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Joined 2 months ago

Remind me what's dangerous about minorities close to being majorities?

Thank you.

Fuck that. Power-tripping bullys are the only people I've known that wanted to be cops.

TF kinda "real" cop keeps their head down in a corrupt system?

Maybe they didn't know that's the system they were signing up for, cause they're fuckin dumb... like a cop...

Channels can still run they're own in-video ads tho, yeah?

It's less so, but not incorruptible.

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The man who teaches cops to kill.

The course is called killology.

Fucking psychopaths.

If we get that far. The voters have to make it past Local Sheriffs on the ground.

There's also a Coalition of Right Wing Sheriffs wandering around somewhere.


Cause "Some Republicans..." = Bill o'-fucking-Reillys move.

"Some say... {Insert whatever the fuck}"

I don't buy it.

Trump: streams child pornography.

Headline: "RNC secures NAMBLA endorsement!"

Nah. You're describing the DNC. The charges DJT is facing are real. He needs the immunity and the ability to shut down the prosecutions. Not to mention how much MORE grift is available for a sitting president.

To them, it always has.

Let's lean into it with AI images of his Mona Lisa smiling ass hella drag-ed out!

Partisan fucking division? Fucking partisan division?


Stg I got out just in time.

Not sure what you're saying... ru referencing Nothing OS, or Oxygen... or...?

It sucks and I like it that way!

I'm okay with it too. But it undoubtedly influences content.

The best books... are those that tell you what you know already. :)

What!? Everybody knows; Absence of evidence, isn't evidence of absence. :)

Oh shit. I'll stick with the "u" :)

Fox news seems to own YT's algorithm as far as I can tell.

Never a click from me, but 6 of the top 10 news vids every time.

Hence the effort to defund education.

As if people weren't so fuckin dumb already.

Christ WTF year are we fucking in you guys?

Here's an instance - lol 'instance'

I can see what folks mean by smug.

At the same time, I think he genuinely wants to provide the best experience and value for phone users.

As a OnePlus user before and after his involvement, and setting aside hardware differences, it's small but notable steps backward in Oxygen OS since his departure. OP now literally copys iOS for many parts of it's UI and I'm not a fan.

Either way, it's not like this is aberrent behavior or speech from any CEO.

"Tim Cook tells 16h day Chinese laborers to 'lick his balls.'" -is not a headline that would surprise anyone.

Good for you.

I dunno it just made me think of that.

Kids? Volunteering?

Headline: "ANTIFA openly recruits and grooms children in MIB States!"


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Holy hell that's a good looking vagina.

...guy fucking lemms.

Sufferage, civil rights etc aren't institutions.

'idk, war will fix it" is a lazy-ass takeaway, but ok.

The entire system is beyond antiquated. Coupled with bureaucratic tendency to be self serving, leads me to believe "reformation" will look more like slow death, and further declining services.

I see no reason for optimism along the lines of "system reform", and history has no examples I can think of. Shit just gets worse and worse till people start killing people and try some new systems.

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If you say so...

I'd seen it spelled with an "e" given this definition and went with it.

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Do you terf here often?

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Couldn't agree more. Fuck a safe space for insane blatherskite.

"willful ignorance" lol

Like I don't wanna beat up on the guy but... fuckin hell.

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