, so jacket, trousers, gloves, helmet and boots can be the major difference between a few broken bones and agonising death/amputated limbs.

Oh and filtering ear plugs. I got some the other week and they've been a live saver. I can still hear my music perfectly fine. But they protect your hearing from the constant sound of the engine and all the wind.

Be safe out there, brother.

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That's good with me, I did misunderstanding ot, that's where this whole thing came from. I've got it now though

I just love bikes. I think it's the huge adrenaline rush from them. And they feel amazing to ride. And the power is amazing. The community is also super friendly. The way they make feel as well, I just can't describe it. Best I can try is, I haven't met anything or anyone that I'm constantly excited to be around. Or that I don't get bored after a while. I've only had my big bike for about a month. But I'm always itching to go out. Even after coming home.

I'm not American. But if there is one thing I want to do over there, it is a road trip around America on a bike. Or Australia. Definitely the auto bahn in Germany. And I have no issue with packing light. All I need is a phone charger, money for petrol, and a few pairs of underwear.

We were some horrible bastards back in the day.

It's quite cool though, seeing as realistically we're tiny and still achieved all the things we did.

Brilliant, thank you. Will look when I get the chance.

Is that a huge issue, though? I always had a feeling that the 3rd party users might be more civil.

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To be honest. I don't really use Gmail. Only for YouTube, and my phone, as its stick android. And yes, I am aware that's a bit shit. But, I can't be arsed fucking about woth rooting and flashing and all that. Gmail is for like things I don't care about. And I've got a main Hotmail from absolutely years ago. It must be at least 14 years old at this point which has near enough everything on it. And I really can't be arsed moving everything over. But whenever I make a new account I'm gonna use proton. And if there's things that I do care about. I'll likely move those big ones over.

Thata kinda what I did. i saw this, and it just threw me off as iw as chaning my lemmy email, and settong up mastodon and matrix.  u

Yeah thats fair. I think k when something gets too big, then it becomes like less of a nicer place. E.g reddit. Twitter, Facebook.

Whilst that would be fantastic. I highly doubt google or apple are even going to entertain the idea, especially when you want to download one of their apps.