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Joined 1 years ago

Awesome timing, was about to add a whole lot of them to my new house, guess that ain’t happening

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Ah shit, I was about to claim SpezialRedditOperazion

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I don't mind having to watch an ad every now and then, a couple of years ago the ads were still acceptable, watch 30s, one ad, the video starts and enjoy. Now it is two or three ads and the start, which can be longer than the video itself, and you can have ads in the middle of the video. It just becomes very annoying, very quickly. Hence, I started blocking these ads more and more.

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When will governments and the EU learn that weakening or eliminating e2e would be a higher security threat than being able to monitor communication. Don’t these suits know that it could also affect them negatively and open the door (pun intended) for criminals to target them?

“But I cannot leave Facebook, I will miss out on what everyone is faking in their miserable lives” /s

Since when is Meta considering something as being too dangerous? It is not like Facebook and Instagram are any less dangerous...

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Funny thing is that in our “regional delivery center” in Romania, most developers are woman, and CS is a very desirable study for woman there

This guy fucks!

Sure, the party won't stop, but the fun people already left, they are here!

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Well, they need to know your device rotation to serve you the perfect ads! /s
Seriously, I wouldn't mind them knowing a thing or two about me, when I'm using their services. But tracking everything, just because they can, is just obnoxious. If you would translate this to the real world, you would definitely get arrested when you would stand on the corner of the street, noting down everything you see, every dimension/detail of every person walking by. You would be labeled "creep". But if Facebook does it, governments go like: You can build your new data center right here, don't mind the measly peasants that currently live in the village nearby

Keep it, store it somewhere. It is a good memory to what it ones was.

I can imagine that if you have the money, that you would want to do something exotic like this. Same way like other people want to visit unique places on holidays. I do question their thought process when they saw the actual submarine before take-off. It doesn't really scream "high-tech" or robust from the footage that I have seen. However, even then, they cannot assess that being just a tourist in this situation.

I think there is quite some blame for the CEO of OceanGate (love the name by the way, screams scandal). It appears the framework was not in place to conduct these trips safely. Lack of safety features and backup vehicles to retrieve the vessel in case of an emergency are some serious oversights.

I'm not sure this is to ensure the content is made by humans, that isn't the goal. Valve just wants to ensure that the game dev owns the rights of the content created for the game. Using AI, you can still own the rights in some scenario's as long as the AI doesn't use inputs that it doesn't have the rights to.

This is a very good development, it ensures that creators and owners of content are safeguarded, while at the same time ensuring that gamers get fresh and new content.

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I don’t want it to turn into Telegram, just give me a lightweight, secure and privacy focused messaging app.

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Yeah, imagine running a company, with customers that simply pay the monthly, because it is cheap enough to cancel. But then you start annoying the users and reduce convenience, then increase the price. What could possibly be the end goal here?

Glad to see that the bullshit jobs are replaced first!

You know Putin, he is very conscious about Russias ecological footprint /s

Everyone already knew at the time that this decision was doomed to fail. They now even doubled down to actively remove sensors from older models, to avoid the inputs interfering with the new updates. When it comes to automating and especially autonomous driving in combination with safety, one should want as much input as possible. I doubt visual can compute faster than radar/lidar, I think it was just a cost saving effort. Gladly, Mercedes and BMW show the way to autonomous driving and are allowed to actually start using the first versions on European highways.

Data mining / big data / ads

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Rumor has it, the band is still playing

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As long as he stays away from windows, he will be fine. /s
I agree with you, I don't think it is smart. Putin will not accept this deal, as he lost face in this conflict. Sure he will make the deal, but that doesn't mean he won't lock up Prigozhin or worse. Smartest move for Prigozhin is to continue.

Its been here for decades. It was already mandatory to provide an iris scan upon arrival in the US back when I visited New York in 2013. At the time, I was already baffled it was a requirement and wasn't happy, but at that moment there is nothing else to do then comply. The US probably has a very big iris scan, fingerprint and passport database of at least the western world.

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For countries needing a passport, this might work, but in the EU? This won't make much difference.

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None of the candidates could handle the pressure /s

Yeah indeed, the paper bags are more polluting to produce than its plastic equivalent. The many problem with plastics is that it does more damage when it ends up in nature, but it is recyclable though.

We should stop blaming the people/consumers and start blaming the large corporations that dump PFAS in our drink water supply, like they did here in The Netherlands and Belgium. That does lore harm than the plastic straws ever did

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But can Mark… die?

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Watching from a far (The Netherlands), it always amazed me how the political scale in the US is described. Even the democrats in the US feel more to the right, then positioned in the US. Some people go as far to call democrats communist, but I don't think these people know what communist really is, in the same way that Americans don't seem to know what (neo)liberal actually is. It is both entertaining and concerning to watch.

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Makes sense, it would be a major risk to accidentally shoot a UN representative, while you are shooting on people in need of aid. /s

The real marketing trick is making you believe it is a cookie, and not some mixture of weird chemicals and ingredients that can only be identified by a code.

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He couldn't handle the pressure /s

IMHO not the smartest move of Prigozyhin to stop now and close a deal. There are no guarantees that Putin won't stab him in the back as soon as he leaves Moscow. Why would he tolerate such behavior? The only thing Prigozyhin can do is push through.

Most countries don’t have free healthcare. But require people to be insured. E.g here in NL you have to have atleast basic coverage costing roughly 140 euro a month

Agree and disagree.
Agree, because it would make things easier.

Disagree, because one of the value propositions of the fediverse is that every platform can be managed independently, while still interacting with the same content. Heck if they call it peanuts in one platform, and oranges in the other, all fine with me

Are you sure you want WWIII? Because that’s basically what you are preaching.

Listening to the stories of my grandparents, another World War is not something I want

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Boom! downvoted for having an opinion! /s
Oh, apologies, still getting used to not being on reddit ;)

As an emergency supply, yes. However, it is unclear how much of it is left. People/news quote hour estimations, but it is anyone's guess really. People in panic consume more oxygen. Additionally, it is still unclear what happened. For example, if they had a leak, they will probably have different problems than oxygen.

Let's just hope that they manage to find them, at least in those 96 hours.

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Good news. Sure the amount is too low, but it is good precedent to apply the same fine in Belgium and The Netherlands, where they did the same

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Agreed, yet it does seem to be a more logical explanation then the "official" narrative.

If such a thing can drop its price, be sure that it would be a great buying opportunity

I literally never drove a German-made car made in the last 8 years and thought "wow, what a thoughtful infotainment and user experience".

Did you, or did you not drive German made cars in the past 8 years? Because in my experience, currently driving a BMW 320e (2021), I can attest that it is by far the best system I have used in any car. In my experience, way better than the brands you mention above. Perhaps I am one of those people that ensures these brands survive, because they make great automobiles that fit my needs.

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