
1 Post – 64 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

He's rich. First rule of being rich is never pay when you can borrow.

25 more...

But that also makes it incredibly easy for communities on defederated servers to set up shop elsewhere.

And those communities may be the sole reason that the server was defederated in the first place.

I think a possible outcome is that the larger instances would have to put a stop to open creation of new communities, to prevent toxic groups from setting up shop and moving all their objectionable content and users into the space.

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With respect, I think you're ignoring the facts. How it's prepared absolutely makes a difference in how it tastes, how easy it is to eat, etc. and there is a resulting effect on how much people eat.

Freshly grilled chicken and frozen chicken patties are both chicken. But the chicken patty is ground, pre-seasoned, pre-cooked, etc. This makes it easier to get ready and easier to eat than a fresh chicken breast.

The poison is in the dose, as they say. 500 calorie surplus every day is a pound a week of weight gain.

And as dieticians have shown us over and over again, you can eat shitty food and be healthy, you just have to eat an appropriate amount of it. There are diets based on cookies and snack cakes, if you eat at your maintenance and cover a few basics with supplements, you can easily thrive on them.

asking if they subscribe to other myth based beliefs, religions, etc

What you actually said:

Out of interest are you religious or subject to some other form of mythical belief system? I ask because clearly you lack motivation for the truth, preferring hearsay and urban legend that I must assume supports a wider world view. by @Hackerman_uwu

My thought: this kind of behaviour is one of things that made Reddit fucking awful and I’d hate to see it flourish here in the fediverse.

Oh goody. There's a RickRussell_CA@lemm.ee and it's not me. And it's using one of my older profile pictures.

EDIT: 2023/8/29 update -- I posted to the lemm.ee support community and the admins decided to disable the account. Well done!

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An online cafe dedicated to harvesting baby seal fur SEEMED like a good idea...

I have back problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure

As someone who waited way, way, way too long too lose weight, let me recommend that you review your situation with a doctor.

I've lost significant weight in my 50s and it's completely turned my health around. Cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, almost every indicator was dangerously of whack. I was on a boatload of medications, it was doing jack squat.

Now I get tested and everything is where it's supposed to be. I'm down to small maintenance doses for blood pressure and triglycerides, and I'm off the diabetes medical entirely.

I don't know if weight it a problem for you, but if it is: you can get it under control.

I'm gonna call this intentional satire:

limited by screen width in how many files it could sh...

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Part of it is looking back through rose-colored glasses. Sure, there was joy, but there was that time you stubbed your toe and you got so emotionally disregulated that you cried for an hour, or the time your parents put the wrong color socks on you and you screamed a bad word at them and refused to leave the house, or... etc.

You learned to regulate your emotions. That's mostly a good thing, but it also means that you learn to control yourself in the moment, and you don't tend to lose yourself in joy like you did as a child.

And that's OK. I enjoy things differently now, than I did then. Back then, when I played with a toy car, it gave me great joy but if something broke, or things didn't go my way, I also suffered uncontrollable anger and frustration. Today, when I take my TRX-4 trail truck out on the trails, I feel a different kind of joy that is mixed with intellectual understanding of the engineering of the machine, an appreciation of the beauty of the natural world that I didn't have as a child, etc. And if something breaks, it's not an emotional thing any more. I know I can fix it, I have the ability and the desire.

Heck, it's enjoyable to break things, take them apart, and fix them again. That certainly wasn't true when I was 6.

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To their credit, they say "ultra-processed" to capture this distinction.

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There is a so-called "hard problem of consciousness", although I take exception with calling it a problem.

The general problem is that you can't really prove that you have subjective experience to others, and neither can you determine if others have it, or whether they merely act like they have it.

But, a somewhat obvious difference between AIs and humans is that AIs will never give you an answer that is not statistically derivable from their training dataset. You can give a human a book on a topic, and ask them about the topic, and they can give you answers that seem to be "their own conclusions" that are not explicitly from the book. Whether this is because humans have randomness injected into their reason, or they have imperfect reasoning, or some genuine animus of "free will" and consciousness, we cannot rightly say. But it is a consistent difference between the humans and the AIs.

The Monty Hall problem discussed in the article -- in which AIs are asked to answer the Monty Hall problem, but they are given explicit information that violate the assumptions of the Monty Hall problem -- is a good example of something where a human will tend to get it right, through creativity, while an AI will tend to get it wrong, due to statistical regression to the mean.

