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Joined 8 months ago

Naked Men book obviously

Can someone explain to me why you would put a coaster inside a toaster?

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Tell me you want to get stopped by the police every time you encounter them, without telling me you want to get stopped by the police

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Is that cooked chicken-breast with rice and mayonaise?

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My man, it's a meme. For some reason you can easily summon a horde of Germans whenever there's a reference to the German language or Germany. I don't know what causes this internet phenomenon, maybe our lacking national pride, but it is what it is. And that he's writing in German is part of a different Reddit meme.

That is a nice rhyme, I still don't see the benefit though

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That's why you have PRESS written all over your chest back and helmet, so you don't get attacked. But this idiot rather rocks camo gear to blend in with the soldiers

So DIY as in dye it yourself

Good thing my empty wallet is. Never though being poor would be a sign of freedom

So apparently the Russians still smoke inside their factories, what a shame

Thank god they're so stupid.

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Isn't the EU in the process of killing that Webkit-necessity?

Leave my dick alone, he's already feeling too plane

Technically window design should keep Russia from being a superpower

Pro tip: use reusable vegetable bags

I consider myself a voluntary slave

Pickle juice is excellent for cooking

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He's one of the far-left that don't realise that they went so far left they have common opinions with Neo-Nazis. Whether he served or even is Ukrainian, I don't know. But there is nothing indicating that part from not providing amy proof. He does however seem to use identity as an argument. He attempted to block another argument by stating he was jewish and therefore not biased towards Palestine

Wait is this actually the French take on the all-time classic subreddit for German memes: Sprich Deutsch, du Hurensohn?

Chapeau, even better shit post than the video itself

Very perceptive of you

They are not paying you? Even in Germany, where the patient doesn't pay, I get money. Granted it's "only" 20 Euros, regardless whether it's blood or plasma, but it's something. Plus I get to eat breakfast there for free.

Not specifically, but they too reap benefits from a stable EU and Ukraine, with both of them committing to a healthy defense spending. And if they can leave a good impression on Ukraine and its citizens and military the can expect defense contracts for an extended period of time, even after the conclusion of the war.

I have been told that the chances are high in the Navy, so I went. Can't confirm though

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I don't think a pilot for a Ukrainian port would be Liberian.

It was barely a joke and not a good one, now it's dead


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I am rather certain, that would qualify as a war crime. But I mean, if Russia is that interested in emptying their prisons, you can just make demineing Ukraine a victory demand and have their prison population do it.

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Has Japan actually delivered anything to a nation at war before? I mean the delivery, while necessary, isn't huge, it still is a sign that even a country largely uninterested in foreign affairs and the 3rd largest economy of the world stands behind Ukraine. Slava Ukraini

Exactly, I mean you can even add Non-Steam games to Steam. Yes, you don't get achievements that way and there's no support for workshop or big picture or the community plug-in, but you can launch the game from the steam library.

On another note, can Steam, even for a small payment of 2 dollars, add those functions for games not bought in the Steam store, but that could have been bought through Steam? I really want to have TW3 with achievements, but don't want to buy it again.

Key-point here being "if", because Russia would never try their own soldiers. Apart from desertion of course, though I believe they'd rather execute those.

You may not have expressively said that, but literally in every post or news article about Russian war crimes, there's always at least one person pointing at NATO and in particular US war crimes.

No doubt did that happen, yet you don't see Russian state attorneys trying the US in court. And they can, international criminal law can be ruled in in any country of the world. Now why don't they or the Chinese do it? For one, because they don't want to poke the US too much. But if that isn't the case, the only explanation left is that they don't want to be open to the possible repercussions of being held to whataboutism themselves.

No why does it happen in the US or NATO countries? Simply because the executive power holds very little sway on the legal proceedings of the attorney General offices, at least when compared to Authotarian countries such as Russia or China.

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Considering that the record for longest continous submersion of a diesel-electric sub is something like 2 weeks, i highly doubt that 4 weeks in a civilian vessel is achievable

But that only strenghtens the aptitude of sodomistic practices and not necessarily in being gay

Don't love it, also the vinegar/juice from pickled jalapeños is delicious

So this reserved is the origin of "if you're brave enough"? Basically, cause it looks like the real thing, imma stick my dick in it?

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I wouldn't call Musk a conservative per se, he like is buddy Thiel is a Libertarian - which doesn't make his any better.

Well yes, but you could say that about basically every science, not just linguistics. I can think of at least three such cases in German and more specifically German law.

TÜV sagt nein

I plead the 5th your honour

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