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Joined 12 months ago

The more users the more content there is though which is ultimately what I want as a user.

This is even more important for more niche communities a lot of which are still very quiet/dead/non-existent on Lemmy relative to reddit.

I went for a 5 year mortgage rather than a 2 year at my last renewal. With how much rates have increased by recently, I think this will have saved me about £15k by the end of the 5 years.

My app only really stopped working yesterday.

I wouldn't say massively different, but I do find it pretty stale content wise recently. Only started using Lemmy today and worry that it's just a bit empty content wise for the moment...

I think the big worry with AI and the arts is the threat of it putting legit artists out of business.

I think film is less likely to be effected, but certainly typical art and music could be effected pretty badly.

I'd be interested to know what the % is for movies and TV to be honest. I know Dr Who for example has like 100 episodes that have just been lost. There's no copies of them anywhere that anyone knows of.

I mean, at the moment I'll just take most active. I believe in the idea of the fediverse giving us multiple communities for different vibes of talking about the same topics but for now I'll just take having communities that are a bit more active

Not Zuck, but there is definitely a accessibility issue at the moment imo

You need to sneak it into their house and put it up somewhere!

It's worth comparing similar communities on different instances to make sure you find the most active group.

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At the same time, in Pokemon Red I didn't know where to go at all after the 3rd gym and when I did eventually find that cave I didn't know flash was a thing, so that was painful.

I think I had a level 45 Venasaur by the 4th gym!

You only need an account on one server. You can still subscribe/post/comment to communities on other servers but you kind of do it as a visitor (though it doesn't make any difference).

Some of the servers aren't friends with each other though, so there are some servers where if you have an account there you won't be able to interact with communities on specific other servers

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I remember playing the demo of it over and over again but I never saw the full game for sale anywhere so didn't get to play properly. The monster merging thing was awesome and I remember the flutey music being awesome.

Does GDPR cover anonymous data?

And is reddit history anonymous in a legal sense?

You should check out Foxhole. It's a pretty similar type of game though not an fps. Is more of a top down shooter type thing

Have a look at a game called Banished. It's a town builder that felt quite relaxing to play, but had a bit of a survivalist side to it as well.

Rimworld is probably slightly too combat focused, but it's an amazing game and has definite building elements to it as well.

Pure city builder I'd probably go for skylines, though I don't think it's got the kind of trade and resource management that's so important in Anno

Could instances not basically do that here too though?

I think reddit changed a lot in the last 10 years. It went from lots of small unique communities where there was really good discussion to everywhere kind of just being an echo chamber where if you disagreed you were just down voted out of the discussion rather than being able to just talk about your different points of view.

I think the base website doesn't explain it well. Like if you go to the main page I didn't find it obvious at all how to actually start using Lemmy.

Hadn't realised they stopped updating it :(

Which client are you using now?

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Thanks. I've been using liftoff too but have been finding it a little buggy at times.

Hoping Boost for Lemmy will launch soon

I think it's chicken and egg.

I find it hard to spend much time on Lemmy cause there's not as much content being posted... Which is because there aren't as many users... But users won't come until there's content...

I also still stand by the whole instance thing being confusing for someone to join (though I do understand its benefits I guess)

I used to love MMOs (Eve Online and FFXIV) back when I had masses of free time and could get away with coming home from work and getting stuck into a game from 6pm until 12pm every night. The communities I got to join in with were great and it was really fun. Loved Dota 2 for years as well.

Now that I've got a kid though I have to play things that I can pick up and put down quickly and easily and that's kind of pushed me into mostly playing single player games now. Currently playing FFXVI.

Ahh, so not really a threat to Lemmy then? Like they aren't really trying to be the same thing...

Does karma actually effect your account on reddit?

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What is threads?

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Sorry I think you misinterpret what I was saying.

Im saying that those who don't care about it are also likely the ones that need to care about it the most.

I feel like Cambridge Analytics stuff was about picking out who might be vulnerable to those types of political campaigns and by nature there's probably a bit of a correlation between that type of vulnerability and a lack of understanding of why their privacy is important.

The people who recognise it's important are unlikely to be the ones picked out by these groups anyway

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