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Obviously it's a skill issue but don't you ever make mistakes? If Rust prevents some bugs and makes you more productive, what is not to like? It's a new language and takes time to learn but the benefits seem to outweigh the downsides now and certainly in the long run (compared to C at least).

Maybe Torvalds didn't give in to public opinion but made an informed choice?

The crates are a bit of a problem and I think Rust is a bit overhyped for high-level problems (it still requires manual memory management after all) but those are not principal roadblockers, especially in the kernel.

There are quite a lot of AI-sceptics in this thread. If you compare the situation to 10 years ago, isn't it insane how far we've come since then?

Image generation, video generation, self-driving cars (Level 4 so the driver doesn't need to pay attention at all times), capable text comprehension and generation. Whether it is used for translation, help with writing reports or coding. And to top it all off, we have open source models that are at least in a similar ballpark as the closed ones and those models can be run on consumer hardware.

Obviously AI is not a solved problem yet and there are lots of shortcomings (especially with LLMs and logic where they completely fail for even simple problems) but the progress is astonishing.

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I absolutely think that the numbers are correct. If Reddit is a habit for you you will not break it immediately (unless you really dislike the changes). This is just time spent, not how much users enjoy it. And if they don't enjoy the content as much because the quality dropped they will start looking for alternatives. But for most that is a long term thing.

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Well, isn't that sort of mentioned in the article?

If fediverse development slows down e.g. because adoption of inofficial Facebook extensions takes time it will harm the whole platform. Not by directly taking away users but by blocking progress.

I don't think the Fediverse is small enough for this to be a serious concern. Especially once multiple companies (Tumblr?) are invested in the fediverse I don't see this happening anymore.

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Alternatively, they give Reddit one users worth of ads to make Lemmy a better alternative. I think many will continue using Reddit but attempt to reduce the usage (especially once 3PA are blocked). That means once you run out of content on Lemmy, you switch to Reddit. So more content on Lemmy means less time on Reddit.

The simple truth is that there are communities on Reddit that I care more about than about the API changes. And for those I will continue using Reddit until an alternative exists. So it is a gradual change for me and everyone that helps moving the good content to Lemmy helps me indirectly.

I guess it comes down to whether you consider highly upvoted content good content, especially when it comes to memes etc.

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I assume you mean casualties? In that case outright deaths would be approximately a third of that.

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But did the coup really fail? Prigozhin simply called it off after !another! country negotiated a solution. The coup in Turkey failed because of, seemingly, Erdogan being too powerful and the people loving him. In Russia it failed because of Lukashenko intervening and Prigozhin calling it off. Putin does not look strong currently.

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There is also AppImage Launcher which works nicely for me. It automatically integrates AppImages into the DE (e.g. search and start menu) and a few other nice things.

You can understand it but you can't interpret the value. How many movies is a CD? Or a DVD? Or a 1TB SSD? Or even Avatar in 3D (presumably not 1)? How many movies have even been released in total/last year?

The number awes non-tech savvy folk but it doesn't really inform them of anything. You could just as well write "more movies than you will ever need".

And besides that, I personally think that news should try to educate folk. I'm completely fine with a comparison in the article. But why in the headline?

I mean, there shouldn't be any salmonella on fried eggs in the first place. And once dead it won't come back just from being stored in the fridge.

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Huh? Why would you switch to miles from kilometers?

And IMHO megameters aren't used that often because there is rarely anything useful to measure with it. Using a different unit makes you lose your sense of scale (e.g. the earth has a radius of ~7000km, not 7Mm) and for astronomy megameters aren't big enough most of the time (and you might as well use lightseconds/years because gigameters give no real intuition of scale).

Not really as isotonic drinks are about having the same proportions of water and electrolytes as your blood.

Imagine completely evaporating a isotonic drink. Now you've got a pulver left. Obviously, this isn't going to be refreshing (unless you mix it with water again)

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Country builds up industry to not rely on opposing country in preparation for war.

Maybe we should be slightly concerned about that? IMHO it shows that Chinas ambition for Taiwan are quite serious.

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Sure, that's certainly a valid point. But at the very least it shows that they don't expect the sanctions to stop anytime soon. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean that a war with Taiwan is coming.

Sure. In my experience a week is absolutely no problem and usually cooked food goes bad in a detectable way (mold or tasting off). Personally I never had a problem but I guess it also depends on the fridge temperature and whether it really was cooked/fried all the way through.

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How else do you want to handle a CEO owning stock? From his perspective: He sees hard times coming for Unity so he sells his stock. At the same time he tries to turn the situation around, uncertain if he will succeed.

And AFAIK the trades are public so everyone would know that the CEO is sceptical about the company's future. There are obviously problems with the ToS changes but is the stock selling really all that relevant in this discussion?

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What is the application for plastic eating fungi? I thought that burning is the preferred alternative if all you want is to reduce it to CO2. That was you get some energy out of it too.

Or is it hoped that they will be able to survive in the oceans and/or landfills that contain too many toxic substances to burn directly?

