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Joined 1 years ago

... Did GPT4 just make a joke???

l can think of one magic-technology that appeared during my lifetime:


I mean, script suddenly appearing out of thin air on flat, solid surfaces? WTF?

I even studied enginering in the early 90's and would not have been able to come up with a technological explaination if I had encountered one of those back then...

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Should have kept the original name though.

"Bierstadt" would have been awesome!

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I'm confused...

Doesn't a rainbow contain all colours by definition?

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What a phantastic thread!

We have had linguistics, sociology, physics and now biology in the form of colour perception so far.

Cross domain discussions are great! :-)

Remember playing this quite some time at a friends. But I think we played Wing Commander even more for some reason.

And way before that: Elite on a C64. That blow my mind at the time. Connected lines in 3D! Wow. And yes, I am old.

But my favorite of all time has to be Privateer II - The Darkening. Relatively open world with a cool background story and incredibly immersive with fitting prerendered cutscene visuals and lots of real actors doing the keyscenes.

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Just rewatched the first part a few days ago...

And clearly remembering the nuclear armageddon nightmares I had as a kid.

We lived just a few Kilometers away from a US airbase where warheads were (are?) stored.

The shokingly loud roar of terrain following fighter jets have been the soundtrack of my childhood.

But that's exactly the point.

E-Ink Displays would have been unable to explain for me from my thoroughly * informed * perspective as an HF and digital communications student.

Active displays in one form or another had been around for 50 years or so at that time. So have been practially all base technology concepts of the much mentioned smartphones. Nothing magical about an optimized version, just extrapolation.

But E-Ink? A * brand new * technology * without prior art * rapidly emerging from obscure theoretical concept to widespread use within just 15 years or so...

I am actually still a little bit awed each time I switch on one of those...

Also on for 5€.

I like the older TR games more though.

TR: Anniversary e.g. is a great remake of TR1 and is available for 99ct at the moment!

lf it is a region lock than even if you use a VPN you propably won't be able to buy anything.

Unless you also happen to own a japanese credit card. And a shipping address in Japan for physical stuff.

(Sad European noices...)

And also: where it found the config file it is actually using at the moment. This would cover the 90% of the cases in which you just want to change a single Key to a different value or something or so...

Excuse me sir, are you living in the past?

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Well in my case it's more about where to draw the line between blue and green.

I can differentiate the colours but just still call things blue that my GF (and most of the rest of the world, apart from Japanese and the german dialect I grew up with as it seems) already calls green.

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Interesting point.

And I am a little bit with the Japanese in this regard. At least my GF always complains that I am unable to correctly distinguish between green and blue ;-)

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l am using it to revive old phones since its cyanogenmod days. There has been a lot of progress on the installation and update side, much easier now, so perhaps just try it.

Much better than a phone without Seurity updates...

You could go for Lineage OS.

OnePlus Phones are well supported, even the OnePlus One gets regular updates.

Was considering buying a OnePlus phone just for that reason alone.

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Anybody watched the video? What's the verdict?

Finally, I am not the only one! Feels good.

Yes, exactly.

E.g. in Germany I don't have heard anyone using Indigo and Purpur as major colours but only in combination with blue : "Purpurblau" and "Indigoblau" describing certain forms of blue.

So only blue and violet in german rainbows. And ultraviolet because most of us are more engineer than poet nowadays ;-)

There are a few that are really fun. My kids were getting interested in gaming, so I had to have a look into suitable games. So here is a kid-friendly list of great stuff that runs natively:

GCompris: A lot of nice learning mini games for the very young (also good to teach e.g. usage of mouse and keyboard)

Minetest: Very similar to Minecraft, but with its own twist. Highly customizable with mods and completely free and open. I am running my own minetest server with a customized non-survival world that is used by my family.

Widelands: A really great community adaption (and extension) of the Settlers II. My son totally loves it.

Unciv: Civilization game based on the Civ5 ruleset. I actually had to deinstall it again on my mobile phone (also available for Android) because it has the same addictive properties as the original...

And for non-free games: Lutris + GOG makes me happy. Currently playing some older Tomb Raider game. Although not really native, I think. Probably using Wine or so...

Yes, Tuxedo would normally be my go-to-dealer. But they have a limited offering. Would be nice to also have an alternative. System76 states it delivers to Europe but won't show me the actual cost unless I register there. Won't happen as I anyway suspect that the total sum will go way up. Tuxedo will be the better deal overall also regarding possible after sales issues...

Dammit, i've been too long on Lemmy, I just read "Poop! OS"..

Regarding the Laptop: Nice to see AMD 6800U in a Linux Laptop. Although I prefer bigger Screen sizes.

Prices seem to be ok, but that may be a different topic when selecting Europe as the destination...

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Aaaand... subscribed.

I also really like the banner!

I have been using Neocities for years now. Because sometimes a simple static Website with a few images and some javascript just does the job.

Yes, Orangina is definitly in another league. My first bottle of it practically ruined all other soft drinks for me, can't stand them anymore. Besides certain kinds of sparkling mineral water it is practically the only carbonated stuff I drink once in a while. Oh, and I also like Bionade which is also not so sweet and slightly bitter tasting because of its malt basis. But Bionade is probably even harder to get than Orangina in most parts of the world...

lt says that the games are available on Steam.

Is this mandatory or am I also able to download them without a Steam account?