RileyIsBad (she/her)

@RileyIsBad (she/her)
7 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

your local neurotic transfemme <3

Funny how on the consumer side, they keep pushing TPMs and other intrusive technologies under the guise of security, and they can't even keep their shit together on the business end long enough for people to actually believe them.

Edit: Typo

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hahahahahaha that's such an ass take dog

everyone should abso-fucking-lutely protest against any laws that discriminate against consenting adults' sexualities, as it's literally a human rights violation

if a country gets their titties and/or testies in a twist cause of a wittle gay kiss, but would be totally fine if a straight couple did the same shit, then they deserve constant reminders that they're on the wrong side of history

edit 1: the fuck is a countey? meant country edit 2: thank you mods :) for context, original comment was arguing that they should respect the laws of the country

Why not both?

I'm a transfemme lesbian, and pretty much ever cute girl I see makes me freak out like that. Like, "do I want to be them or be with them?

It's definitely hard to deal with in the beginning, especially if you haven't fully accepted that you're trans. Just to remind you, cis people don't think like that :p

Hope that helps <3

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Yup, that.

Don't get me wrong, I love me some Bethesda games, but only 5 years after they've come out and with a 200 plugin modlist.

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The worst part is, at least from my experience, even if you avoid the glaring issues with their rationale, even if you try and appeal to their empathy and assert you are a human fucking being that just has different experiences than they do, people will still treat you like subhuman scum. I've even had people get hostile with me for committing the crime of being nice to them whilst trans.

Maybe it's cause I work in a grocery store in a conservative city, but it's so hard to not have a cynical outlook from all the people lashing out at me just cause I'm a girl who used to be a boy. Like, I'm literally pouring my heart and soul out and being as kind as I can, but these people are too busy being as vile as they can possibly be to recognize any semblance of logical or emotional reason.

Why do we have to fight so fucking hard just to exist? What did we do to deserve this? When can I just exist in fucking peace?

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I smell a new meme format

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I will gladly have more Stargate in my feed

Ya know, I don't know this one, and I'm honestly glad

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Went to go check out her channel, seems she doesn't post anymore. Really sucks, but considering how the people act in her comment section, can't really blame her.

I'm so down for this, loving the art style and the weird ass mechanics.

Been wanting a new 2D Mario, and I'm so happy they're deviating from the "New Super Mario" stuff at least a bit, shit was getting VERY stale.

I knew a kid in the 8th grade who, after the poor science teacher spent about an hour lecturing us on lab safety, immediately ate a bit of Borax we were using for the experiment.

Good to know he was a trendsetter I guess

WITCHY QUEEEEEN omg I love it 💞

Like a clown car, but like, buoyant

I mean it's not much of a change, considering a minimal amount of activity would result in you getting bombarded with super pushy sign-in popups.

With this and Reddit pulling the shenanigans they are pulling, it sucks to see a large portion of Google's results suddenly become useless, but it's nothing but a growing pain in the path to a more decentralized internet.

the article states that they were using version 3.5 during the study, I'd assume it would be patched in later iterations

If I could shapeshift, I'd be too hot for this universe, hence why I can't shapeshift, and no one can prove otherwise 😤

Also, you put it perfectly! Significantly more coherent than what I was trying to say, but that's what I get for trying to comment something that in-depth whilst on my 15 minute break lmao

Okay so I'm going to Kansas City 👀

You're doing great sweetie, it's certainly terrifying initially but it'll be worth it!! I'm proud of you!! <3

Aww, I can't seem em ;^; was looking forward to the final product!

I hope this sub has a Brooke revolution, we need more Brooke here

okay but why the fuck would you make the bar go outside the graph

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:3 mrrrp

:D ayyoooo! congrats girlie!! I'm glad that your wife is taking well to it, too, it's definitely easier knowing you got someone who understands on your side of the ring.

It can be hard sometimes, people can be ruthless, but it always feels like it's worth it. You is a bad bitch, you got this hon!!

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I mean, they never specifically stated that they drank them 👀

I'm sorry, you're just gonna deny me the rest of the view?? ;^;

CPTSD is also something i struggle with due to a traumatic childhood, but for the most part I'm out of that situation.

Knowing that what's done is done really helps, it's in the past and I'm safe now (at least relatively).

I'm still living in the same house i was abused in but my abusers are gone, so being able to reclaim that space and objectively acknowledge that I've progressed as a person helps put distance between what happened and what is happening.

Also learning to recognize that the way i was treated affected how i treat myself, and catching when i start letting the internal voice of those people dictate my life. Knowing what is genuinely your thoughts and feelings and the ones that aren't is extremely helpful, though very difficult.

Getting better is hard and neverending, but it lets you appreciate what little good you do have going on.

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Plot twist, it's foreshadowing

Oh thank God free bottom surgery

Safety absolutely plays a role there, there have been instances where I've made brief contact with my abusers and it causes hardcore instability, but that's to be expected in those kinds of scenarios. But otherwise knowing that I'm a safe distance away from them helps so much.

I'm very proud of being able to stay there, especially since I get to live with people i know genuinely care about me and contribute to the healing process.

Work definitely gets affected by it though, I don't have that feeling of safety at my work unfortunately (am publicly trans in a pretty transphobic community) so that stress definitely gets me to fall back into the same feelings and coping mechanism from my previous situation.

I probably contribute like half the hours Fallout 4 is getting, once you go through the pain of getting modding working how you want, it's so easy to sink another hundred or so hours into it.

Lil Steamie Decky is hauling ass with 200 plugins just fine (assuming you don't mind cranking everything to low settings, but you won't notice it much on that display)


Hope it turns out at the very least alright.

I was initially excited, but the reviews are telling a very different story than the prerelease media hype.

I'd also like to know, some I'm having issues with my Bluetooth headset cutting in and out in Linux, but has no issues when I boot into windows

I smell burnt toast

Put him in a submarine, it'll sort itself out

Yeah that's fair

The same happened for me, the "anti-sjw" shit was my first introduction to gender expression and the idea of it made me uncomfortable and hostile.

Surprise surprise, I came out as trans some years later. Who woulda thought that queerphobia is usually spurred on by heavily closeted queers :p