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As I've gotten older (65M), I find that I have grown less hurried and hasty to judge.

Hurrying and rushing really doesn't help me to do anything faster or better, so why bother?

You do need to be able to quickly judge and assess people and situations in many settings and for a variety of reasons. That being said, I find that judging people prematurely can fail to appreciate their extenuating or particular circumstances. Everyone's got their own lives, problems and situations. For that matter, everyone can just have a crappy day. Doesn't mean you have to take crap from people, just helps to give the benefit of the doubt where and when feasible.

I would be happy with a voting age of 16, serving in public office at 26 and no voting or serving in public office at 70.

Sixteen year olds have the most skin in the game from the standpoint of having to live with the consequences of election outcomes. Sixteen year olds were allowed to vote in the Scottish independence referendum for exactly this reason.

Full brain maturation (fronto-cortical pruning) is not finalized until 26.

The incidence of cognitive impairment goes up significantly at 70 years old.

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I'm 65 and would happily take a hit for the team. I just retired from 30 years as a family doctor, and I see how people just start progressively losing their mental edge after 70. Not absolutely every single one, but most folks.

An alternative would be a test every voter takes to be able to vote. DMV-like 30-question multiple choice purely on facts of civics and current events. I don't see that happening given the history of poll tests in our country.

Brain maturation (fronto-cortical pruning) is not complete until 26 years of age.

Ever notice how you can work at 16, vote and be drafted/enlist at 18, drink at 21 but can't rent a car without a co-signer until 26?

Now you know why. Car rental agencies don't study human neurophysiology, but they damn well know there's a difference between people who rent their cars before and after 26.