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Joined 1 years ago

Honestly, I would rather Lemmy attract its own community naturally rather than it be the place all redditors pipe into. I think most people who have already come from there can agree the culture is not really conductive to quality discussion, and we've started to see some of that leak into Lemmy as well.

Rather than just copy/paste reddit's users and culture, we should try to develop both on their own. Create an environment that users want to spend their time on. Then through word of mouth on other platforms they entice people here. I don't think just being the place redditors flood after every fuckup is healthy for the growth of the platform. As a Mastodon user, I'm kinda glad it isn't the primary platform Twitter refugees are flocking to.

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For Japan, you could encourage growth in the economy again, and encourage population growth by simply requiring companies to give ample vacation time, and require people to use said vacation time.

It's fucking ridiculous how much time Japanese people are forced to work. They basically spend the entire day at the office, sometimes the entire night with staff because companies force staff into not mandatory but totally mandatory afterwork drinking parties, and by the time people get back to their tiny homes and apartments, they might get a Sunday off to sleep off the exhaustion, then it's back into the office.

Many Japanese youth never even see their father, meanwhile they themselves are relentlessly robbed of their time by schools, after school clubs, cram schools, English Schools, test prep, and stupid amounts of homework they're expected to finish on top of that. Many of my students are on summer holiday, but are just as busy as school time thanks to all the homework they're saddled with and the clubs and jukus certainly don't let up for summer.

Nobody respects other people's free time here, thus people don't have the energy to do anything outside of their daily cycle, let alone fuck. Why buy a game console, TV, or a nice car when you never have time to enjoy it. Why go to Okinawa, or Fukuoka or Hokkaido when you're only going to have 3 days tops to enjoy it, and if you do somehow get a week to blow, why not take the dream trip to Hawaii, and spend your money out of the country.

Japanese population and economic troubles ultimately cycle back to the end of free time that the miracle period encouraged, and the bubble economy drove into overdrive. They have tried everything but taken this issue seriously, and the only thing they've come close to resembling addressing this is creating more national holidays, which are always way off from any vacation period, and many companies try to get out of giving time off, ands those that can't expect workers to make all the time up the day after.

They are literally working themselves to death here.

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Denying atrocities isn't the big anti-capitalist sell you think it is.

A lot of conservative politicians don't seem to realize they are the swamp we wish to drain.

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Does anyone really still expect a clean ,better than the original, unmonitzed remake from EA? This is probably for the best

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I play Mahjong. If I try talking to most Americans about it, they'll think I'm talking about Shanghai, or Mahjong Solitaire.

I actually play 3 forms of it:

Riichi: Standard Japanese rules. This is what you typically see in anime and mahjong games from Japan.

CSM: Competition rules for Chinese Mahjong. This what you'll typically see played in tournaments outside of Japan

American Mah-jongg: A ruleset with a lot of unique features. An AMJ set contains jokers that can act as any tile in the set. The game is played without being able to call "chow"(taking a sequence of 3 pieces), You "Charleston" for the pieces you need before the round begins (pass pieces to the right, left, and across from you), and the standard hands you can make change on a yearly basis. This is the version you often see played by the American Jewish community.

I love playing all three, but it's hard to play them in person, because you need to find at least 4 people who can play by the same rule set.

Riichi is easy enough in Japan, but it's seen as kinda a sketchy game here, and most places you can play it are at expensive and seedy mahjong parlors. Luckily there are a flood of video games based around it that make it more accessible.

Chinese Mahjong is very regional, and each area can have its own variation on the rules, scoring, accepted hands etc. When playing with Chinese friends, I just kinda roll with whatever variation they're playing.

For American Mah-jongg, because the standard hands change year to year, you have to buy a new card from the National Mah Jongg League yearly in order to keep up with it, so it's the only mahjong game with a subscription cost built in. Also as mentioned, the game is very community specific, but also the majority of players are often senior aged women, usually making me the youngest at the table by far.

I love playing all three, but it's hard enough finding someone else who also likes Mahjong, let alone find someone who doesn't confuse it for the solitaire game. I'm not saying Mahjong solitaire ruined my life, but if I could Thanos snap a game out of existence...

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If I can help it, I try to support local businesses over Walmart, Target, Amazon, or any other near monopolistic retail chain.

Chick-fil-A, and Hobby Lobby. Owners have been vehemently antiqueer and antichoice, and have funded such organizations and politicians through their business.

Activision/Blizzard and Ubisoft. Both have been accused of large scale sexual misconduct, and neither company has completely dealt with the issue.

Twitter and Reddit. It's not just that I hate the direction both sites are heading, but I want to fully back and support the open source alternatives that have grown during the migrations of both sites. Besides, Musk has made it to where I can't even lurk on Twitter if I wanted to.

JonTron. He's living proof that as long as you're funny, people will forgive and forget anything. (Look up his history with racism and antivax for those in the latter camp, cause I'm tired of answering the "what he do" question)

The Harry Potter franchise. This one hurt the most because I had just starting to get into the Harry Potter series as the pandemic hit, and I was halfway through Prisoner of Azkaban when Rowling started her campaign against trans people. I Also used respect Rowling a lot because she's a master at world building, and I had gotten into reading Harry Potter cause I wanted to take inspiration from it for my own work.

