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"Well, there was a bit of a stir when it was decided that since corporations are people, they could technically run for president. But President Walt Disney-Pepsi-Comcast has done wonders for the economy... given that it's... now the economy"

"Those insidious trans trying to trick people into sleeping with them! They just don't have any respect for people's body autonomy.

Now anyways, time for me to drug random women without their consent."

I love you can tell by their faces, "his boys" look so tired and disinterested in his shit lol

"Also, it's hilarious how he can touch on 20 issues that every one of us agree with, but the left hyper-focuses on one line they don't like, because he just looks like a hillbilly trump supporter to y'all."

That's sorta the problem of right wing populism dude. Yeah, many of the issues pointed out in the song are legitimate and need to be addressed but how he tacks on "welfare queens" is trying to shift the blame onto people have nothing to do with your own hardships. That family getting $400 a month in food stamps is not the reason everything sucks right now.

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I think they still got their white hoods collecting dust in the closet

The GOP gladly let their party turn into a cult and very few cults manage to live on after its leader is dead/no longer viable.

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People are so unaware how common politically motivated murder was in the late 19th/early 20th century in the US. Our country is rittled with shallow graves belonging to labor and civil rights activists. Wikipedia for example has a list documenting anti-labor murders totaling just over 1100 that we know of. Much of that violence was especially targeted towards black labor organizers.

"Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat And the obese milkin' welfare"

Misremembered the line but regardless, still sure sounds like he's blaming them.

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In my opinion the biggest problem w the police isn’t the officers it’s the training and culture.

That's sorta the point that people generally have issues with cops dude. It's the overall culture of shielding of each other from consequences, stoking a "everyone is your enemy"/warrior mentality among officers, bad or lack of training leading to unneeded violent escalation etc.

It's been police departments dragging their heels and throwing tantrums on addressing these issues that have what caused people's dislike of them to grow.

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Kenneth Copeland is straight up one of the creepiest persons alive. He has that look and mannerisms like he's actively deciding what part of your body best matches his evening cabernet he has as he waits for his skin suit to be dry cleaned.

They basically want border towns to become civilian ran security checkpoints by the sounds of it.

You stop for gas in Bumfuck, TX and the clerk gets to pressure you about what you're leaving the state for. If they think you're "one of those types", this ordinance gives them the authority to make your life a living hell. Doesn't even matter if you're actually getting an abortion, just that they "think" that you are.

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Definitely don't ever underestimate how quickly lack of sleep can mess you up mentally and physically.

Inflicting sleep deprivation on a person is widely recognized as a form of torture by human rights organizations as well as the UN.

You mean the fact that the biggest initial source of support the Nazis got was from the emerging business class who were scared of the rising influence of labor unions? Can't imagine why that gets pushed under the bed.

Not like we had that nearly happen here in the US or anything though. Just don't look into the Business Plot or that many of the Jan 6thers turned out to be small business tyrants...

Just remember that the most dangerous Nazis aren't the skinheads on the corner but the ones on Wall Street.

They sound like someone who's completely disconnected from the financial realities of 95% of workers lmao

And this is nothing new at all for Apple. I still remember how infuriating it was having to deal with iTunes for moving files to and from my iPod Touch. Jailbreaking so I didn't have to deal with iTunes was such a relief

Android obviously having no issues with you just having direct access to the file system makes it so much easier

Anytime a big corp gets caught fucking with poor people worse they get is a slap on the wrist fine maybe 10 of what they profited and maybe 1-2 years max in prison time for a few fall guys.

Wonder how chewed this dude is about to be.

Government databases getting misused for personal motives is actually pretty common.

AP did a report on this back in 2016 and while public records on this are fairly limited, they still found about 300 cases of database abuse from 2013 through 2015.

Thousands might be being murdered a day in death camps but at least the shareholders are happy.

I guess my Florida based insurance provider dropping coverage for my HRT is "just a strawman" turns out

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Can't believe the company that operates on the business model of exploiting child labor gamedevs would do something like this

Even just north of y'all in Western MD where I recently vacated from, there are plenty of nutters. MD is seen as a pretty blue state but that's mostly just Baltimore and Montgomery County balancing out the crazy in the rest of the state. The more rural parts of the state are still full to the brim of your typical Trump wackos.

Asking if I misword something? I'm saying insurance companies are being actively complicit on this ongoing fascist movement by denying trans people coverage to HRT.

Surely centrist neolibs and the far right would never collaborate to prevent leftist candidates from being able to have a chance at getting elected... That never has happened before /s