Robust Mirror

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I'm fully ready to get torn apart for this. I get victim blaming is wrong. But sometimes you can make better choices based on available information, regardless of whether it's your fault if something happens.

If there's a street called Drag Race Avenue where every person that lives on it drag races up and down it all day and every week there's a news story of someone getting hit using the crossing on Drag Race Avenue, maybe you shouldn't use the crossing on that street. Sure, it won't be your fault if you get hit, but how much comfort will that be when you're injured or dead?

It's possible to make choices that are objectively morally/legally/ethically right that are still stupid choices. Unfortunately we don't live in a world where as long as you do the right thing, so will everyone else and nothing bad will ever happen to you.

Hazards are a part of life. In many if not all workplaces there are hazards. Due to this there are hazard controls, along with a widely accepted list of most effective to least effective ways to deal with a hazard. First is to get rid of it entirely (stop people drag racing on that street) but if that's not possible, the next 2 are replace the hazard then isolate the hazard. In other words, if something exists that you can't stop from existing, your best course of action is to stay away from it / out of its way if possible.

These controls aren't about victim blaming, they're about making hazards as safe as possible. It's not illegal to carry a box that's too heavy for you, but you still may be injured by doing so. There's a reason workplaces have 100s of policies that aren't illegal but they decided you can't do there. Because there are many things that exist that you can do that are entirely legal but could still harm you.

Emulators might not be illegal, but Nintendo is a hazard to them that can't be eliminated.

I guess it depends on whether you care more about being right, or more about being safe.

These people could make the choice to be safer if they wanted to. They could be more anonymous if they wanted to. They could stay out of Nintendo's way. But if being right that they're not doing anything wrong is more important so be it. Maybe they consider it worth being shut down in order to draw attention to the issue. That's up to them.

The main hiccup is the system is off by a day. Some people "fix" this by saying the extra day should be "new years day" or something similar that exists outside the main calendar and doesn't have an actual date or day assigned to it. Personally I think that's kind of silly but it does work.

The second problem which to me is a much bigger problem, is he argues every month starting on Monday is a feature, I think it's a bug. The result of this is every date is the same day, every year. If you are born on a Wednesday, your birthday will always be on a Wednesday. I like it mixing up and getting to have your birthday on different days.

Also almost everyone will have a new birthday they have to learn and too many people would simply be unwilling to go along with that.

And all that is ignoring the monumental task of changing every computer system in the world.

Edit: also 13 is just kind of a rubbish number to work with and doesn't divide into anything nicely.

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They also have hydropower which provides a constant base load, and basically they have just heavily optimised their distribution of power to be very efficient. In emergencies they are also able to import power from neighbouring countries.

If I had a supper power, it'd be the ability to conjure the most delicious and satisfying meals instantly.

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Ignorance is bliss?

That is supposedly the case in Australia as well but I haven't got a letter from telstra since around 2004 and I have never used a VPN and watch all my shows and movies via torrents so either I'm extremely lucky or they stopped bothering.

Though recently I started paying the $4 / month for Real Debrid for better streaming performance, which is just as good as a VPN for torrent anonymity. I used to be fundamentally against the idea of paying anything to pirate but honestly this is worth it, I've even been able to watch a few shows that had 0 seeders because they were previously cached.

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Game mechanics should not be patentable, change my mind.

At the expense of having to either hope devs do it or only use extensions that give the source, having to do it for every extension individually, having to redo it every time you want to add or remove a URL, no longer getting automatic updates, and having to redo it every time you want to update.

I get the sentiment but it's not worth the hassle, especially when it would be trivial to have this as a browser feature that would solve all of those problems.

If someone doesn't know the answer to something and they guess, or think they know the answer but don't, they are wrong. If they do know the answer and intentionally give a wrong answer, they are lying.

If someone is in a competition or playing a game and they break a rule they didn't know about, they made a mistake. If they do know the rules and break it, they are cheating.

Lying and cheating fundamentally requires intent. This is important no matter what you're referring to. If a child gets something wrong, you should not get mad at them for lying. If they make a mistake in a game, you should not acuse them out cheating. There is a difference and it matters.

ChatGPT literally cannot think. It's not sitting around contemplating it's existence while waiting for inputs. It's taking what you say, comparing that to everything that it's been trained on, assigning a bunch of statistics, and outputting something based on more statistics that hopefully is correct and makes sense.

It doesn't know if it makes sense. It doesn't "know" anything. It's just an incredibly sophisticated version of "if user inputs 'Hi how are you', respond 'I am well, how are you?'".

It can't do things with intent. Therefore it cannot lie or cheat. It can simply output wrong or problematic text based on statistics.

I browse social media to find new ideas that I can't think of.