Ruroni Kenshin, and Nobuhiro Watsuki's other works. I can get why people would forgive JonTron and Rowling to an extent, but defending Nobuhiro's pedophilia is a bridge way tf too far for me.

I prefer having a physical game collection, but with the way physical games are handled now, with more than half the game needing to be downloaded to the console to cut costs or because they didn't finish the game before release, it doesn't solve the preservation or ownership problems anymore.

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Is it them taking a hard right authoritarian shift?

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I honestly prefer fediverse remain as that complex open source alt, because it's one of the few filters we have for users here.

I honestly don't believe rapid growth is healthy for any platform, and we've even seen it here with how comments and memes are getting increasingly vitriolic and offensive. Fuck, antivax memes are starting to appear on's meme community.

I'm starting to think Beehaw had the right idea with vetting users, because there people here who think Lemmy should be another 4chan.

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Probably meaning backwards, highly conservative, people from there are seen as "hicks" or "red knecks," have an abnormally high rate of incest and child marriage compared to the rest of the country, and any person part of a marginalized group would probably want to avoid.

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I agree with this fine gentleperson. They seem wise and totally cool and stuff.

My favorite Deltarune boss!

Didn't read, sorry. Reddit brain made my brain work not so good.

A lot of the post come from lemmygrad and hexbears posters, which are blocked by many instances, thus not visible to everyone. As a kbin user, I see them frequently.

Lemmy has an extremism problem. Partly because of the lack of moderation tools (which is why a lot of mods supposedly left reddit in the first place) and partly because of the lack of moderation, or straight up complacency of some mods.

Long distance walking. I usually pick a direction, put on a podcast or some music, and just vibe as I walk and listen.

I do it because it's not overly complicated, allows me to relax and enjoy something to listen to as I walk, gets me out of the house and maybe towards another activity I'd like to do, and it helps me sleep better at night.

On a light day, I might do it for 30 minutes. I might go for 2 hours if I'm in good condition. I think my record was over 5 hours.

Meanwhile, me and my siblings: "It's raining sunshine!"

If I had more control over the types of ads I saw, I would accept this. Often I'm shown something very unpleasant in order to sell a dumb mobile game or something. If any of them had to follow the same rules many content creators had to, they would never be allowed.

The state of ads right now feels like what if Elsagate videos were mandatory to watch? If I really want to support a creator, I donate to them.

How's the weather where you are?

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Are you an economically up and coming country and also hate the west?

And people will still insist on remaining there. I'm convinced Musk could shut down the site tomorrow, and people would continuously refresh until it somehow reappears.

As someone who reads Japanese, reading all kana can be slow because you are reading one syllable at a time. It makes going back to old video games and reading children's media tedious.

Once you know enough kanji though, you can read incredibly fast. Depending on the material, I can speedread faster in Japanese than I can in English.

This is because kanji is meant to be recognized at a glance rather than read in your head. The kana in Japanese sentence is supposed to provide grammatical context. So instead of reading "Inu ga ie ni nemashita" in my head, I'm seeing "Dog, in house, slept" from a glance.

So the downside to this system is that you're spending most of your education learning every character you'll need, but the upside is it can make reading very efficient once you have got it down. I think it's part of the reason Japan still has a pretty robust book culture.

Why does every fad tech come with a huge environmental cost?

Why does this seem to only be about Instagram?

Our incentive for fighting global warming.

Like Winnie the Pooh! With my bare hands slathered in honey!

Y'all are getting payed to live in shitty places?

I would be on top of a jump stars sequel/remake so fast

They returned cause we let up .

DINOs out

The Island and Chicken Run crossover nobody asked for!

(on our way to area 51)

What do we want? A man worth fighting for🎵

It still was a scary situation to me, and reminded me a lot of the Jan 6 insurrection. It wasn't just Ottawa either that was terrorized though. There were smaller convoys that terrorized towns in Alberta, and there were several border crossings that were blocked by truckers.

Canada may be a more tolerant place than America, but it still faces a lot of the same vulnerabilities that we face here from being overtaken by a militant minority.

A minority, but they are loud and have influence. I still remember the convoy that shut down the country for weeks.

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My b. My autocorrect is absolutely worthless.

I mean going on your second point, I think it demonstrates the difference between a slur and a descriptor is how it's used as a word.

Like transgender is neutral term but we see it becoming a scare word by fascists recently by changing how its used in speech. Like "transgendered", "transgenderism" or "transing" (as a note, it's kinda scary how the first two no longer set off window's spellcheck). Basically turning trans as a state of being adjective into a verb makes it seem like an act you can do to someone or have happen to you.

Dang. I thought the worst Michigan had to deal with now was the smoke from the Canadian forest fires.

It's been unseasonably hot here in Japan, and I'm in the north part that usually doesn't experiences heat this intense. Doesn't help air conditioning isn't standard here, and I'm been stuck in front of my fan trying to stay cool.
