1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same, captcha was unbearable when using VPN so I just went to Bing. Fuck Google.


So it's only "your" community as long as it suits and benefits Reddit for which they are happy that you grow and moderate said community, but if it doesn't suit them, then it's not yours, it's "the people's", unless of course the people vote democratically to change the nature of the community, in which case it doesn't belong to them either, and so it belongs to Reddit and they can do with it what they want.

What a bunch of buuuuuuuullshieeeeeeeeeet.

@shazbot created a nice -monkey script that puts a link to your subscriptions at the top, which I've found super useful. Install it with Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey from here:


I guess that depends on what you consider reasonable. I figure if they're starting with simulations such as this now, it's reasonable to expect an actual manned mission in maybe 20 years.

That would be ace. Also, this has improved my experience of kbin so much I would gladly contribute a few bucks to it. Maybe consider turning it into an extension or a more elaborate project as more people move here from Reddit. Thanks again.

1 more...

Perfect! Thanks!

Doing god's work, I'll spread the message. I've already found it very helpful.

  1. Got it, makes sense, I figured as much.

  2. Yes, I mean a list of magazines hosted/birthed on kbin.

  3. I have no experience with Mastodon, but thank you for suggesting "New Article" which is what I did here, seems like the type of post I was looking to make, which is unintuitive because if you click on "Add New Post" it takes you to microblogging, and that's where my question arised.

Thanks again!

California Games for DOS on a monochrome orange and black monitor. This was the late 80s and I was just starting school. I remember it being extremely difficult but thought it was amazing all the same.

Yes, I've seen this, I've enabled it for now but photos show up too big and I don't like it. It'll have to do meanwhile. Thanks.

Hey! Great idea for the community, subscribed, and thanks!

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Fantastic work, thank you very much. I don't assume you're taking requests, but the only thing missing for me is if I could center the content, as right now it's all aligned to the left on my very large monitor and makes for awkward reading. I have no experience scripting but I'll look into trying to do this myself anyways. Again, thank you.

3 more...

Awesome, thank you!

  1. Install a browser extension called "Stylus"
  2. Navigate to the provided link (
  3. Click on the INSTALL button on the lower right.
  4. Donesies

It fails at respecting my screen's orientation lock on Android, so when in bed it kept rotating to landscape and that was extremely annoying, so had to remove it.

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Thanks for sharing. That was a really interesting read of a game I knew nothing about, and with a happy ending to boot. After reading a couple of reviews, I'm definitely going to check it out.

Hotdamn you're fast! Amazing, this looks perfect, no need to be super precise about it, content is now centered and looks beautiful. You bet I'll donate a few bucks. Thank you.

Found it, thank you very much.

Amazing, thank you very much!

Interesting, I'm also on MIUI 12.5 but I'm using Brave. Not really willing to change my browser for this, so I'll just wait. Thanks for the info, though!

Ah, there it is! Thanks for reporting it, I'm glad it's in the queue.

Thanks, dude! That works! However, I installed a style sheet which has loads of style customizations and it seems to also have fixed that for me. Here's where I found it, it's amazing:

Pls share the script, looks great.

@shazbot created a nice -monkey script that puts a link to your subscriptions at the top, which I've found super useful. Install it with Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey from here:

I'm thinking a lot of the equipment is different as well, and since they mention simulating equipment malfunctions, that plays an important part, especially with the additional limitations/simulated dangers.