1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lordy this one is so specific I'll probably doxx myself with it, lol.

Small town college in a pretty red (enough) state, one store in town to buy any groceries unless you have a car and can get to the bigger stores in the next town. Black kid gets tackled fleeing the shop by the son of the shop owners, initial wave of gossip blames racial profiling by the white owners and the students start boycotting the business. College itself gets involved and stops purchasing food for the dining halls (baked goods, etc.) from the shop, severely cutting into their business margins. Turns out the kid was actually shoplifting, and if I remember correctly was shoplifting alcohol while underage, and it becomes a huge fiasco (as if it wasn't already) with the police getting involved and I think the business sued the college. Not positive how it ended as it mostly happened right when I was graduating.

There were news articles about it online as it got to be a pretty huge deal with the lawsuits and everything. Partly posting this to see how many other people from there at that time are on here (I suspect more than a few).

Edited to add - turns out there's an entire wikipedia article about this, so have fun anyone who searches for this lmao.

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I don't have specific info on what's harvested, but I have had mine active for a while and I'm at 300k tracking attempts blocked in the last 7 days. It's absolutely wild.

Edited to add - they don't specify what is being attempted, just what each company is known to track generally.

It wasn't really one sub in particular for me, honestly. The one big thing was the ever-increasing repost comment bots: they started to show up here and there and by now they're all over comment sections. I don't get the point of why they were created in the first place, and to me it was very analogous to the overall decline in the site. More bots, less actual discussion.

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Found this article from a US gov't site that talks a lot about this, kind of interesting to read.

Is there a reason discord is also being devalued? I haven't heard of anything negative going on there and they seem to be doing fine.

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I think some of the other commenters pointing out that it reads as a command is probably a big one, but you did a pretty good job of explaining it here (imo). Even just saying to him that you want a heads up of if it's good or bad and working out a system so you don't stress would probably be a marked improvement for you, and I would bet it'd be an easy fix.

Same here, I like Connect but I can't load a single comment on there so for now I'm on Jerboa. TBD where I end up permanently though.

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Preach, I call them "birthing hip trucks" lol

Usually it's pretty ok but I remember once being in an online PvP match and windows decided right then it NEEDED to update and started the process. It just went into update mode and restarted (oh so slowly) - my guess is there was a popup that I didn't see due to being in-game and it just went ahead and overrode whatever I was doing to update.

Yup, that's the one!

By holding myself responsible, and by being kind. I don't want to dox myself but having a reputation of someone who can be relied on and is trustworthy, and of also being nice to have around and to be with, means that when opportunities arise they'll think of you.

I want to say it's @remindme but without the space?

I honestly didn't notice them until this comment chain, and missed them terribly from Relay. So, uh, thanks, y'all? Lol

As someone who plays in an orchestra professionally, I totally 1000% agree with you. It's a weird fine line that I enjoy music, but I do it as a career because I really enjoy playing with other people and the music itself is almost secondary. Good luck explaining that to people who Really Like Classical Music, lol.

There's a lot of elitism in it and it sadly alienates a lot of would-be concert goers, I feel like.

Less than - if you look OP isn't subscribed to AskReddit, so it's 0% content they actually have subscribed to.

If you have android, the duckduckgo browser app has a beta opt-in app tracking blocker service. I activated it a few days ago and it's been horrifying how many trackers there are. Almost 50,000 since I turned it on maybe 4 days ago.

I haven't experienced it (yet) but I saw comments yesterday talking about downvote bombers. Definitely not your imagination.

There are a lot of bots still here so I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Conversely I'm having the similar issue of blocking one community but then different communities with the same name and content still appear on my feed as if I never blocked them at all. Like playing whack-a-mole.

I'm pretty much also in the boat so thanks for writing out a lot of what I was already thinking, lol.

I absolutely do have some imposter syndrome but what I've chosen to do about it is be completely open with others about having it (I don't advise this if you're a doctor or something like that, I'm in a creative-and-thereby-totally-subjective field). I found that being open about it or anxieties has in turn made others more open in turn, and it's made the nagging voice in the back of my head a lot quieter.

My best advice for you OP is to learn to really, truly forgive yourself. For little blunders or whatever else, learning to not beat myself up over mistakes or embarrassment was life-changing in terms of being able to curate a sunnier attitude toward my own self.

Everyone I know who played OW has been following the news and updates for OW2 but as far as I know not actually playing. So to answer your question, yes.... but also, no.

Agreed, I literally blocked that community because I was tired of seeing his name all the time and all they ever post is shit about him. I really don't get it.

League of Legends, no doubt (and no idea how many hours across my two main accounts). Just... yikes on a bike, that one.

Other tops probably Sims if I can count all the different games. Stardew and animal crossing are up there as well, I'm sure.

A sub "the tenth dentist" (I forget the specific name) had a system where if you agreed with it you down vote, whereas if you disagree you upvote. I think it made moderation probably kind of tricky (they also had a way to flag things as hugely improbable/karma farming) but it at least kept the spirit of truly unpopular opinions at the forefront.

Yeah, it's just reposts so the OPs never see any comments here. I learned this when I blocked the bot out of irritation from reposts, and the entire community disappeared lmao

Same here. Even subs (instances? communities? still figuring out the lingo, sorry) are so quiet I'm even posting actual posts. Or on news posts, I have a question about the content where on reddit someone will have already asked and I can just see what responses or vitriol they got.