
8 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

I have been looking at this for 5 minutes and still can’t decide if it’s ten or ten thousand

Interesting, I think I’ll try it in waydroid

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No, I’m using waydroid in wsl

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In my experience no, apart from blender integration kdenlive does everything it does and more and kdenlive gets more new features. I just wish there weren’t 10 different Foss video editors that don’t come close to the proprietary ones instead of focusing on 2-3 projects, but that’s for the devs to decide

The WSL part was just a joke, but I do sometimes test apps on waydroid as I am using an IPhone currently and I want to switch, so for that I try apps on waydroid so I can easily replace IOS exclusive apps when I make the switch.

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No no, it’s Linux on Android on Linux via waydroid in WSL in the Mac version of virtual box running via darling running on FreeBSD via LinuxJails

Is this just an excuse to listen to your phone calls?

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No, you see this is different from when google puts their headquarter in a different country to where they are working to pay less taxes because that’s … uh … just pay your 17 bucks and stop complaining.

There seems to be a misunderstanding. You see a insurance is only for the safe feeling before something happens

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It’s not companies that are the problem. It’s your friends, the type that always clicks on accept all and allow. Do you have any idea how many spam calls I get because someone allowed some proprietary app access to their contacts? And I have at least five friends who would enable recall without giving it a second thought.

Ublock is also open source. So you also can see what it’s doing. So yes, you can say the same thing about ublock

So how can the piracy subreddit/community exist?

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Canonical and the others don’t make money from individual users. They get money from companies so there isn’t really any incentive to make tv ads. What would be more likely would be hardware manufacturers like tuxedo to do this. I know tuxedo does magazine ads but not sure if they have the budget for tv.

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No, but now I kind of want to

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Yes, because the AI (if not local) will probably store the images on their Servers

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ISH uses a x86 emulator to run alpine Linux as a terminal. I personally prefer A-shell (mini) as it is more performant

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Currently playing Mindustry, a factory management tower defense game. Very addicting. It’s free on flathub

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Shares your IP and search query (according to them separately) with Microsoft.

I tried one of their test builds. Seems like the AI part just means the browser can integrate with llamafile (Mozilla’s open source solution for running open source llm’s with just one file on any platform)

Might just be me but I have seen way more men in this outfit on lemmy

I have used a lot of different distros and I never had dependency problems whether on Linux mint, Debian, open suse or fedora. And yes, this can be a problem, especially on distros like Manjaro, but you still can use flatpaks/appimages/snaps and don’t deal with dependencies at all. NixOS and all rolling release distros can be great but they are not meant for people who are not ready to troubleshoot their system at any time. If you stick with a more stable distro like Debian you will most likely get a more reliable system then with windows.

LMDE does not provide a XFCE version, you can however install XFCE after installing LMDE. Cinnamon required in my experience twice as much recourses as XFCE. LMDE is based on Debian while regular Mint is based on Ubuntu. The releases are linked to those of the bases, but LMDE gets the Mint specific updates slightly later. The numbers are different because Ubuntu’s latest version is 24.4 while Debian is at version 12, so it wouldn’t make sense to have the same numbering for the corresponding Linux mint version.

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They also may be included if you pay for your app to be on the homepage of the Microsoft store

I prefer Sharedrop it allows transfer between networks and has a better up time

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I think it heavily depends on where you live. In a country like china you just need to have the wrong belief and your existence itself becomes illegal

Yes they do play in the Apple Music app, but if you upload in bulk only 50% will actually be uploaded

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I don't have nay extension installed that interacts with containers. In settings I enabled container tabs under general and if I right click on the new tab button I can open a container tab, so it appears to be built in. I can also create custom containers for example I have one for google services. So if I understand you correctly the extension doesn't do anything else special?

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The browser is open source (MPL)

It also has google stuffed into it, and apparently the new consensus is that you need AI just as much for browsing as a search engine

I’d use AV1, there should be a normal option somewhere. It has higher quality to size ratio, but requires more performance. Webm mainly uses V9, which is not very efficient. Important for the size is also the setting, one codec can have different levels of compression.

My bad, I realized my comment reads a lot differently than what I was trying to say. Linux mints release schedule is not bound to Ubuntu. Linux mint gets a new major version every two years (although this is not strictly set) while LMDE usually gets a new major update with the new Debian version, but because Debian has been around for a lot longer than LMDE the number is higher.

If you self host your E-mail it’s way more recourse efficient not to host a web interface

Pop!_Shop is the store made for Pop!OS while Software (full name GNOME Software) was made for every distro that uses GNOME and doesn’t want to make their own store. Pop!OS is moving away from GNOME and developing their own Desktop, so they want to have their own app suite and are still keeping the GNOME apps until there desktop fully releases as backup

I would try the other apps on the official Website if the popular ones don’t suit you. I personally enjoy photon (web)

Solution: remove human

That’s what a lot of news sites are doing, getting rid of large parts of the employees and having the remaining do the same work with LLM. If you burn the no longer needed employees as an alternative heating solution your energy usage drops effectively to zero

For Games on Epic/Gog/Amazon use Heroic , for everything else/alternatively use Lutris. They set up everything for and apply specific patches with a steam like experience