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Ultimately, arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

  • snowden

Mullvad also put together this recently:

Active DDoS mitigation

Netlify monitors for traffic pattern anomalies and spikes, and effectively controls for them as needed.

So is this just a lie? I have never used them and after this post I'm not going to be trying that anytime soon, if ever

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They've already gone downhill since 2020 when they couldn't keep up with the demand and focused on B2B sales. This really isn't a surprise to me

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What else do you expect from a company that first started with NFTs?

of course they are going to scam and gaslight you

i once had a customer who wanted their fish "blackened". Everyone else on staff had tried at some point and the customer always complained it was undercooked. So me being the new gal said id do it. I threw it in a pan and left it there for god knows how long. Then flipped it, left it there longer, and finally threw it into the back of our oven for another 15 minutes. It was literally charcoal when i was done. I was sure they would complain that it was overcooked but those fuckers loved it. They specifically requested me to cook their meal whenever they came in after that. I was just fucking with them the first time 🤷‍♀️

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I didn't bother responding to that post because i assumed it was a troll...

Basically when you buy your subscription you also get perpetual access to the current X.Y.Z version + any future bugfixes (Z). So if you stop paying next year you still have access to the version from when your started your subscription.

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My team lead: "I'll 🙈 review"

Oh, i mean the customers (husband and wife) loved it. They literally wanted it burnt when they asked for blackened. All my coworkers had tried to get the outside crispy from the spices but each time they didn't cook the inside to be flaky enough according to this couple. This occurred over several weeks. Each week the couple came in asking for it and my coworkers progressively cooked it longer each time but it was never good enough. We thought they were just trying to get free meals so when i said i would cook it, i was going for a "they can't complain about this being undercooked" and much to my surpruse they actually liked it.

I'll note that no one else in the restaurant ever complained about my coworkers' blackened fish. It was a popular meal. So it wasn't my coworkers not cooking it right. Just an odd couple

Generally, a 13-year brood emerges in the same year as a 17-year brood roughly every 5-6 years, though most of the 17-year broods are not in contact with a 13-year brood, so the different cicadas are clearly separated in space. A co-emergence involving adjacent broods of different life cycles is something that happens only roughly every 25 years. Any two specific broods of different life cycles co-emerge only every 221 years.

Don't get me wrong, it's exciting that these two broods are co-emerging, but broods co-emerge more frequently than hundreds of years

"how do you know someone [does crossfit, is vegan, uses linux]"

"They'll tell you"

It's a fairly common joke and seems to get stapled onto any lifestyle choice that someone likes to talk about

Exactly. Cable had contracts for X months, and everything was packaged so you couldn't just get one channel you liked.

Now streaming is splitting off into a bunch of services. That's not great but on the other hand I'm not on a contract. I can stop and start whenever i want. I spend anywhere from $12-25 a month. All i ever wanted was for cable services to be unbundled. If I'm wanting to be subscribed to every service all of the time then yeah that's going to get expensive. But if i just want to watch 1-2 shows at a time then I'm still much better off streaming than i would've been with cable 10+ years ago.

Edit: and when i cut the cord in 2010 my cable bill was $120/mo for basic cable + 1 package iirc.

They don't need to bring it back---Polygamy is still in the Mormon church. They believe in eternal marriages and after a civil (normal) divorce they won't let women remarry but men can marry again in the church. Same thing if your spouse dies.

Mormons expecting to go to heaven and meet all their wives up there.

Fascinating read. Thanks for sharing.

So i recently learned that counting cards isn't illegal-- its just that casinos will kick you out for counting cards. I'm sure that's obvious to some people, but it was new to me. what i find interesting is that you can play a perfect game counting cards and still have a smaller chance of profit than the casino gets against normal people, yet they'll treat you like you're doing something illegal?

Fuck casinos, especially online ones.

Still a decent post to raise awareness about vendor lock in i guess

They did, and they still have the rpi foundation with that goal, as well as the for-profit subsidiary.

It's a flaw with effective altriusm-- you have a goal of fixing some large scale problem and at some point you realize you need large amounts of capital to expand your impact. But the interim period you are just going to be amassing wealth with this idea of doing good. And even then, you may never reach a point where you feel like you earned enough to solve your problem. I.e sam bankman fried

Now I'm not saying that rpi foundation hasn't done good in the world. I'm just saying that they did start off with a lofty goal and it is clear that they are wanting to expand and make more money. Maybe this means someday they'll be able to do even greater things through the rpi foundation.... but I'm not optimistic

Extracting the stem cells may or may not cause harm to animals. If it is extracted from a live animal then it would cause harm and stress to an animal.

The medium used for growing may not be vegan (like FSB which is extracted from an animals death). But reportedly companies are moving to cheaper, plant-based, mediums.

Even if the process caused no harm or stress to animals, I'm not sure i would eat lab grown meat. I've already completely replaced meat in my cooking, and learned how to make much more nutrious meals. Adding meat back in would be regressive. Not to mention i feel like lab grown meat in particular will have been made possible through animal suffering research. While I'm glad it will have potential to be a net positive in the long run, i personally don't feel the desire to support lab grown meat

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For a decade i didn't own a car and biked everywhere. It really is dirt cheap compared to other methods of transportation.

And yeah more off topic but checking your chain for wear and replacing it becomes the most important/frequent replacement item. A worn chain wears out the rest of the drivetrain more quickly-- it is much cheaper to stay on top of replacing the chain than have to replace your cassette and chainrings sooner than normal.

