2 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

IQ scores, in the way they are currently used, are absolutely useless and cannot tell you who is smart and who is not. They tell you who is good at taking tests.

I highly recommend the podcast series "My Year in Mensa" - it is a nice little story showing that high IQ probably does not account for much.

To your question - the answer is humility. Be humble and understanding. Everyone has something to offer.

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The fact that they seem to really have expected a Biden "pardon" is absolutely hilarious to me.

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GDPR violation.

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A regime like Putin's is stable until it suddenly is not. Russia has a lot of dark times ahead of it.

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Is this the company that was criticised for banning adult content?

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For history:

Revolutions by Mike Duncan. You can start with the Haitian and the Mexican revolutions. Then just listen to whichever season you want.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History.

The History of Rome by Mike Duncan.

These are absolutely amazing.

Honorable mentions for Behind the Bastards and Lions Lead by Donkeys, if you like some banter along with the story telling.

Edit: someone in here reminded me about Your Undivided Attention. It is, literally and without irony, the most important podcast you could ever listen.

10 more...

Someone needs to start a cat infestation. My garage used to be like this. Then I opened a window, so that the neighborhood cats could enter.

No mice after just a couple of months.

I am not even joking, the situation in this trench seems serious and cats are brutal hunters.

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F you, Uber.

They tried to bypass taxi laws in our main city and the municipality just kicked them out. Never thought I would say it, but here am I:

Good job, government. Well done.

Try in the browser. It is not pleasant but it works on mobile.

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How long before they go bankrupt?

well, they had it coming

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Until the last sentence I thought this was about the erratic behavior of Seal, a singer known for his song "Kiss from a Rose" from the motion picture movie Batman and Robin.

2 more... the surprise if nobody

Did you try sci hub for the separate chapters (if they have separate doi)?

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Why is he Andy Bernard from the Office?

So sad there are no free alternatives such as NewPipe that do exactly the same thing.

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Tired of western imperialism? Try Russian imperialism now!

These tech companies leaving certain places to avoid regulation, while sucking up to censorship laws in Russia and the likes... They can shove it, if you ask me.

Long a** f_cking time ago...

Good riddance

I love how they combine it all with light banter. Without the banter, most of the episode would be unlistenable, as you would be too depressed and tie yourself on a train track.

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Thank you!

What about Lemmy, though?

Nothing. She has no time to read Excel spreadsheets.

What could he have done?

He seems like a straight guy in every sense of the word. I vehemently disagree with his politics but I am sure that he will testify truthfully.

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What's the difference between Sync and the other apps for Lemmy?

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I have heard that you should divide by two and add 7.

I am 40, so that would mean I should be attracted to 27 year olds and up. Generally, it checks out. Caveats may apply, as people are, you know, different.

It seems that this aligns best to my experience. Habits encourage you to do something and it kind of becomes easier - but not automatic. Definitely never automatic. E.g. with teeth brushing - I will not automatically brush if I am not at home. It may also be difficult if I accidentally fall asleep on the couch...

Do you even billionaire, bro?

So... That's great, right?

Cool. Cool cool cool.

Thank you for the explanation!

This reminds me of that post apocalyptic Robert Evans novel (the Behind the Bastards guy)

The romantic nature of Batman and Robin's relationship is heavily implied throughout the movie, although we never see them perform acts of affection such as "smoochin", "gropin", "tongue kissin", "hand holdin", "sword fightin", or "butt stuff". It was, nonetheless, the fist ever movie to show a superhero in a committed same-sex relationship.

What is 112?

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That's a problem. I used to get news almost immediately from Reddit. Now I am a bit stuck on that front and so far there is no reasonable alternative.

For example, I like to follow chess news. I stumbled upon a piece of news on the wider internet that Hans Nieman and Magnus Carlsen had resolved their dispute. It wasn't very much reported on, so I checked old.reddit/r/chess to see what's going on. The first detailed thread on the matter had been opened and active, like, 5 minutes after the announcement.

At this point, nothing on the internet can compete with this.

It is kind of the same with world news and Ukraine war coverage.

So, yeah. After getting off of Reddit, I have lost the ability to be quickly informed about news. Mastodon is not much help and I don't want to fuel Elon Twitter's BS, so I am stuck.

ToC via Styles formatting and Table of authorities - these are from the top of my head, which I remember not working properly with Open Office. They need to work when I do them and also should be displayed correctly when I receive them from colleagues in docx format.

Format painter, track changes, spell checker in two languages, intendation adjustments, page breaks, and paste as text - I use these like crazy but I don't remember if they were OK in Open Office or not.

I was absolutely blown when I discovered that Peggy and Leela are played by the same actress.

It's not in the store. and install the APK file.

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Try to put them in the mood?