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"Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman accused President Biden of being “willing to sacrifice the American auto industry and its workers in service of its radical green agenda."

I mean we could try and transition workers from a more negative industry type to a positive one...but that seems like a lot of work and less profitable, so never mind.

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It's uncanny how any post about problems with HP always has the same solution in the comments. Brother.

In related news, learning what Audi is doing with their new model and subscriptions makes me think the world has gone mad.

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Thank goodness they put the sticker on the window. It would have damaged the door.

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If I didn't call or show up a few times to my job I'd be fired. Different rules.

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Don't worry, she won't bother taking that piece of shit.

Understanding the variety of speech over a drive-thru speaker can be difficult for a human with experience in the job. I can't see the current level of voice recognition matching it, especially if it's using LLMs for processing of what it managed to detect. If I'm placing a food order I don't need a LLM hallucination to try and fill in blanks of what it didn't convert correctly to tokens or wasn't trained on.

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LLMs are just very complex and intricate mirrors of ourselves because they use our past ramblings to pull from for the best responses to a prompt. They only feel like they are intelligent because we can't see the inner workings like the IF/THEN statements of ELIZA, and yet many people still were convinced that was talking to them. Humans are wired to anthropomorphize, often to a fault.

I say that while also believing we may yet develop actual AGI of some sort, which will probably use LLMs as a database to pull from. And what is concerning is that even though LLMs are not "thinking" themselves, how we've dived head first ignoring the dangers of misuse and many flaws they have is telling on how we'll ignore avoiding problems in AI development, such as the misalignment problem that is basically been shelved by AI companies replaced by profits and being first.

HAL from 2001/2010 was a great lesson - it's not the AI...the humans were the monsters all along.

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It's been a light drizzle most of the morning. What a loser.

But if that's all it takes, let it keep raining.

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It gets worse if you can prove that the size has also decreased over time.

A recent article asking the same thing on Tampa Bay's activities

While there doesn't seem to be obvious red flags of harm, something doesn't feel right to me about dumping chemicals into the environment that eventually break down. The article says the company making this particular dye warns about it in higher quantities or letting it become concentrated in places downstream, and wearing protective equipment when handling the larger amounts. How much of that is only legalize to protect from misuse vs. actual tested issues?

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12% had an unfortunate accident after their exit poll.

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Even the small things. When work upgraded to Win11 overnight and I logged into the Start being in the middle, I almost lost it. Yes, I could fix it, and a few other things, but I had a moment.

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It's also important to try to avoid jumping to conclusions without the facts. If this is a new 737 and there's a manufacturing issue, then rake Boeing over the coals. They do have problems. But if this is an older plane that had either maintenance issues, then go after Southwest first unless it's a Boeing responsibility. And of course, things do happen beyond anyone's control too, and engines that fail for any reason but don't take out the rest of the aircraft is a bit of a win for design.

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No surprise. They ended up agreeing that he was guilty of impeachable offenses too, but were okay with it and didn't want him to be kicked out or made non-electable because of them. "One of us", literally.

Look at this another way. We succeeded too well and instead of making a superior AI we made a synthetic human with all our flaws.

Realistically LLMs are just complex models based on our own past creations. So why wouldn't they be a mirror of their creator, good and bad?

I don't think it needs to be much bigger for an individual, just fast enough to keep them near the center even at a run. Smaller pads will be the way to go, just have to drive and control them in sync. Maybe predictive software to only run where your feet are at or will be, to minimize the noise.

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If they want to go buy some flags and burn them, then go ahead. But they want to burn the flags of others, and that's a no-go.

It was a hook, and the media grabbed it. It's really more of a way to continue to divide people and keep them in the voting groups. Trump won't get anyone from the left to vote for him, but he has to keep those on the right in his camp. So these are tools to alienate each from the other and secure the base.

