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Joined 9 months ago

I used Ubuntu for a long while, then Debian for a new PC because the video card or display just wasn't working on Ubuntu.

Couple of weeks ago I finally tried this distro hopping thing people have been on about. I'd stuck with Ubuntu for so long due to an apparently misguided belief that it was stable.

I'm now using Project Bluefin from Universal Blue, a derivative of Fedora Silverblue and I'm blown away by how good it is. It uses Gnome and the maintainer has packaged a few tweaks to keep it similar in user experience to Ubuntu, along with a fantastic array of great software I never knew existed.

I'd highly recommend it to anyone historically loyal to Debian or Ubuntu.

For gaming you can easily install Bazzite as a container to access Steam. I can't say I fully follow the tech stack that makes it work, but it just does. Whereas my boilerplate Steam install on Debian was completely botched.

Universal Blue really is the future...

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The push for increased piracy is well-intended but for rightsholders it represents a major drawback too;

I assume they meant to write privacy there because I can't imagine enhanced piracy was intended

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The fact she was on vacation is entirely irrelevant to the story. It's inclusion is solely to lead the reader to think it was her primary residence.

We really need a separate community for Microsoft news.

Adding "btw, does anyone of you know a good alternative for PowerPoint?" does not make this a Linux topic...

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It's a pleasure to work with, cross platform, superb documentation, great support and a robust ecosystem. The only complaint people ever seem to have is moaning about Microsoft.

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I suspect if this was enabled by default there would be uproar from people annoyed the distro was stealing their bandwidth, and if it were opt-in then very few people would do it.

Windows Update uses peer to peer to distribute updates. It's one of the first things I always disabled.

The cynic in me immediately thinks this is so Facebook can further connect your activity to sell

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I despise powershell. But I have no actual reason for that opinion. .. I'm just familiar with Bash so anything else looks like too much effort.

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god has nothing to do with it

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I thought this was quite an insightful graphic until I realised the terms backend and frontend were borrowed from the terms back of house and front of house.

Most of the Linux communities are the same.

often the content isn't even related to Linux it's just tirades of anger against corporations. Doesn't even have to be Microsoft, any commercial that dares make any move in the Linux space - Canonical, red hat, oracle get derided too.

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You can only sit with people in your household. The others will need their own table

It looks like they're just testing it in a safe space. Hence the operator more focused on filming rather than steering

There is that one episode where they go into intense detail about how the Internet functions. They even show it!

It's not just cultural in terms of nations it's also dependent on the type of work. You're going to be critical of a taxi driver stinking of BO when he sits in an air conditioned cab all day, but not somebody doing physical labour in the open air

You're completely right. The deeper I get into bash the more absurd it is. Trying to iterate through text delimited by line breaks is ridiculously complex. And the sheer number of options for find and replace style operations is confusing sed, awk, printf, why?!

If it's a tool and being used for a clear purpose why can't the driver be Amish?

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What do you like about ligatures? I disable them straight away. To me it just seems to add an unnecessary level of complexity to the experience

It's that really the case? That's absurd. nobody looks like their license photo so I'm surprised the state doesn't provide an exemption.

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When you finish the final sentence of an essay or a report do you just submit it straight away? You don't read it through?

Oh I don't think I made it clear enough. I know full well my opinion has no merit. I legit know nothing about Powershell, other than it has a uniquely blue background.

A whitelist defeats the decentralisation and openness of a defederated system.

I think you're mistaken in your assumption it would be easy to identify malicious instances. Bots are notoriously difficult to fight, every time you block one method another workaround will appear.

Or on znls. It's ridiculous

While it's not a full replacement the raw materials making up the road surface can be reduced. Here's an example where books were recycled into the road surface -

Not to forget this is Lemmy which has a development leadership so left leaning that the CIA are likely already working on regime destabilisation

Dude. Calm down. You said something that people disagreed with, just accept that's the case and move on.

We've all had people disagree with us, doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on it achieves nothing.

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I don't know about the specific question you ask but I've found Google OR Tools to be useful in the past:

It's a pre requisite that presidential candidates must be one cold winter away from death

As opposed to serving cold pasta sauce on dry pasta or fresh pasta straight from the fridge?

The fact your comment here is at -1 really underlines the immaturity of many users.

I can understand your previous comment getting downvoted because it was a little inflammatory, but your statement here is entirely factual with a neutral tone. So there's really no reason to disagree with it, let alone pepper it with downvotes.

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it matter if you're right

I obviously don't care what people think

If you don't care then why does it matter?

This is Visual Studio Code which is a very different app to Visual Studio

I might take a look at the API and see what endpoints are used to list and add to the blocklist. It may be a fairly simple tool to put together

That's an interesting thought but I'm not sure I agree. Should runners use bike lanes? I'd say it's more to do with the danger each transport poses.

A runner is very capable of avoiding people walking, and even if they were to collide the impact is minimal.

A cyclist is much less capable of dodging a pedestrian, hence why they don't belong on a pavement. Same would apply to scooters.

Cars and large goods vehicles are a threat to cyclists due to the speed disparity.

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Once you've got a clear mind you should re-read the comments you're replying to. The only anger is your own, the only emotion is your own, the only ego is your own.

Everyone else is just toying with you for amusement. It's like watching a dog snapping at its own tail. You know you should probably help the poor soul out but at the same time you kinda want to see what happens.

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Occasionally only one of my monitors will turn on, I end up having to unplug the power cable to kick the other in to life.

I'm using Debian, with an AMD 6700 XT graphics card, dual monitors via display port. I've just ended up accepting it as one of the quirks of the Linux experience.

I never found Joe Wilkinson particularly entertaining - that was until his appearance on Taskmaster which was simply sublime.

Blocking the low quality content communities feels like an endless battle. I have been thinking for a while we need a centralised repository of links to block - similar to ad blocker lists.

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Does it still revolve around building roads or can cities finally thrive with alternative transport?

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The newer FFNTs are way cooler though