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Something something Stallman was right (about this specific thing, anyway).

The famous example you're thinking of is Jimmy Snyder, aka Jimmy the Greek, a sports commentator and sports betting expert who used to work for CBS sports. He was interviewed as part of a series about civil rights in the US, and the interviewer was sort of expecting him to say something pleasant about black folks' success in athletics opening doors for education and leadership, etc.

Instead he made some pretty astonishing claims that were intensely racist.

As someone who has geeked out on fonts since we were trading bitmap fonts for System 5 on the Mac, I can say that article is fine. Believe it or not, all of that actually matters to graphic design/text design people.


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What would "discrimination" look like in a reddit-like link sharing service?

I'm not even sure what that word would imply in a discussion forum. It usually applies to things like wages, job opportnities, access, etc.

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Well, the real YSK is that memory and expansion cards have distinctive positions they should take within each slot, with a detente that holds them in place. Your system will only work reliably if the devices are fully seated.

When you first assemble the system, plug and unplug each item several times so you get the feel of it. There will always be a distinct detente when the device is fully seated. It's a lot easier to do this exercise with everything out on the bench, rather than mounted in the case when it will be a stone cold bee-atch to reach in and reseat the parts.

beehaw.org -- a lemmy instance specifically geared toward quality discussion and keeping everybody nice to each other -- has basically been told by Lemmy devs that the moderation tools they want and need just aren't in the roadmap, and they'll need to fork and develop their own version.

That's an incredibly disheartening attitude.

Walk it off, Snowflaknov!

He's doing the old racist two-step, acting like "white nationalist" means a patriot who happens to be white, but he perfectly well knows exactly what it means. "No, I've been misconstrued by the librul elites again!"

Sure man.

I guess they had an epiphany.

Nominally, you'd need to go through some request process to request federation with other large instances. Then they'd vet your configuration before adding you.

I call for banning the bans.

Did you enjoy your core download journey?

As more and more of our physical world looks the same

The Tyranny of the Algorithm: Why Every Coffee Shop Looks the Same

Yeah, that previous explanation makes no sense -- the YT guy who recorded his entire session was deleting the same stuff over and over again.

Maybe add the recursive option to change all dirs?

sudo chmod -R ugo+wx "/where/the/drive/ismounted"

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Really look at that computer. The OP is in his fifties.

Apple II and its variants were used in schools well into the 90s. It was still selling pretty well even then. There's a great scene about it in the Fassbender Steve Jobs biopic.

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I think you misread the previous commenter. I think their point was: the assertion that nobody will leave TikTok despite its abuses is very similar to the assertion that nobody will leave Twitter for Mastodon, or Reddit for Lemmy, etc despite their abuses.

Yet, it is happening. Whether it will be a large or lasting migration to open, less intrusive platforms remains to be seen, but the fact that we are talking about it here, and not on reddit, would imply that it's at least possible. The challenges and possibilities are similar.

But, I generally share the concern that the high cost of video storage and distribution is a major barrier to success.

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Context, sweet sweet salty context!

patientgamers checking in

using both Torrents and Instance data storage

IMO, anything based on peer-to-peer sharing is a nonstarter, not with the kind of video bandwidth demands that a TikTok or equivalent would put on cell phone networks. You might get it working on desktop, but I'd bet good money that the cell networks & Apple & Google would move to lock that s*** down ASAP.

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US Virgin Islands: nah we're good

I don't know if you mean Apple IIs, or the scene in the movie.

If you want to learn how computers work, the Apple II was, and arguably still is, a great platform. 8-bit programming is still fairly comprehensible to the novice, and the MIPS assembly language that is used in academic textbooks draws a direct lineage from the Motorola 6502 instruction set.

I learned basic 6502 programming on my Commodore 64 in the 80s, and I was shocked when I took a computer engineering course in 2010 that used MIPS assembly for the examples. It wasn't just easy to understand, it was the same in virtually every respect. I had no problem at all following the code.

I like pixelfed.social, but I'm an admittedly "lite" user of Instagram, don't really post my own stuff, just use it to find interesting photos. It's been good for that.

Yeah, I use the regular Youtube client more frequently, because my senses aren't assaulted by a crapass load of thumbnails of dumb stuff.

LJ Dawson is working on a Lemmy app to replace Reddit Sync, but I think Lemmy is a bit... chaotic... right now in terms of code quality.

I almost became a meteorologist! 2 years of grad school, but decided to quit before I became the bitterest person on Earth.