And it's also him saying what he really thinks out loud, but it's been shown time and again he can do that and it won't be those words that drive people away. His biggest fear is silence, if the media isn't talking about him then people might drift to other places.

The embarrassing thing is when they don't all get the latest changes and get out of sync on the current talking points. Republicans, always do an update refresh before speaking!

It's the old line about telling lies and having to keep track of them...much easier to just stick with reality and the facts.

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Does playing a white guy playing a black guy count?

"What do you mean, you people?"

"What do YOU MEAN, you people??"

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That was disappointing, when you grow up thinking your parents are progressive and then as old age and its symptoms happen their guards drop and you find out that they always had some racist tendencies. I guess credit to them suppressing them for so long.

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A fleet/company car. A Chevette. I pressed the accelerator to the floor, the engine went "huh? you want what?"

Bad article. Didn't answer the only question anyone is interested in. Did they get the spider?

It was memes they got addicted to.

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And making more than the minimum the government requires them to make for quota. Demand is even there now, so there's no excuse other than the bottom line, plus a bit of cooperation with the oil companies.

Just 1.24%, and they rounded the number up from 475 to further try and sell a headline. Until it triggers a few breakers it's all a big game for the wealthy, both ups and downs.

The narrow purpose models seem to be the most successful, so this would support the idea that a general AI isn't going to happen from LLMs alone. It's interesting that hallucinations are seen as a problem yet are probably part of why LLMs can be creative (much like humans). We shouldn't want to stop them, but just control when they happen and be aware of when the AI is off the tracks. A group of different models working together and checking each other might work (and probably has already been tried, it's hard to keep up).

Since Jesus would love all the people they hate, yes they would.

Proof in point: We're still suffering from the lingerings of Reaganomics. Both Bushs caused their own shifts against a progressive society, often by throwing out things built up by the previous administration to improve things. Trump did a lot of things too, but the ironic one is where he dismantled the very things that GWB helped create to fight worldwide pandemics (credit to George there for reading a book, asking his advisors how true it was, and doing something).

The first r/place was one of those unique events in history. The later ones didn't work because people now knew what it was, techniques to use, and of course bots. I think the most enjoyable was how it not only sparked comradery within various subreddits to support their design and keep it alive, it also brought together some "opponents" to do the same (thinking my experience with the Star Citizen/Elite Dangerous agreement to help each other).

"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin

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Automation itself also isn't the problem. Replacing human workers with machines has always been a good thing, if the workers are taken care of. That's the problem, the workers are expendable for a lower cost solution. It also doesn't help that at least in the US we have a Puritan view of work, where someone is classified by what they do to survive and not the person themselves.

Regulatory measures shouldn't be relaxed because people aren't following them, they should be enforced better. Of course how to do that in many situations such as this is the question. Other things are similar, like group speeding or smart phone use while driving.

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Small changes never were a viable solution, but for a while they could be sold as one. Especially the ones where the consumer became the problem and one to take action (recycling et al.) Only a complete restructuring of society would do much of anything, and now it's even too late for that because of both the time and the population. Yeah, it's pessimistic and doomerism, but it's also reality.

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Long before. Even in 1930 the eugenics-motivated creator Carl Brigham recanted his original conclusions only years ago that had led to the development of the SAT, but by then the colleges had totally invested in a quick and easy way to score students, even if it was inaccurate. Change is hard, but I think the bigger influence here was money since it hadn't been around that long at that point.

That explains it. I read the title and wondered how they are doing prethought crime.

The bill would have some merit if it just hadn't tacked on the chemtrail nonsense. The issue of geoengineering and how one group or country's activities can affect others negatively is valid concern, but it goes far beyond protecting a single state within its borders. Is Tennessee going to sue states west and south of them because weather movement there ends up spawning tornadoes in TN? The environment is shared, we all have to act together.

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Don't Do Crimes

Whoa, that sounds pretty radical there.

Yet not a word when other Presidents wore similar or the same color before and after. It was just something to target.