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Joined 1 years ago

I have a basement where I swear it's 10°C colder than upstairs.

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I feel like celebrating on March 1st when it's not a leap year makes the most sense. If someone was born on February 29, then their birthday is the day after February 28.

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My dog wasn't allowed in my brother's room, but he loved my brother. One time, after he was kicked out, he tried slowly walking in backwards. I guess he thought we couldn't tell what he was doing if he did it backwards.

I reeeeeally recommend drying off after. Anyone who is prone to UTIs like I am, please dry off each time...

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Whoever was doing inventory must have been so confused.

A guy on Tinder sent my friend a Patrick meme that said "Is mayonnaise an ice breaker?" I, a big Spongebob nerd, told her to pick that guy. They're married now.

I don't hate religion or religious people. I just don't believe. I do find religions really interesting, though, historically and culturally.

I emailed the bonsai kitty guy when I was like 10 to tell him how mean he was.

Woah woah woah. Hold on a second. There are actually people who take Ancient Aliens seriously?! I thought we all watched it because it was hilariously stupid.

I don't know what I'm doing differently but I really haven't experienced the things everyone complains about. It's been fine overall. Not a ton to see but that just means I don't waste so much time.

In Canada we have a lot of that and I always assumed we import things from America and then just change the labels. The metric usually converts to a more reasonable number in imperial.

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Cilantro is one of the best things in life.

I have an old computer set up with a bunch of games for my kids that teach them how to use the mouse and keyboard. I think part of the problem is that kids aren't really taught how to use computers anymore. I remember going to a computer lab in grade one and being taught how to use the mouse and keyboard, how to save files (to a floppy disk), how to close windows and open programs, etc. Apparently they don't do that anymore. They just expect kids will figure it out on their own. My kids still definitely prefer touchscreens, but they don't mind the mouse or touchpad either.

I eat cereal dry with my milk in a glass.

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I'm a cis lady and I don't like being called ma'am. It feels so forced and phony.

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I've heard not being on social media is a growing trend with young kids because they want privacy. A lot of them have had their parents oversharing their entire lives and they don't want to do it anymore. I'm old though so who knows how true this is.

I've been going on all and sorting by new. Finding a lot of communities that way too.

Boxer briefs seem to be the popular choice with the guys I know.

I want a foot pedal for my kitchen sink so badly. I feel like it would save a lot of water and I'd never have to touch the sink with my gross hands I need to wash.

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To go pick it up myself, I have to: get warm clothes on my children, load them into their car seats, brush snow off the car, drive all the way there, get my children out of the car and into the restaurant, carry the food and corral my children back to the car, get them back into their car seats, drive all the way back, remove all the children from their seats, and then get their winter clothes off and put away. I'll pay $15 to not do that.

Pirate metal is fun and silly.

My children will only accept No Name (it's a store brand here in Canada) ranch dressing. I've gotten name brand ones on sale before and they were not impressed.

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Portuguese immigrants in Canada from mainland Portugal say this about people from the Azores. I heard it a lot growing up.

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I always took a late lunch so I only had two hours left of work when I was done lunch. I can deal with being sleepy for two hours.

I have been using convection ovens for way longer than I have had an air fryer and it's honestly different. The smaller size and the basket shape makes it cook faster and it's just so muxh easier to toss the stuff in the basket than it is to flip everything over halfway through baking. Deep frying does taste better but I hate cleaning it up after. I thought air fryers were stupid for years but then I tried one and I was wrong.

Perfectly identical? I doubt it. Eerily close though, totally. My brother and my dad look so much alike that I've mistaken photos of my dad as a kid for photos of ny brother, and my daughter looks like a tiny version of my father-in-law.

And then how many pushy religious people actually follow the good moral lessons from their beliefs, anyway? Like American fundies are so judgmental. Even my quiet, meek Catholic grandmother is so judgmental.

I like to buy discounted old lemons. I wrap them up and toss them in the freezer. They thaw ugly but are still good for cooking.

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A thrift store selling food sounds like the food bank after a canned food drive.

Really? I've been to weddings and funerals and baptisms in churches and never have I been offered a bible. Maybe it's a local thing?

I used to put mine in my butt pocket (the only semi-useful pocket we usually have), but then I dropped a phone into the toilet once.

Etsy has gotten worse since I got engaged, but that's where my ring is from. We went for sterling silver and it was $150.

I've wondered if most of those atheists were brought up very religious. They seem to take a very religious attitude towards their atheism. It would kind of explain why they're so obnoxious, too. Kind of like lashing out at their upbringing.

So many movies and tv shows lately feel like they were written by ai.

I genuinely love McDonald's fries. I don't love anything else there and I go maybe once or twice a year, but they really are my favourite fries.

I make my own hot dog buns and then put the cheapest, crappiest chicken hot dogs on them. I like the crappy chicken weenies.

Nobody will agree with me but I've been making the plainest salami sandwich for like 20 years and it is one of my favourite things to eat. Two slices of whatever white bread, four slices of hot genoa salami, one kraft single. I actually love to cook and bake and can make almost anything, but I still love this sandwich.

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Kohlrabi is good! I think of it like a broccoli-flavoured potato.

When I was 18, I took my little brother trick or treating. I'm short (and a woman), he's tall. Everyone asked him if he was too old to be out, but nobody questioned me.

Galen is evil but PC and No Name have so many good products. It's not fair.