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That honestly is a very interesting subject for a beginners exam to criminal law

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Wait till he hears about Eppstein , a town in Germany

Maybe I am outing myself as young or as a European but what the hell is/was SEARS? And yeah I could probably google it, but I figure I can upset some people

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Ah I see, quite interesting to see that it died in the USA, but there are similar companies that still exist outside of the USA - though by going with the times and going online.

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You could walk in there and pull the fire alarm

Prevent 9/11 probably unrealistic, but you could pull the fire alarm prior to the attack and thereby save lifes

Digital slug race. Call a bookie, we need some betting

26g/100ml is a lot but not that high. A European coke has about 10.6g, energy drinks around 15g, while smoothies and natural juices can go up to 20g.

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1440cal is close to the daily average intake of a woman. That is a very, very hearty meal

This is legitimately scary though. It haunts me in my dreams

Yes, Willy Brandt, former chancellor of Germany for amending the post-war relationship with Central and Eastern Europe. He's most famous for kneeling in front of the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto while he was Chancellor.

Women are so good to me ist ein paar Jahre alt aber auch sehr schön geworden and I don't have to go back and I don't want it is what I said in my phone and the underlying question was not to be fair. (The German part in between translated to: "it's (no gender included) a few years old but turned out beautifully"

What you need is a new constitution. That shit is completely outdated.

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The average imprisonment for life-long is 25 years. There's no actual corresponding timed-sentence for lifelong as that is in fact technically lifelong, though with constitutional guarantee to have a chance at resocialisation. And § 66 StGB is most certainly not applicable to this kind of manslaughter. The dangerous part - recklessly driving a vehicle - can be mitigated by revoking and blocking the driving licence

Statistical probability that's all

I used the number the previous commentator used. I've now converted the 32 fl.oz (I figure it's US fl.oz.) to Liter, which is 0.96l so I guess the actual content would be something like 28g/100ml which is not that far off my previous statement of 26g/100ml.

Which to clarify is something like 20% sugar content when taking the average density of water and substracting a bit to make up for the higher density of a milk shake.

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While that is true, there has been quite the effort to make a test that can actually show the lower end of the intelligence spectrum. And no matter how or what you test, 17 IQ is in the range of severe cognitive disability, i.e. the equivalent of the knowledge and ability of a 3 year old.

The Suffering in my Ass or Jaws in my ass, can't remember which one it was

Just to point out, since the USA has never been an empire, it would be the "First Reich". The term "Third Reich" for Germany only fits because it was meant to succeed the HRE (as first Reich) and the German Empire (as second Reich)

  • Alex'

Absolutely true, but I would kind of guess that an actual drink would have a lower sugar content than what is essentially a liquid dessert (for 4 people). Nutella for example is around 50% sugar

You're missing a "c, but I got you covered * hands a c *

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It's a plain bird

Wait till you hear about countries closing linguistic institutions for being spy agencies.

Annoying some is thankfully not a criminal action.

Thats were it gets tricky in reality. But not necessarily in an exam that prioritises theoretical criminal knowledge

Meanwhile I don't have any clue as I only disable my PSU with a switch.

Maybe I should have looked that up forst, I kind of figured that since the viscosity of the drink would be lower the density would be higher

That's a noun hence Kapital is written with a capital K

We'll have to excuse them if we don't want to label them.

But frankly speaking, if people realised what a disaster Trump was going to be the first time round, while not living in the US, being a citizen or even being eligible to vote in the USA, then how come your fellow countryman didn't know better.

I remember showering to a German song titled (translated) "Hurra, the world is going to end" the day the result of the elections 2016 were published.

Yes prove intent, but depending on the legal system that might not be enough. Say I believe that spraying someone with sparkling water on the beach would kill you, that does not necessarily mean you attempted to take someones life. Similarly hurting someone in sports does not mean you assaulted them in a criminal sense.