Sounds like this was "resolved" on HN and CEO said this was an error, but I'm not so sure. The CEO's response seems to imply that that communication to/from service reps is true and not made up. The original post shows they have a business practice for cases like this. Plus if the company was willing to settle from their business practice of 20% down to 5% (which in this case was 15k) then that very likely isn't a decision a service rep could make, so you had some mid to upper level manager make that approval to write-off the $15k and decide that $5k was still owed to the company.

As far as I can tell the only error here is that someone posted about it.

Not to mention the CEO's response from HN just says this shouldn't have happened on free accounts, but that begs the question of would this have been any different on non-free accounts where Netlify failed to mitigate a DDoS as advertised?

Given the timing i suspect this was the article that drove the change. It was shared quite a bit over past few weeks.

Do not collect more data than you need. If you need IP for some reason then that needs to be relevant. Is your app geographically based, for instance? And does the location or IP impact how the app works?

Beyond that, if you're collecting personal or sensitive data it should be opt-in from a privacy focused perspective.

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If you haven't already, check out . This gives a broad overview of the common open source licenses. And if you're just starting out, one of the first things you'll want to learn is that the licenses fall into either a permissive or copyleft category. You'll want to make sure you understand the difference between those broad categories.

Shortly, permissive have less to no strings attached to use their code, and copyleft requires you to retain the same licensing terms meaning if you publish under GPLv3 then someone using/ modifying your code needs to also publish under GPLv3. Copyleft licenses ensure that open source code stays open source.

From what I've heard self hosting your email though can be a big PITA so paying someone for email is not a terrible choice. Self hosting you need to carefully manage the system and reputation to make sure your email that you send actually gets delivered, and doesn't arrive in spam.

I don't know if it meets all your criteria but check out golden cheetah

Give it some time to learn. It is far more powerful than strava and anything you could pay for (yes, even training peaks).

It depends on where you live. This absolutely is the present now in some countries. Like China you have to do this and more to protect your identity.

And even if your country isn't quite there yet, they could still be collecting all that data and just not doing anything with it other than observing and collecting more data on you/ the group.

It's the version from when you paid your annual subscription (or 12 monthly payments ago) plus any bugfixes.

So you buy 4.3.2 and you will always have access to 4.3.Z

2 months later they release 5.0.0. Your subscription let's you use 5.0.0. If you cancel your subscription then can go back to your perpetual version 4.3.Z

At least that's how it's supposed to work

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Whoa whoa whoa, bringing history into this? What are we supposed to study and learn from that stuff instead of studying some book a polygamist pedophile wrote?

I believe you're correct. I can't speak for other people but for myself it is not that i want a bloodborne remake or remaster. I just want a PC port.

I'm not paying a subscription to stream the game to my PC. Im not buying a ps4 to play a single game. And i believe I'm not entirely alone in this

Hackers didn't hack roku. They "hacked" people who were dumb enough to reuse old, compromised passwords from other services. That is a very big difference from OPs title "roku got hacked".

It is good for roku to disclose this, but the issue is that people reused passwords.

That is entirely up to the author who is creating the original work. They set the license and people can choose whether or not they want to work with the license. If i wanted to use someone else's work for commercial purposes then i would just ignore any works released under a NC license. I'm not entitled to someone else's work just because i need to eat

This gives some better context.

But essentially ignoring every single error a program could generate is not great. It'd be better to know what those errors are and fix/prevent them from occurring in the first place.

What privacy respecting phone are you using that also has a headphone jack? If it has an sd card slot too I'll think I've gone back a decade

Very misleading title

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You also need to pay to just have message history preserved on slack. Discord that information is there for free for as long as the server/discord exists.

I'm not saying people should use discord, but people are using it because it's free to use.

My work agreement is supposed to be 8-5 with hour lunch. I work 9-5 or 8-4 and eat at my desk when i can. But i do have mandatory overtime which sometimes makes it 7am-9pm. Fun times

I don't care what people ride. If they want an ebike then that's great. More people on bikes is better for everyone-- less cars on road, more cyclist awareness, better walkable/biking infrastructure, etc.

But it is very misleading to say ebikes get more exercise. Where is the data? How are they quantifying exercise? Watts are watts, so you'll need to work the same for those watts regardless of the type of bike you're on. Your 'Time in The Saddle' may be higher with an ebike if the less work makes it more appealing to you, but you're only getting more exercise if you put out more watts than you would have on a traditional bike.

Separately, if someone is really motivated to exercise more, the type of bike is not the factor. It is their time. Ride any bike you want but at some point you'll need less endurance rides and more intensity. The best way for intensity is doing it all yourself. Ebike might help with the recovery intervals but it isn't going to be the main consideration in your workout.

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The "angie" fork shares the same problem as nginx run by F5: it's run by a for-profit corporate entity. Even if it's good enough now, things might change unexpectedly, like it happened with F5.

They have bundled malware from the main downloads on their own site multiple times over the years, and even denied it and tried gaslighting people that AVs were giving false positives because AV companies are paid off by other corporations. And the admin will even try to delete the threads about this stuff but web archive to the rescue...

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Yeah, it's bad. Surprised they're still serving that crap in their own bundle but i guess some things don't change.

Filezilla is no relation to mozilla. But yeah i moved away from it years ago. The general recommendation I've seen is "anything but filezilla". Personally i use winscp for windows, and will have to figure out what to use when i switch my daily driver to Linux.

My general dev experience is limited mostly to python but with pandas one thing you can do is set up a jupyter notebook so you can run just the parts you want until it's working as expected, then you can move it over to your python script when you're ready.

But working with pandas does get easier with practice. If you're wanting to dive in a bit more, the "getting started" page has a tutorials section which features a 10 minute high level overview, a cheatsheet, and link to some community tutorials.