4 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Witchcraft, I can't believe people still believe in this stuff.

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That's a crazy thing for him to say. The election isn't just his own little personal competition.

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When marking something to copy and paste. You start marking the text and drag to the right. If you drag too far to the right, your highlighting goes away and everything to the left of where you started becomes highlighted. Why would anybody ever want that behaviour? It is exactly the opposite of what you are trying to do.

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Lobbying and lobbyist groups.

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“I have no idea who is behind it,” Trump continued on Truth Social...."Anything they do, I wish them luck"

If you don't know anything about them, how/why would you wish them luck?

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RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) It is in use a fair amount, but it is usually buried. Many people don't know it exists and because of that I am afraid it will one day go away.

I find it a great simple way to stay up to date across multiple web sites the way I want to (on my terms, not theirs) By the way, it works on Lemmy to :)

I don't understand how arbitration ever came to be. It completely bypass the court systems, the very court systems that are put in place exactly for the purpose of making these type of decisions.

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When you have a web page with only an input box. You can't do anything else on that page except input into the box and yet the cursor isn't automatically placed in the box! You have to put it there first.

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I hope The Freedom From Religion Foundation gets involved with this in a big way.

The people that want a theocracy want it based on their religion and their interpretation of that religion. This way they can present what they want as what god wants and that gives them complete control over you since you have to obey god.

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"Think harder." You are already thinking, trying to come up with an answer and aren't able to. What does "think harder" even mean?

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They will slowly ease their customers into this new pricing idea and then slowly raise the prices higher and higher.

Christian Nationalism at work again.

Why is AT&T even using Social Security numbers?

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The low level workers work harder but don't get the rewards for their hard work. Those rewards go to the upper levels of the company. Of course the CEO wants employees to work more. He will benefit more than they will.

I wish I would have known about this before buying the Pinetab2. I didn't realize (completely my fault) that the Pinetab2 was a development unit without working wifi, bluetooth, camera and other issues. Once again, my fault, not Pine64's.

For me it was magic. I love watching magicians. When I got a chance to do some magic tricks it just wasn't as much fun as watching someone else do them.

It says that the program depends on a non-free network service. Does that mean there is a subscription or other type of payment involved?

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I want a stable OS, but I want the latest versions of applications (programs) without messing up anything. For me flatpak and snap meet that need, but I prefer flatpak.

Except those that profit by it ... and that group will shrink as the middle class is torn apart.

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Next they will try and stop you from talking about book bans. Then they will try and convince you that there are no such things as book bans ... and so it goes.

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I want to be happy.

They could if starting out it was easier. Once you hit people with "sign up for any instance ..." you will loose the majority of non-technical people.

Joplin It is a free an open source note taking app similar to Evernote. You can keep your data on a cloud service (such as Dropbox) to keep your notes in sync between Android, Windows, Linux and IOS or you can pay for Joplin Cloud storage.

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The people with money will spend to develop better AI and use that AI to make more money. Thus capitalism will keep growing.

I just use RSS feeds of the YouTube channels I want to follow. I am sure that will be taken away from us soon to force us to do things the way they want. Until then ... go RSS!

For 2D CAD, LibreCAD

Many? No, not many, just a very loud minority.

Let say there is a news story of a horrible event. I will up vote it so people see it and read it to learn. I am not up voting it because I am promoting the horrible event.

I would consider my life "well-lived" if I die with no regrets.

There is no proof that witches even exist, yet people were killed for being witches. Kind of like people are killed for believing in the "wrong" god. People really need to be thought how to think!

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You can use Joplin without any cloud sync at all and the notes just stay on your one device.

For the old Reddit interface (that you can still go back to), between the post and the comments towards the right is a button labeled "subscribe". Pressing that gives a popup saying "You are now subscribed ... for 7 days ...".

During the next 7 days, if any new comments come in, you are notified about them.

If you go to "Your Dashboard" and then the "My Subscriptions" you can see your subscriptions and renew them (for more days or unsubscribe.)

That and not being able to be notified when there are new replies to a topic (you are only notified if some repplies to something you wrote.) That means you read something and have to go back to it regularly to see if there are new replies. That doesn't work at all.

If everyone stopped believing in religion (any and all religions), all these religious leaders would lose their power.

Portal (co-op mode) using community made chambers.

Project yourself 20 years into the future. Imagine yourself saying this to present day you. Then act on that advice. Much of these suggestions can apply to anyone at almost any age.

If you are using Ubuntu, they have live patch available. You have to sign up for Ubuntu Pro, but that is free for individuals. I just heard about this and haven't tried it yet

Don't cut your hair off, cut yourself off ... from religion.

I like the app, but I don't like the update. By adding graphics (that add no value) you have to do more scrolling to find what you are looking for. Still absolutely worth using though since their content is good.