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Consider another association with thirst: Desperation. In the mind of the author porn consumption is negative so anyone consuming porn is doing this out of desperation, despite knowing better. It essentially describes people being controlled by their base instincts. And thus this site is a trap, luring people against their will.

That is how I would interpret the word thirst in this context anyway. It's not about a critical need, it's about thirst being irrational and highly compulsive.

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Well, not for polyethylene if done at high enough temperatures. And I doubt that the fungi will like plastic covered in toxic substances. But maybe there is a price advantage there if you don't need to ship the plastic to a incinerator.

I didn't read up on it in detail but apparently incineration has some large disadvantages, only about 22% of all plastic waste is incinerated. So fungi could be useful for the remaining 78% so it might be more useful than I expected.

  1. What do you mean? Progress is already slow so any additional slow down will seriously harm the fediverse precisely because of the limited resources IMHO.
  2. I'm not quite as optimistic as you but yeah, I don't think it will be easy for Facebook and if they misjudge it they will end up making a competitor stronger by bringing more attention to it.
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I've actually wondered about this. If you take a sealed container, freeze and thaw it again, shouldn't it be sterile? So basically good for as long as the seal remains tight?

With some exceptions of course, the seal might not be tight at low temperatures, some bacteria can survive frost etc.

First things first, the US is going to deny involvment either way. So this means nothing TBH.

Lukashenko being involved is quite weird to me and makes me wonder if there is something going on there. Does Prigozhin really think that his life is safe now? Or was it simply delayed (e.g. because of assistance by Lukashenko in a future coup?). It doesn't really make sense either way.

TBH, I haven't read that much about the aftermath. I only heard some parts (e.g. the secret services) kept quiet for quite some time which suggests for me that they didn't really care either way. If everyone really supported him it does make a coup/collapse less likely. The impression I got was simply:

  • The support for Putin was cautious, especially in the beginning
  • Putins handling and Lukashenkos involvement do not convey strength thereby making everyone with power more likely to support a future coup

I also don't think the gang of eight is that diectly relatable because the SU collapsed. Here, it would simply mean replacing one president for another. In theory, a coup is as simple as a successful assasination (ignoring the successor question).

For me, it doesn't look like there is any way out for Putin. Winning the war is unrealistic at this time, would take a long time and would result in a long embargo from the west, destroying the economy even further. Losing the war will probably result in extreme protests with all the casualties that already occurred. We will see whatever happens. I assume that Prigozhin failed not because the elite support Putin but because they are even more afraid of him. I assume everyone with money wants the war to end.

And about the USA, yeah that's a bit of a whataboutism. There is a lot of division there and I think they are one bad president away from significantly worsening the situation. We will see about that too I guess.

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The selling was planned a long time ago right? I think the main problem here is a CEO owning stock in the first place. If he owns stock he will obviously sell it when he no longer thinks it's a good investment. And if it's planned some time ahead it's not exactly inside knowledge. At least I don't think that this is a bad case of insider trading.

My comment was intended to highlight how fundamentally our views differ and not to start a discussion. I'm aware that my view is not completely neutral but I feel like your view is too different from mine to productively discuss them.

Yes, the Russian economy is doing better than expected but, obviously, a country at war with embargoes and large amounts of the workforce at the front will suffer. And yes, the current counter-offensive is not going as well as planned but the fact that Ukraine even started it and is making, albeit small, gains shows that they are at least on approximately even footing.

Fair point. I personally think that AI lives up to enough parts of the hype so that there won't be another AI winter but who knows. Some will obviously get disillusioned but not enough.

Okay, sure. Still a bit skeptical about point 2 but we will see.

You're right, our views differ quite a lot. In your comment I disagree with basically every conclusion. The Russian economy is worse off, the war will end with Russia getting at most Crimea and a coup in the US is completely unrealistic as of now.

Time will tell.

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I'm not sure what "walk around a lot" means exactly but I've interpreted it as hiking and I'm fairly certain that you will have a very bad time when hiking for three days without ANY food.

And why do you think that you won't be able to consume enough calories without food? All kinds of drinks should have enough energy to sustain you, e.g. soft drinks, especially if you sweat and therefore drink more than 2l a day. In the worst case you can also just eat sugar.

Sure, no worries! I haven't been disappointed yet by responding to downvoted comments so I will keep doing it :)

Just another similar metaphor: Power hungry. Not the stove kind but the dictator kind. To be honest, there are quite a lot of body related metaphors, e.g. drowning in trouble, blinded by ambition. I guess it comes down to evoking some strong emotion.

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Totally agree, though I haven't really participated that much on Reddit. Seems like any disagreement is quickly framed as trolling over there.

I mean, I agree with your points here. Honestly, I'm wondering why he started in the first place as his life still is in danger.

I just don't agree that this strengthened the state/Putin. In a way, if someone like Prigozhin without any realistic chance tries a coup and gets away with his life (at least for now) doesn't this show how weak Russia currently is?

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Why do you think that? Dive bombing hits generally within a few meters, even during WW2 where it was used against tanks. Why would a guided rocket be that much better? Where would it get the target data from if it doesn't have a human to guide it?

Obviously, there exist guided munitions with higher accuracy (<1m) but that's not the majority.