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Open source is generally considered to be more secure because the large number of eyes on it are expected to catch the vulnerabilities. That’s the idea anyway.

I get where you’re coming from though. If anyone can see how it works it must be easier to break into right? But if something is only secure because you don’t know how it works, then it isn’t really secure at all.

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“Never stop at the first right answer”

There are multiple solutions to every problem, and the first one you come up with is unlikely to be the best.

On the other hand, “don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”

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Bittorrent opens a ton of simultaneous connections that can overwhelm the pos router supplied by some ISPs. If that’s your issue, lowering the max # of connections could not only clear it up but also increase your download speed

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I have a pair of Nintendo’s NES controllers for the switch, a 1st gen 8bitDo SNES, the M30 Genesis, and USB adapters for the N64 and GameCube controllers.

And just use the switch pro controller for everything :(

Don’t get me wrong. Those other controllers are awesome. I just don’t have the patience to be constantly switching, and the pro controller is just so good as long as you don’t need analog shoulder buttons.

I think you’re confusing AppleTalk with AppleShare. AFP runs fine over TCP/IP and has since way back in the System 6 days.

If you include the comics as cannon, Protoman is still alive in 21XX and goes by “Prometheus”

Specifically I think they’re talking about the subclass of np problems called “np complete” that are functionally identical to each other in some mathy way such that solving one of them instantly gives you a method to solve all of them.

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It’s not that ARR is bad, just that Heavensward was such a jump in the quality of both writing and voice acting that it makes ARR look bad in hindsight. And the slog was actually the post-ARR section (ie patch content). It was awful. Largely cleaned up now though. Still long.

If you ever do play, the biggest mistake you can make is to rush to endgame. You’ll burn out. Take it slow, read the dialog, watch the cutscenes, and you’ll have a much better time. It is Final Fantasy after all.

You don’t need to make an alt to play a different class. The game encourages multiclassing and there is an ingame server transfer system so need to make one for other servers either. But yeah if you do make an alt you need to go through it all again.

Windows’ built-in bluetooth stack is famously bad. Try installing the Toshiba one instead. It’s a bit clunky UI-wise, but tends to have less issues.

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150 Mb FTTH for $90 in Newfoundland

New? They’ve been around since the 90s. Original Sin was like the 5th or 6th Divinity game.

Whenever possible, all of them. The switch may be underpowered, but for the majority of games it doesn’t matter. The deck feels unpleasantly oversized, like the original original Xbox controller or the game gear, and awareness of it’s presence doesn’t fade into the background no matter how long I’m playing. The switch is a joy in comparison.

I’ve heard it’s because your brain thinks (somewhat correctly) that you can’t breathe and releases “clear that clog right now” chemicals.

Holding your breath until you almost pass out works for the same reason, but I don’t recommend it.

you can use a gif

This is the comment I needed. You’ve convinced me.

I’m still on 10 myself so I can’t say for sure. I remember I needed to go into device manager and disable but not uninstall the Microsoft stack, and stop it from automatically updating.

It’ll break the Bluetooth settings/control panel and you’ll need to re-pair all devices via the new icon in the system tray. It looks basically the same as the old one and both might be present, so I advise hiding the old one.

I also seem to recall having to change a setting relating to the pairing password. Maybe? Sorry it’s been a while since I got it set up and it’s worked flawlessly ever since so the details are a bit fuzzy.

This plugin will fix the thumbnails in Finder

My understanding is that it’s layered. An np-complete solution solves all np and np-complete problems, and an np-hard solution solves all np, np-complete, and np-hard problems.

Of course by “np” here I mean non-complete non-hard np problems.