I mean if we're just naming a price you could say something like 100m+, invest it for profit for X amount of time and either intentionally or unintentionally slip up at some point, pay back the original and be pretty nicely set with no further catch.

Sure it's clearly not within the spirit of the question, but still.

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In fairness, it was never legal to make thousands of copies of that VHS tape and hand them out en masse. Which is how you're getting it when you download it, from someone doing exactly that.

Yeah if you take it at face value that one is pretty cursed. You're gonna get sleep deprivation affects and diseases pretty quickly if it only makes you feel rested. But it's entirely possible they intended it to mean properly and healthily rested. If that's the case I think it's a top contender, but still not my choice.

The best sims game is The Sims Bustin' Out.

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I mean I guess it depends how strictly you take it. If literally everything works out in your favour, and you set out to build it, you'll know you're done when you don't feel inclined to do anything further because it worked out.

As far as using/repairs etc, you obviously wouldn't attempt to do so during times the coin is not in effect, you'd just wait till the next heads. When you attempt to use it, it will work out.

But even that can be potentially mitigated somewhat. You could say, set out to write a manual that even a child could understand for example.

I think the best path though would be to use it to make money, then once you have effectively unlimited funds, create companies aimed towards goals you want to achieve, and use the 12 hours to set out to hire the best, smartest and most loyal people in the world. You'll be able to pay them whatever they need. Any time they get stuck, you can use the 12 hours to guide them.

12 hours every ~4 weeks might not seem like much, but if you use that time to set everything up well and prepare for the 12 hours, you'll get a lot done in that time. The only issue is people at your companies trying to work out why the super rich super genius that was able to start all these things only comes into work to help every couple of months.

You'd probably want to come across as super eccentric or something as well.

I think the biggest problem is how does the landlord break lease? Because if you can be kicked out you lose all that you've accumulated against your will. If you can't be evicted, you've forced the landlord to both keep you as a renter and keep ownership of the property until it's paid by the renter, which isn't necessarily realistic.

They should be able to sell the property if they need to. The person renting being part of the transaction and forced to be allowed to continue renting is only kind of a solution, because the new owners might want to live in that house, or have a say in who rents it. There's also the issue of funds already accumulated by the landlord. Does that get deducted off the price they sell it for?

I think there's just a few too many veriables for it to work as a solution.

I use PIA, cheap and they've been involved in at least 2 court cases where their no logging policies were proven.

I still don't know how half the games at timezone can be allowed for kids.

I get you, but "whatever the user attempts" "works out in their favour", seems pretty clear to me. If I attempt to win at the lottery, the outcome will work out in a way that favours what I want. It feels hard for it to go wrong.

You know, I knew that, and I really don't know how that happened. In any case thanks.

OK ok, what if I tone it down to, I still have to make it, but it will always be perfectly done, never over or under rcooked what I intended.

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I use DWService. Now everyone go ahead and tell me why I'm stupid.

Would it still apply if it's not Google forcing it, but simply giving developers the choice? This doesn't seem any different to putting code in your game to make sure it was launched from the epic games store for example.

Possible, but "in debt" can equally mean you just owe the money, it doesn't have to mean bankrupt with the debt on top of it. If you owe your credit card company 10k you're in debt 10k until you pay them, regardless of whether you have 1 million in the bank. Same if you have student loans etc.

Yeah the penny is crazy OP. Ultimately, if something can be done, you can do it. Ignoring what you said for a moment, which is entirely true.

Get rich, create company that is focused on sleep research and ways to reduce/eliminate it while staying 100% healthy, unlimited funds, top minds, and every month you can help speed things up significantly.

And if it's fundamentally impossible, you'll still have plenty of other goals to choose from, and you'll absolutely appreciate having the entire day free to do what you want while having to sleep, vs having to still go to work but sitting up all night.

The other catch is, while it states a cool down of 20 hours, functionally you'd generally have to be awake 23 hours, unless you had the luxury of being able to sleep at any time. Sleeping every 20 hours for 1 hour isn't going to stay at a consistent time.

PlayStation making you pay for their highest sub tier just to access demos.

You could implement this for some shows and movies, but there's one big problem. Disney shouldn't have exclusivity rights to their own IPs? Netflix should have to give everyone else the shows they pay for and produce?

I get where you're coming from in theory, but in practice it doesn't make sense. It would be like saying Nintendo must release their games on xbox and playstation.

I will concede that it would make some things easier, like if someone says are you busy on the 5th, you can instantly know the 5th is a Friday or whatever. But I still don't like it. And without researching in detail, I'm betting there are holidays, particularly religious ones, that wouldn't be okay with moving the date to match the weekend closest to it for reasons.

Couldn't agree more.

But then they think they heard the only important part already and miss the context which equally matters.