6 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Read the first line of the post, this poor Thinkpad is still a Windows machine.

Left news: A Trump dictatorship is inevitable

Right news: A Biden dictatorship is inevitable

Actual news: The media wants you to start a civil war with your fellow man to distract you from eating the rich.

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The fact that any names are redacted at all is proof that the only real solution is the guillotine.

That's literally the opposite of how it's supposed to be, new tech is expensive and only early adopters can buy in, then when the EA's money comes in, it is spent to improve and make the tech cheaper, which allows it to be adopted by the masses. With streaming, all of the fat cats decided to start it cheap to get everyone hooked and moved over, then jacked up the prices because the shareholders aren't satisfied with their draconic gold hoards.

Because the people who think God told them "naw fam" usually don't follow through with their insane ideas.

Every politician says they will legalize weed if it gets them votes. No politician will ever actually legalize it though because then they lose one of their biggest platforms to draw voters. The single-minded boomer vote also disappears if he does legalize it.

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Problem: that costs money

At this point it is big enough to gather the interest of the media whether it stays up or gets wiped, and investors watch the media like hawks.

They also conveniently have NO information on how to register. Really seems like "going private" means "shutting down"

No rich person actually has to fight in any war, that's the job of those dirty poors. And every gun/round sold is extra money to the (rich) people who made investments into the MIC and media propaganda machine.


And the right says the Democrats are actual fascists, the left says the right is actively stripping human rights, the right says the left is actively murdering babies. Both are just flinging shit. Yes, the GOP are deplorable bastards, so are neo-liberals and SJWs. The problem is the politicians themselves, not the team they are on. Every speech and news article is designed to rile you up against the other side these days. If we focused our efforts on getting these corpses and puppets out of our government we would find that, outside of some extremes, Americans have more in common with each other than the media wants us to think.

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This dude hasn't heard of pirate streaming services.

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Common sense.

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Non-native English speakers don't have this problem because they actually learn proper English. The problem is people who speak it naturally and don't give a damn about proper English. After a certain point it becomes less inclusive to spew out near unreadable gibberish like the beginning of your reply.

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But if someone makes a joke about forcing someone to be cisgender all hell breaks loose. Sounds like equality still isn't here.

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And someone WOULDN'T kill themselves if they were forced to be cis and wanted to be trans? I got news for you, pal.

Why don't you bother to take a gander at the community this post is in?

Boats are a she because sailors stay in the safety of her belly for months on end. Women weren't allowed on board because 1. Horny sailors, 2. Monthly complications, 3. A sense of chivalry and wanting to protect them from the harsh unforgiving sea, and 4. To have somebody to come home to.

Which by extension removes the stupid one liner contest that every reddit post devolves into.

Yes, it is just a casino chip. The US dollar has been backed by jack shit for a long time.

Yes, in fact there are modded versions of the Spotify app (idk about apple) to access their library for free.

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No, that's Google keeping the content of the pages they scraped at the time they scraped them.

Some do the first, some do the other

Not quite, flags don't care about the order they are in.

Do you even read what you type? If you genuinely believe narcissists are magic then you are truly deluded.

When will we learn that all politicians are shit regardless of color? Guillotine for president 2024!!!

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Sanders is one of the only politicians unworthy of the guillotine.

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You should pin a post at the top of the other community that leads here and vice versa.

Same for image links, I don't like switching to my browser every time I want to look at an image.

Jerboa search only finds communities that at least 1 person on your instance subscribed to, to find new communities from other instances easily I like to use

Then when you find a community, go to the web version of your instance (don't worry it's (mostly) mobile friendly) and type !name@instan.ce (don't forget the !) Then you can subscribe there. Close and reopen Jerboa and your new community will show up in the list. The Jerboa devs are working on fixing this.

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YES! Especially since just about every social media has removed or never included dislikes at this point.

Tap a comment, then realize that feature already exists.

I'm on Mastodon as

Pixelfed as

And here on Lemmy as

Sounds like you want a tiling window manager, I like i3-gaps.

Hold your finger in the void to the right of the username. It was an unnecessary feature added among a bunch of good ones like in-app image viewing.

Look 2 buttons to the right of the impostor button, the box with dots in it.

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Or an eye or something, yeah. I had the same problem until I got used to it.