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Joined 12 months ago

Those are security guards, not privacy guards..

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Meanwhile Linux (ext4) users are over here sorting by whatever we want.

With ctime, mtime and atime it doesn't matter what you call your files!

I use Arch btw

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the guy logged me into his user account

It's pretty common to have this as the only barrier. If someone got into my work PC they could easily take down a lot of critical infrastructure, if they knew where to look.

Terrible, but common.

The classic would probably be plain old FTP, but SFTP/SCP/SSH works fine as well.

When I need to share files to newbs I usually just use a small Node script to host an HTTPS server from terminal, and give them a file link

One is a rate of data, the other is an amount.

Mbps means megabits per second.

MB is just megabytes. You can of course turn it into a rate, but then it would be MB/s.

There are 8 bits in a byte, so 100 Mbps would be 12.5 MB/s (divide by 8)

Passwords and 2FA won't stop you from being tracked when web browsing or using apps on your phone

This was how reddit was meant to be. Now every opinion the hive mind disagrees with gets downvoted to hell.

I use SMS in Denmark with people I don't know personally. Apps like Telegram or WhatsApp aren't common here (yet) unfortunately.

Everyone has Facebook and uses Messenger. The absolute worst of all the choices..

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Not really, it's just a fun expression. Kinda sounds like a propeller in the water.

Sit at home/at friends' flats. Stand in public restrooms.

Why is your name red?

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I would just have Postgres running statically on some solid hardware. It's easy to configure permissions and connections, too.

Not too hard to set up streaming replication for a hot standby if you wanna be sure (or offload some reads).

I use Postgres btw

This is a problem for any web application. There are many solutions, none are perfect.

On some sites (like 4chan) you're required to solve a captcha every single time you post, unless you pay a yearly fee not to.

To avoid it, you would need people actively monitoring, banning, and setting up bot detection patterns.

Then again, there are cheap services online where real people are hired to create human accounts and spam you anyway, so..

Or at least they will

Just a language thing, sorry. In my country this word does not have any negative connotation.

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Had to get some metrics out of an old Cisco box that weren't available through SNMP, and the only solution I could come up with was to periodically SSH some commands and regex the results.

That required way too much shell-foo and the SSH daemon would just randomly refuse/drop connections.

If only there was some kind of standard metric API that every other modern software supports out of the box...

I'm forced to use Windows at work and would quit if WSL2 wasn't available. Windows is just for the Outlook/Teams ecosystem and occasional IDE, but I mostly work out of my WSL terminal.

Why is this number everywhere?

I didn't use the wiki until 50+ hours in. You need to make your own goals. I started by making a thief and just stealing my way to the top.

You can fairly easily make money and skill up by just running around carrying and selling shit. Specialize your first characters, make the next companions workers.

It's very much a sandbox where you make your own story.

Cisco and Juniper CLIs are terrible imo.. Why won't they just use a proper modern set of tools instead of their own proprietary shit that doesn't interface with anything else?

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I rest my case

That must be it

Postman is literally the only GUI I use for development, except for a browser I guess. Everything else is in terminals/WSL2 at work

Woah Usenet was used for other stuff than 1Gbps piracy?

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Bounce back? Reddit is growing and 99% of users will keep using it.

It's a completely different place from 10 or even 5 years ago, and it will never change back.

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A 1 Gbps up/down in Denmark is around 40-50€, and low speeds like 100/100 is more like 25-35€.

Same for Norway and Sweden. Everything is unlimited of course.

Oh I agree wholeheartedly, I just wanted to advertise Linux. ISO 8601 for life, baby

My account is 13, but lurked a bit before that. Never installed the official app. Used RES for desktop, and Boost for mobile.

I used it a lot for Eve Online. Lots of big alliances/corps in the game defaulted to XMPP. Some used IRC or Slack when it came out. Nowadays everyone uses Discord though.

I genuinely have multiple friends who use that word about themselves. It isn't negative unless people perceive so.

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I've tried many times to convert my non-techy friends but it's impossible.

It's hard to argue with "literally everyone I know uses Messenger".

Reddit is slowly dying

But it isn't. It's growing and it will keep growing. Only a tiny percentage gives a shit about privacy and decentralization.

That said, I already much prefer Lemmy.

So what is your point exactly? That you shouldn't charge for software you develop to access a free network? There are plenty of free solutions for you.

Honestly I think once third-party apps get sorted with subscription or personal API keys, people will return and reddit will keep growing.

I do like the federated model though, and I'll probably keep using Lemmy too. Feels much more like the "old" reddit from 10+ years ago. Probably because only the old school users have moved to Lemmy.

Fun fact: Roosters/chickens are very photogenic as they're born with a small gyroscope in their heads, making them very stable and able to sit completely still

Is this your first attempt at emoji pasta?

My point is that words are part of languages which change very fluidly, and you could make the same argument for hundreds of other words.

If the word isn't considered bad by anyone hearing it or anyone it describes, nothing is wrong with it. Many meanings are different between your language and mine, even though they sound alike or share some etymology.

And the source only quotes a reporter saying what your misleading title implies..

And the source only quotes a reporter saying what your misleading title implies..

Handicapped people might disagree

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