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Joined 1 years ago

I wish Mitch McConnell a speedy another stroke.

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Republican lawmakers have signaled that they will use their gerrymandered majorities to fight the court. Several Republican said in the run-up to Tuesday, before Protasiewicz even won, that they would consider impeaching her and removing her from office.

Republicans know they can't win fairly and will cheat and steal to stay in power.

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Musk should have rebranded to 𝕃 because that's all he's been taking lately.

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From now on any videos posted will be called Xvideos.

ChatGPT is a redditor?

Seconded. The whole cake day thing is one of the most reddit things ever, and I mean that as a slur.

So instead of making any effort to explain why you think the things progressives/leftists support are bad, you just call it "woke" and accuse them of being "tankies" without actually contributing anything meaningful to the conversation.

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It's just tiring how Republicans can openly subvert the will of the voters and face zero consequences for it, even from their own party.

How long do you think before she turns around and calls LGBTQ+ people or drag queens "groomers" again?

ti ts.

If that was their intent then why defederate from hexbear but not lemmygrad or

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The real question is "who is going to stop him?"

So your solution to the "all politicians are criminals" problem is to vote for the biggest, loudest criminal out of all of them?

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Actually they finally passed one in 2022.

Took them over 100 years though.

That's capitalism, baby. It's always growth growth growth without end. Capitalists having a solid, mature product/service that's making them a constant stream of money is never enough, they have to keep making more and more money, even if it means making the product shittier and shittier and sucking every last possible cent out of the end user until the product is a ghost of its former self. But hey, shareholder profits are up half a percent in the last quarter, totally worth it.

See also: reddit

I think you left out the part where Democrats grow spines.

They're well aware of the ideological leanings of these other instances, and if they haven't chosen to defederate by now, they probably aren't going to. If you don't like that, you're free to move to another instance, or create your own, but you don't get to tell the admins of other instances how to run their instances.

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In the past the babies were abandoned to die, live in a terrible orphanage or in general live terrible lives.

This is what Republicans want to bring back.

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Fetuses aren't babies. No amount of moral grandstanding will ever change that. Touch grass and engage with reality.

"Everything I don't like is Russian propaganda" lmao get the fuck over yourself. It's fine to disagree with people, but to claim everything that opposes your viewpoint is enemy propaganda is the most "baby's first guide to internet discourse" shit ever. Grow up.

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Are communities dedicated to transphobic/hateful/Qanon bullshit banned on this site? And if so, is there a way to report communities that break these rules directly to the admins? I've already found one community whose creator is intent on using it to pump out transphobic bullshit and election fraud misinformation, and it would be better for this website's longevity to not repeat Reddit's mistakes of doing nothing whatsoever about hateful communities and allowing them to fester.

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Draw something unexpected on it for extra fun. Like dickbutt.

You have spent this entire thread screaming into the void about how much you hate "woke lemmy instances" and "tankies" and how needs to defederate from all these instances you hate. Maybe turn off the computer and step outside for a little while.

"Tankie" is a meaningless term libs use to dismiss anyone to the left of them. It's as empty as boomers calling everything to the left of Reagan "communist."

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Transphobes are very much not welcome, and this loser is one.

And they're damn fools if they still think that. Trump works for nobody but himself.

Because dismissing everything you don't agree with as "Russian propaganda" and "undermining progress" is completely civil.

Salt with water in it.

What part are they lying about, exactly?

Wow a completely misinterpreted paragraph copied directly from wikipedia, you sure showed me.

I never said anything about you praising authoritarian leaders, that’s the picture you’re painting in your head.

You started going on about "supreme leaders" out of nowhere, how exactly was I supposed to interpret that?

Either way I think it's funny that the other user who replied to you gave a much more detailed and educated answer than I did yet you chose to ignore them and reply to me instead. You don't actually to want to have a conversation and learn things, you're just here to troll.

Yeah when I say fix healthcare I mean universal healthcare. ACA was a bunch of half-assed bullshit.

I wouldn't say that fixing healthcare is a prerequisite for fixing transportation. Shitty people on transit aren't as big of an issue as people on reddit (and now lemmy I guess) make it out to be, and frankly I'd prefer those people were on buses or trains instead of behind the wheel of a two ton death machine. Besides, there are plenty of shitty drivers who aren't mentally unwell, so it's not as though solving healthcare is going to do much to fix the issues with transit.

But yeah I agree, dismantling capitalism and the fascists supporting it is necessary to fix either problem. The oil industry is one of the biggest contributors to climate change, anyway, so there's no reason why we shouldn't be getting rid of them.

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Still not single-payer, still a half-assed solution. The rest of the world figured out healthcare ages ago, long before ACA was written up. There's no excuse for this insurance industry enabling nonsense.

idk tell that to all the users complaining about "too many tankies" on lemmy. I'm not the one who turned this into a conversation about ideology, I'm just responding to it.

I DM'd you the details, and I really appreciate the vigilance. For clarification, do reports in communities get pushed up to site moderators or are they only visible to community mods? For example reddit has separate reporting options for admins and subreddit mods, and subreddit reports can be sent to both mods and admins.

How about advocating for better access to mental healthcare instead? Banning people who shouldn't be driving cars from public transit is just going to make it harder for them to get around without actually solving any problems.

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Weird how I've been in so-called "tankie" spaces for years and I never hear praise for authoritarian leaders. It's almost as if all these "tankies bad" whiners are just liberals who don't know shit about communism and are literally indistinguishable from the "woke bad" nonsense I hear from reactionaries.

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Why would we want to be here when it was only a bunch of douches role playing as Stalin?

So don't come here? You've got plenty of other options. Why come into leftist spaces then complain about how you don't like how leftist it is?

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Conservatives really hate it when their dog whistles get called out for what they are.

Great, and you proved my point that reactionary pissbabies throw a fit every time they get rightfully called out for being bigots.

Go back to reddit, you're not welcome here.

I never made such a claim; I addressed those who did make it and chose to complain about it. Try reading through this thread to gain an understanding of who I was referring to when I initially said "All the users in this thread whining about “tankies”."

Can you please make an effort to understand the point I'm making if you're going to reply again? This is the second time you've completely failed to comprehend anything I've written.