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Joined 3 months ago

There are programs like net limiter that you can use to just block access entirely for windows updates, every time one pops up to use data you can just block it, i think there's like 6 processes windows will try to use to update various things. It's not exactly what you are looking for, but it should solve your problem anyway.

AMD stock, or nvidia stock. Idk if anything else would actually change.

As much as I have issues with AI, I feel like it would actually help you get your imagination set down in a way you could actually show people? Like I can think of a wonderful scene in my head, but I can't even draw a straight line with a ruler and you want me to draw that scene? Hell no, and lack of ability isn't lack of imagination, it's just a skill issue.

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Shit I forgot lunch

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I'd put everything I own and my literal life betting someone will make one. It's happened for literally everything else, the switch 2 won't be different.

I think youtube has just started needing way more bandwidth than it used to. A few years ago, 100KB/s would load a videos page almost instantly, comments as well, and smoothly run 360p playback. Now even at 160KB/s I often spend 60+ seconds for parts of the page to even load.

The majority of the online entertainment for me is YouTube, so I probably couldn't just quit it. I bailed on reddit to come here, but reddit was only 2-3 hours a day, YouTube is like 10+ hours a day for me.

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Can confirm, 5gb extra is about 9 more hours of downloading, presuming everything goes well

? My calculator definitely thinks that 3x7x37=777. Did you read it as 37x37 instead?

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Sounds like you can't imagine how shit I am at art

7.7b in revenue for the year, probably.

Physical games doesn't fix this, if you have a physical copy of the crew itll be just as unplayable as the digital one.

Depends how you define 'top', but lets go with most (estimated) hours played:

Minecraft. It wont track my hours, but if it did in the back end and told me I had played 10,000 hours of minecraft, I'd believe it. Yes I'm aware that's more than a year of playtime, I mean what I said. Almost been playing for half my life, I doubt I will ever truly stop.

Runescape, both RS3 and OSRS. They started tracking hours played well after I started playing, but given my playtime for both of these is listed in days, it probably deserves being here. You never quit Runescape, you merely take extended breaks.

League of Legends. This probably wouldn't show up if it were a list of favourite games, i don't know why I still play it. Around 2,000 hours at last check. Help me.

Forza Horizon 5. 600 hours. I did a lot of races. 400 hours in the previous title. Anyone still playing 5 know if the game works properly now? I remember the online being a disaster and the majority of every leaderboard being cheated times.

Warframe. This is going out of order due to the extremely short time I got those hours. At 500 hours, the first 200 hours were in 2 weeks. More games need bullet jump.

Counterstrike: Global Offensive. Yeah that's about 2k hours again. This game has ruined most other FPS games for me because bullet travel time is a bitch and I never learned it.

Stardew Valley. I think all top 10 lists deserve this game, 400 hours. Level 10 fishing in the first spring, never sided with Joja.

Skyrim. 360 hours, although at least 20 of those hours were mid-crash. Unplayable without mods.

Trackmania 2020. Excellent game, ton of fun. Wish it wasn't behind the Ubisoft launcher, this game is the only reason I have it. 300 hours. Obviously learned about the game from Wirtual.

Stellaris brings out 10th, 170 hours. I have no idea how to play the game and I think I need about 500 more hours to maybe get the basics down. And then I'll have to learn all the DLC!

This list did not end up being some of the games I expected it to be. I thought Skyrim would be lower, and I thought Beat Saber would've made an appearance, but only 145 hours of that. This list also skipped idle games because that's just cheating. Apparently I only have 10 games on Steam over 100 hours, that's clearly not enough gaming and I need to fix that. Did I write too much? Probably. But I spent a couple minutes looking up the numbers for some of these so I'm not just gonna not post it at this point.

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Also a ton of overlap with autism

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I pay for premium as well and just use Firefox for YouTube. I get tabs and a better layout

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If on Windows, Windows defender is more than enough for all of that stuff. It's very effective, although does require an internet connection or it won't do as well

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I got a 4090 mobile and while it is actually capable of running games with ultra ray tracing like... Why? I've never found a game where it doesn't just make the experience worse.

There's a ton of overlap between the two, to the point where if you have one you should subscribe to the others community because the memes will still be very relatable

Maybe my brain skips words when I read things.

This isn't a maybe.


I download it from youtube because that's where I found it, and I'm not entirely sure what's easier than just copying/pasting the link of the page I'm already on. I'm very confident other methods have better quality, but easier is a big statement.

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The ones that are sugar free specify that in big letters, so yeha it's probably the standard 9-12% sugar that most energy drinks are

I tried to use it to find me a decent phone under $500 and half of the listed options were $900+ so uhh.. Not too useful.

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Funnily enough, I'm in a metric company and buy my weed in imperial

No, but basically anytime I'm on my laptop youtube is running, and I spend all of my time on my laptop. If I play a game, it's typically taking up 2/3rds of my screen so i can still have youtube playing on the side.

I don't actually know, my internet can't run 720p anyway so I never tried to do that or above.

I paid a prostitute. It was alright, I don't regret doing it just to see what it's like. It being only alright probably helps me deal with the fsct I still don't get laid at all, I just don't care as much anymore.

I use less Lemmy than I did Reddit, and I don't use Reddit at all anymore, so it isn't really 13+ hours. Also youtube can run while I'm on Lemmy, so in the space of 2 hours I can be on Lemmy + YouTube for 4 hours.

Maybe you just didn't consider that I have minimal interaction with actual people outside of work, and I don't work much.

Pretty sure it'd still drastically outperform every single other 8gb ram laptop out there though, perhaps even 3x faster. Not saying it shouldn't have a ton more ram though, 8gb on anything expensive is pretty rude.

Did that in racing games. Every single race, mega dominant, went online, mega dominant, went into a youtube discord and immediately got trashed by people who could actually race and weren't just relying on everyone else being too shit to win.

IPhone 13 was listed, and while it's a good phone, it's uhh.. Not $500

Does it just add a download button on the YouTube video? Because copy/paste is a pretty hard process to beat for simplicity.

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I mean, it means I have to search it elsewhere, but I can see the benefit if I already know a list of things I want. I actually do have to play each song I download because I find the music on youtube in the first place. I don't know I want the song until I've heard it.

I have some rgb on, laptop has back lightning that is brighter than my lamp though so that's never on unless I need a torch and for some reason don't have my phone.

I can reasonably see that. If someone started flying a flag at my house I think it'd take days, if not weeks for me to notice unless I was going to literally walk into it. Stick a flag on the roof and odds are I won't see it for months

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